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Current Laboratory Funding

NIH/NHLBI 2R01 HL63887-13               Davisson (PI)                                     7/15/11 - 4/30/15
Competitive Renewal
“Oxidant Stress in the Brain and Hypertension”  


NIH/NHLBI 2P01 HL084207-07              Davisson (PI, Project 1)                    4/13/13 - 3/31/18
PPG: Genetic and Signaling Mechanisms in the Central Regulation of Blood Pressure
(Sigmund, PPG Director)
Project 1: “Brain Angiotensin in Obesity-Induced Hypertension: Role of ER Stress, Oxidant Stress and Leptin” (Davisson, PI)


NIH/NHLBI 2P01 HL084207-07              Davisson (Co-PI, Core B)                  4/13/13 - 3/31/18
PPG: Genetic and Signaling Mechanisms in the Central Regulation of Blood Pressure
(Sigmund, PPG Director)
Core B: Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology


NIH/NHLBI 5P01 HL096571-06              Davisson (PI, Project 1)                     7/1/09 - 6/30/14*
PPG: “Forebrain Plasticity in Hypertension” (Iadecola, PI)
Project 1: “Hypertension and Prostanoid Signaling in the Subfornical Organ of the Brain”
*No Cost Extension


NIH/NHLBI 5P01 HL096571-06              Davisson (PI, Core D)                         7/1/09 - 6/30/14*
PPG: “Forebrain Plasticity in Hypertension” (Iadecola, PI)
Core D: Telemetry Core Laboratory
*No Cost Extension


Current Trainee Funding


NIH/NHLBI 1 K99 HL116776-01A1        Young (PI); Davisson (Sponsor)           8/8/13 - 7/31/15
"Role of Central Neural NFkB and ER Stress in Obesity-Induced Hypertension"