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Clinical Aspects of Captive Aquatic Animal Medicine

AQUAVET® III was created to give veterinary students and veterinarians more specific and practical training in aquarium and captive aquatic animal medicine. The course is designed for veterinary students and veterinarians who have specific interest in working in an aquarium or dolphinarium.

The course will be presented in three different venues. The first two weeks are focused on all of the animals found in a typical aquarium and will be held at the Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta, GA. The next week focuses on endoscopy and surgery of reptiles and fish taking place at the University of Georgia. The final two weeks take place at Dolphinaris in Cancún, México, where students focus on dolphin medicine including learning to take and analyze samples and hands-on learning of dolphin ultrasound. Students are expected to present a relevant in-depth case study during the third week of the course. This is a 5-week course and the three venues necessitate travel to Georgia and Mexico. It is very competitive since the limit will be 6 students. The prerequisite is having taken AQUAVET® I or equivalent. The course may not be presented every year.

Students with dolphin

The 2019 schedule for AQUAVET® III may be seen by viewing the:
3 GA AQ AQV3 Schedule 7-1-19  

UGA AQUAVETIII Schedule 3-26-19 

Dolphinaris Schedule

Students in front of large fish tank