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Introduction to Aquatic Veterinary Medicine

The four-week AQUAVET® I course, Introduction to Aquatic Veterinary Medicine, is a demanding educational experience requiring total involvement of participants during the entire period. At lease five and one-half days per week are scheduled, as are evenings, with all students taking part in every session. During the unscheduled hours there is opportunity for the informal exchange of ideas and information among students and faculty, many of who are leaders in their respective disciplines. Because individual study time is limited, reading assignments are made available in advance when possible. There is little written work, but each student is required to prepare and present a seminar to the group during the course.

The program is diverse, incorporating many topics relating to aquatic organisms, their environment, and the application of traditional veterinary disciplines to aquatic animals. To deal with this breadth of subject matter, faculty members are enlisted from a variety of backgrounds and fields of interest, and a broad range of learning situations are used. In addition to lectures, laboratories, student seminars and discussions, there are field trips, practicums and films.

A typical schedule for AQUAVET® I may be seen by viewing: 2024 Schedule for Aquavet I