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AQUAVET® Application Procedures & Information

Admission to the AQUAVET®  I and II courses, and to the research program, is competitive and based primarily on a review of application materials submitted. Decisions are made by a committee from the sponsoring institution, in consultation with faculty from each applicant's school. The decisions represent the committee's assessments of each applicant's ability to make use of the opportunity, as indicated by academic performance, previous experience in related fields, purpose and goals, and general qualifications. The potential contribution of the student to the future development of the field of aquatic veterinary medicine will be among the factors considered by the admissions committee.

Cornell University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action educator and admits students of any race, color, sex, religion, and national and ethnic origin, and students who may be handicapped or disabled.

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Tuition and other costs attendant on participation in the AQUAVET® courses are determined on an annual basis and reflect current operating expenses. Every effort is made to keep tuition and fees as low as possible. Stipends allotted to those persons who are selected for the summer research program are also determined annually according to available funds. 
Travel costs to and from Bristol, RI, and miscellaneous expenses must, in any case, be borne by the students. Click here for most current cost information.

Is it possible to take more than one AQUAVET® course in the same summer?

Since AQUAVET®I and AQUAVET®II overlap, they must be taken in separate years. 

Academic Credit 
Students from Cornell University receive academic credit for successful completion of any AQUAVET® courses or research phase. Other institutions may, at their own discretion, grant credit to participating students. AQUAVET® students already in possession of the veterinary degree are issued continuing education credits upon successful completion of the course.

Those students requiring a formal grade in order to receive academic credit from their home institution should make this fact known to the directors before the start of the course. Grades will be based on class, field trip, and laboratory participation and on the student's seminar presentation.

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A person wishing to apply for admission to the AQUAVET® I and II courses, or to be considered for the research fellowship, must submit transcripts of all college-level work and a completed application form. Statements on that form should contain all relevant information, but should be kept as succinct as possible. The deadline for receipt of applications is indicated on the form, as is the approximate date on which applicants will be notified of the committee's decisions. Applications may be downloaded from this page (see below). We request that the completed application form be sent as a .pdf or MS Word email attachment to the Office of the Director. Transcripts should also be submitted electronically if possible.

Course announcements and application materials are automatically sent to each North American college or school of veterinary medicine in November on an annual basis to facilitate access by veterinary students. Applications are normally due in mid-January.

Please note that each application contains four pages. Follow the directions on the application carefully. Please note: these applications are not designed to be filled out on-line.

Please note that: Completed application form should be sent as an e-mail attachment to:; the transcripts should be submitted electronically as well. Applications for the AQUAVET® Program are due by the 15th of January each year in the Office of the Director of AQUAVET®.

AQV1-APPL2025.docx  |  AQV1-APPL2025.pdf 

 AQV2-APPL2025docx  |  AQV2-APPL2025.pdf

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT OF APPLICATION. Once you have sent in your application, Dr. Stremme will send an acknowledgement when he has received this and also when he has received supporting materials such as the transcripts. IF YOU HAVE NOT RECEIVED AN ACKNOWLEDGEMENT, contact Dr. Stremme to be sure he has received your application and official copies of transcripts.

Further Information
Further information about any aspect of AQUAVET® may be obtained by contacting:

Donald W. Stremme, V.M.D.
AQUAVET® Director
Cornell University
College of Veterinary Medicine
Public and Ecosystem Health
930 Campus Road
Ithaca, NY 14853

Telephone 609-350-3044