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Secure Food Supply

Center for Food Security and Public Health

Secure Food Supply Plans

Secure Beef Supply

Getting Started

The NYSCHAP Secure Beef Supply program is a FREE and voluntary producer driven program designed to protect your livestock and your livelihood. It is one among a series of similar continuity of business plans for restoring and maintaining animal and product movement and marketability during an outbreak of a highly contagious animal disease.

  1. Visit the New York State Cattle Health Assurance Program (NYSCHAP) website for an overview of the NYSCHAP program and how the program can help a farm increase their herd health, productivity, and profitability.
  2. Select the New York State Secure Beef Supply Module for producer resources and templates
  3. Visit the National Secure Beef Supply website for additional information and materials.
  4. Contact New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets (NYSAGM), or a NYSCHAP- approved Accredited Veterinarian to begin the process of working on a plan. A list of state veterinarians and their territories are listed on the NYSCHAP website.
  5. Submit your operation-specific biosecurity plan to NYSAGM and schedule an appointment with a NYSAGM field staff or agent, who will review the plan with your key operation personnel and answer any questions that your farm management may have.
  6. If needed, revise your plan to meet the audit requirements.
  7. Finalize and review your plan.
  8. Begin training employees.
  9. Exercise your plan through site specific workshops, drills, tabletop exercises or by participating in a state or federal exercise.
  10. Request an official plan audit and approval from NYSAGM.
  11. Be prepared to implement your operation-specific biosecurity plan in the event of a Foot and Mouth Disease outbreak or other disease event that could threaten to harm your livestock.

*It will take approximately three to nine months for an average operation to complete these steps.*

Secure Beef Module

The New York State Cattle Health Assurance Plan – Secure Beef Supply (NYSCHAP SBS) is a voluntary program that provides continuity of business for the NYS cattle industry in the event of a foot and mouth disease (FMD) or other high consequence animal disease outbreak in North America. When implemented, the program will allow for the safe movement of susceptible animals and their products from uninfected farms.

The Goal of the Secure Beef Supply Plan

  1. Support continuity of business including economic survival of the US Cattle industry in the event of a high consequence disease outbreak.
  2. Provide efficient and effective response to minimize the spread of disease.
  3. Support a continuous food supply to consumers.
    ***FMD is not a public health or food safety concern. Meat is safe to eat.***
  4. Allow for the safe movement of animals and products within the state and between states by implementing enhanced biosecurity measures.

Producer Designed Plans

Utilizing a nationally developed framework, New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets (NYSAGM) invites producers to adopt the NYS Secure Food Supply 13 Biosecurity Principles and apply them to their own farm operation. With templates available from the Secure Beef Supply Plan, NYSAGM will work closely with producers, veterinarians and other stakeholders to assist NYS farms in developing their own biosecurity plans. Pre-planning prior to an outbreak; will help keep livestock safe and streamline the permitting process; if; and when, animals or their products need to be moved during an outbreak.

A basic biosecurity plan consists of the routine management practices that are implemented under current and normal circumstances. An enhanced biosecurity plan will provide the additional steps that will need to be taken during a high-consequence disease event. More information on the National Secure Beef Supply plan for continuity of business can be found online.

Movement Restrictions and Permitted Movement in an Outbreak

If a case of FMD or other high consequence animal disease is identified in North America, NYSAGM, under the direction of the USDA, may issue an order to stop the movement of all susceptible livestock and associated products.

The purpose of a stop movement order is to halt the transmission of disease during an outbreak and allow time for the USDA to assess the prevalence of disease and degree of spread. State roads will be monitored with help from local, state, and federal authorities. Interstate movement of susceptible species and products will be prohibited unless a permit is issued and approved by the NYSAGM and the shipping or receiving state.

Permits for movement of animals and products will be granted to those premises meeting the enhanced biosecurity and monitoring requirements. Priority will be given to premises that already have an approved biosecurity plan in place. An approved biosecurity plan is one where a regulatory animal health official, or its agent, has reviewed the plan and found that it has met or exceeded the 13 biosecurity principles. A signed audit form is submitted and approved by the NYSAGM or USDA.

Premise Specific Biosecurity Plan - 13 Biosecurity Principles

  1. Biosecurity Manager and Written Plan
  2. Training
  3. Protecting the Operation ***(Line of Separation)***
  4. Equipment and Vehicles
  5. Personnel
  6. Animal Movement
  7. Animal Products
  8. Carcass Disposal
  9. Manure and Bedding Management
  10. Rodents, Wildlife and Other Animal Control
  11. Feed and Replacement Bedding
  12. Water Supply
  13. Reporting of Elevated Morbidity and Mortality

Biosecurity Principles

Biosecurity Accountability
  • Basic Biosecurity Training
  • The training is documented.
  • Enhanced Biosecurity Training
    • Training on the Enhanced Biosecurity Measures implemented due to the occurrence of FMD or a high consequence disease
      • Biosecurity Plan
      • Line of Separation (LOS)
      • Disease Monitoring -Active Observational Surveillance (AOS)
      • Cleaning and disinfection protocols
      • Documentation protocols
    • Training References
Protecting the Operation Line of Separation (LOS)
Equipment and Vehicles
  • Enhanced written plan clearly labeled premise map with:
    • Identified equipment and vehicle storage area
    • Equipment used for multiple tasks identified
    • Traffic flow
    • Designated parking
    • Cleaning and disinfecting stations
    • Traffic patterns
    • Harvest and feed delivery
    • Animal transport vehicles
    • Fresh bedding handling equipment
    • Manure and spent bedding handling equipment
    • Feeding equipment
    • Additional vehicles or equipment to be added
Animal Movement
Animal Products
  • Animal Gametes (Semen, embryos)
    • Written plan to ensure semen/embryos, transport vehicles and/or technicians meet FMD or other high consequence disease eligibility requirements.
    • Feeding Dairy Products (other Animal Product)
      • Written plan to identify how feeding of dairy products will be managed or discontinued.
Carcass Disposal
  • Basic
    • Basic Mortality Management plan in place
    • Written plan cites method(s) of mortality removal and disposal
  • Enhanced
    • Written plan includes contingencies in the event of a movement standstill or mass mortality event, including routes, and, if movement permits will be required.
    • Implement any enhancements to basic mortality management plan to account for LOS, movement restrictions, cross contamination other premise specific factors.
    • Additional requirements for vehicle transportation for leak proof containment and decontamination procedures.
Manure and Bedding Management
  • Basic
    • Written Manure and Bedding Management plan
      • Basic Level plan in place and utilized
        • Removal
        • Storage
  • Enhanced
    • Prolonged storage (Max length of time)
      • Contingency method
        • Planned additional equipment – if needed
        • Planned additional cleaning and disinfection protocol – if needed
Rodent, Wildlife and Other Animal Control
  • Basic
    • Written plan addresses control measures in place
  • Enhanced
    • Written plan addresses control measures to be put in place in the event of a high consequence disease outbreak
      • Weeding and grass control
      • Sanitation
      • Trash removal
      • Feed spills
      • Remove domestic pets (dogs, cats, other)
      • Rodent control plan (in house/professional)
Feed and Replacement Bedding
  • Identify access points where feed would cross the LOS
  • Identify where feed and bedding would be stored
  • Identify how often feed or bedding would need to be delivered
  • Identify equipment used for clean feed and bedding
  • Identify any cross-contamination risks
Water Supply
  • Basic
    • Identify all water sources
    • Evaluate risk of water source containing runoff
    • Evaluate risk of water source contacting other susceptible species
  • Enhanced
    • Implement corrective actions, if necessary, to prevent any risk of introduction through water source.
Reporting of Elevated Morbidity or Mortality


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