Modules & Documents
4-H Livestock Educator's Notebook
Fairs and Exhibitions
Title | File |
Animal Health Considerations Before During and After the Fair | |
Any Animal Fair Biosecurity Sign | Genericfairsign.pdf |
BVD Testing Options for Cattle | |
Cattle Fair Biosecurity Sign | CattleFairSign.pdf |
Equine Health Considerations Before, During and After the Fair | EquineConsiderationsforFairs2013.doc |
Horse Biosecurity Brochure | HorseBiosecurityGuidelinesFinal030113.pdf |
NYS Dept. of Agriculture and Markets - Foot and Mouth Disease Special Notice | NYSDAMFMD.pdf |
Official Identification Explanation | 2013Official_eartags_criteria.pdf |
General Biosecurity Fact Sheets and Signs
Title | File |
Avoiding Milk and Meat Residues | drug-residues.pdf |
Best Management Practices for Farm Visitors | BMPFarmVisitors8-16.pdf |
Best Management Practices for the Prevention of Entry of Disease onto Livestock Operations | |
Horse Biosecurity Info | HorseBiosecurityGuidelinesFinal030113.pdf |
Preventing Injection Site Lesions in Beef Cows | beefinjectionsite.pdf |
Preventing Injection Site Lesions in Dairy Cows | dairyinjectionsite.pdf |
Procedures to Prevent the Spread of FMD for International Visitors | BMPInternationalTravelers2013.doc |
Salmonella Dublin Critical Control Points | |
Vaccination Strategies to Maximize Health and Minimize Adverse Effects on Market Quality | vacc_facts111.pdf |
Title | File |
The Use of Disinfectants in a Biosecurity Program | Disinfectantsv2_01.pdf |
Cattle Infectious Diseases Fact Sheets
Title | File |
Bovine Leukosis Virus | |
Bovine Viral Diarrhea - Background and Best Management Practices | |
Contagious Mastitis - Mycoplasma | |
Contagious Mastitis - Staph aureus | |
Contagious Mastitis - Strep ag | |
Cow Bedding Summary | |
Johne's Disease in Cattle - Background and Best Management Practices | |
Mastitis - Background and Best Management Practices | MastitisBackgroundandBestManagementPractices.doc |
Salmonella Dublin Fact Sheet | |
Salmonellosis - Background and Best Management Practices | |
USDA-APHIS Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) (USDA) | |
USDA-APHIS Foot and Mouth Disease (USDA) |
Equine Infectious Diseases Fact Sheets
Title | File |
Equine Herpes Virus (EHV) | EquineHerpesvirusFinal030513.pdf |
Equine Influenza | equine-influenza.pdf |
Equine Salmonella | EquineSalmonellosis2013.pdf |
Equine Tetanus | EquineTetanus2013.pdf |
Equine Viral Arteritis (EVA) | equine_eva.pdf |
Lyme Disease | EquineLymeDisease2013.pdf |
Potomac Horse Fever | EquinePotomacHorseFever2013.pdf |
Other Livestock Infectious Diseases
- Poultry - Avian Influenza (USDA)
Market Cow and Beef Quality
Module Overview & Forms
Bovine Leukosis Virus
General Information
- BLV Fast Facts
- Bovine leukosis virus background and best management practices
- Tips for Implementing a BLV Control Program
Risk Assessment Form
Veterinary Resource Materials
Bovine Viral Diarrhea (BVD)
- An Introduction to Bovine Viral Diarrhea
- Bovine Viral Diarrhea: Background, Management and Control
- BVD Tests
- BVD Pooled Tests
- BVD Control Procedures
- BVD Risk Assessment (Word)
- BVD Risk Assessment (PDF)
Calf Health
Risk Assessment Forms
- Base Assessment Worksheet (Word)
- Enteritis Assessment Worksheet (Word)
- Respiratory Assessment Worksheet (Word)
- Testing for Passive Transfer of Immunity (Word)
- Benchmarks
- Calving Assistance Guidelines and Calf Resuscitation
- Colostrum Collection and Handling, Usage of Refractometer
- Temperature Correction Colostrum Value (PennState Extension)
- Cleaning Equipment
- Housing, Bedding and Fly Control
- Improving Calf Barn Ventilation With a Bit of Fresh Air
- Liquid Feed Management and Water Information
- Pasteurizer Costs Spreadsheet (PennState Extension)
- Milk Replacement Management (USDA)
- Milk Replacer Costs and Your Options (PennState Extension)
- Management of Whole Milk, Waste Milk, Pasteurized Milk, Acidified Milk and Combinations
- Free Choice Feeding and Group Housing of Calves (Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs)
- Managing a Pasteurizer System for Feeding Milk to Calves (Bovine Alliance on Management & Nutrition)
- Using the Calf Milk Pasteurization Evaluator Spreadsheet (PennState Extension)
- University of Wisconsin-Madison Calf Health Scoring Chart
Cattle Welfare
Module Overview & Forms
- Overview of NYSCHAP Cattle Welfare Module
- NYSCHAP Cattle Welfare Module Assessment Form
- Heifer Raiser Contract
- Elanco Heifer Body Condition Scoring Guide
- Elanco Cow Body Condition Scoring Guide
- University of Wisconsin Hygiene Scoring Chart
- Zinpro Locomotion Scoring of Dairy Cattle (Zinpro)
- Hock Scoring Chart (Cornell Cooperative Extension)
- Cattle Welfare Scoring Sheet
- Cull/Mortality Recording Sheet
- Employee Training Record Sheet
F.A.R.M. v4.0 Information
- F.A.R.M. v4.0 Checklist
- Continuing Education Requirements for FARM v4.0
- Disbudding and Pain Management for FARM v4.0
- Fitness for Transport for FARM v4.0
- Non ambulatory Cows for FARM v4.0
- Switch Trimming (National Dairy Farm Program)
- Animal Care v4.0 Handbook
- FARM Herd Health Protocol Resources
- FARM Animal Care Evaluation (Cow Care Agreement forms, Training forms) Resources
- FARM Dairy Stockmanship videos
AABP Information
American Association of Bovine Practitioners
- AABP-AVC Joint Judicious Therapeutic Use of Antimicrobials Guideline 2019
- Castration Guidelines from AABP 2019
- Dehorning Guidelines from AABP 2019
- Euthanasia Guidelines from AABP 2019
- Non Ambulatory Guidelines from AABP 2020
- Transportation Guidelines from AABP 2019
- VCPR Guidelines from AABP 2020
Fact Sheets
- NYSCHAP Core Module Overview
- Best Management Practices
- Extralabel Drug Use Algorithm
- Cleaning & Disinfection on the Dairy
- Disinfectants
Please contact NYSCHAP coordinator for information on enrollment and farm review forms.
Food Safety and Drug Residue Avoidance
Basic Information
Risk Assessment, Forms
Foot Health
Basic Information
- Considerations in Flooring, Curt Gooch
- Foot Bath - Key Points (Zinpro)
- How to judge a hoof trim, Shirley Roenfeldt
- Investigating Herds with Lameness Problems, Chuck Guard, DVM, PhD
- Locomotion Scoring Chart (Zinpro)
- NYSCHAP Foot Health Module - Background and Best Management Practices
- What to Look For in a Hoof Trimmer, John W. Anderson (Hoard's Dairyman)
Foot Health Forms
- Cow Comfort Assessment Tool - For use with the Dairy Herd Lameness Evaluation Form
- Dairy Herd Lameness Evaluation Form
- Hock Assessment Chart for Cattle
- Use of Locomotion Scoring as a Management Tool
Risk Assessment
General Fact Sheets
Johne's Disease
Johne's Program for Cattle - Overview
- Johne's Module Overview
- Clinical Description and Epidemiology of Johne's Disease in Cattle
- Highlights of Designing a Johne's Herd Prevention Plan
- Johne's Management in Beef Cattle
- Johne's Disease Risk Assessment Form
Johne's Herd Testing in Cattle
- Choosing and Using Johne's Tests and Testing Strategies
- Johne's Test Strategy Table
- Basic Procedures for Johne's Testing
- Johne's Test Information
Resource Materials on Johne's Disease
- Handbook for Vets & Beef Producers (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
- Handbook for Vets & Dairy Producers (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
- Johne's Disease Information Website (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
- USDA Website on Johne's Disease (USDA)
- Johne's Disease in Goats
- USDA Johne's Program Standards for the Herd Classification Program (USDA)
- Information on Johne’s Certification Programs (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Other Johne's Disease References
- Stabel, JR. Symposium: Biosecurity and Disease. Johne's Disease: A Hidden Threat. J Dairy Sci, 81:283-288, 1998.
- Stabel, JR. Symposium: Health and Safety on the Dairy Farm. Johne's Disease and Milk: Do Consumers Need to Worry. J Dairy Sci, 83:1659-1663, 2000.
Mastitis Milk Quality
Fact Sheets
- Bovine Herd Salmonellosis
- Introduction to the NYSCHAP Salmonella Module
- Multi-drug Resistant Salmonella dublin in Cattle
- NYSCHAP Salmonellosis Module
- Outbreak Investigation and Monitoring by Diagnostic methods
- Recommendations for Control in Dairy Calf and Heifer Raising Operations
- Salmonellosis Critical Control Points
- Usefulness of Vaccination and Vaccines for Control of Salmonellosis
Small Ruminant (NYSSGHAP)
- Basic Biosecurity for Sheep and Goat Operations
- Best Management Practices for Pasture Parasite Management
- Common Diseases and Health Problems in Sheep and Goats, Purdue Extension Article
2009 and 2011 National Animal Health Monitoring Survey (NAHMS)
- Sheep NAHMS - Biosecurity
- Sheep NAHMS - Diseases
- Goat NAHMS - Biosecurity
- Goat NAHMS - Diseases
- Meat Goat NAHMS
Please contact NYSCHAP coordinator for information on enrollment and farm review forms.
- NYSSGHAP Johne’s Risk Assessment (Word)
- NYSSGHAP Parasite Management Risk Assessment (Word)
- Ontario Flock Biosecurity Assessment
- Ontario Flock Health Summary Report
- Ontario Flock Productivity Data Entry Form
Common Diseases and Fact Sheets
- Abortion
- Caprine Arthritis and Encephalitis (CAE)
- Caseous Lymphadenitis (CL)
- Clostridial Diseases
- Contagious Agalactia
- Copper Toxicity
- Foot Rot
- Foot & Mouth Disease
- Schmallenberg Virus
- Johne’s Disease
- Listeriosis
- Mastitis
- Nutritional
- Ovine Progressive Pneumonia (OPP)
- Goat Dewormer Chart
- Soremouth
- Zoonotic Diseases