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Basic Biosecurity Best Management Practices for Sheep & Goat Farms

If possible maintain a closed herd.

Grow or maintain herd size from within herd. Restrict visitors to those with clean footwear and clothing.

No purchased additions. Restrict visitor access to animal quarters to those who enhance agricultural enterprise. i.e. CCE agent, Veterinarian, etc., who maintain C&D protocol.

Maintain an isolation area for sick animals.

Young animals should not have any exposure to sick pen.

Use separate utensils and tools in this area. Take care of this area last in chore routine. Use appropriate C&D when leaving sick pen and returning to animal area.

Purchased additions should come from a reputable source. Establish a protocol for re-entering of animals that leave the herd.

Bring additions in from a source herd with a defined health history.

Best scenario- Receiving herd vet and source herd vet have established a reasonable program for testing, vaccination, transport and quarantine for purchased or re-entering animals.

Quarantine purchased additions and re- entrants for 3-4 weeks. Monitor for clinical disease.

Quarantine purchased additions and re- entrants for 3-4 weeks. Use this time to monitor and test for specific diseases of concern.

Other breaches of Biosecurity Cats


Other wild species [skunks, foxes, possums, etc.

Control numbers by neutering Control numbers by neutering

Control with cats, traps, secure storage of feed.
Control with cats, limit access, creativity Control access to barns with secure construction and buildings in good repair.

Diseases of Concern
Toxoplasmosis, Q fever, rabies
Aberrant tapeworm infestation, neospora, rabies.
Toxoplasmosis, Q fever, salmonellosis, leptospirosis.
Campylobacter, Salmonella
Rabies, sarcosporidia

Manure Management

Uncomposted manure should not be spread on pastures or hayfields.

Manure should be composted for at least a year before spreading on pastures or fields.

Dead Stock

Disposal by removal, compost or burial within 72 hours.

Necropsied to determine cause of death, disposed of promptly.

Utensils and tools.

C&D equipment, needles, tools etc., between each use and especially between flocks.

Use a new needle for each injection, work from younger to older animals when doing flock work.

Livestock Vehicles

C&D between uses.

Power washed, Cleaned and disinfected between uses.

Other biosecurity breaches identified

Intermediate level steps to reduce risk.

Maximum level steps to reduce risk.