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The Davisson Lab

The members of the Davisson Lab at Cornell University's Departments of Biomedical Sciences (College of Veterinary Medicine) and Cell & Developmental Biology (Weill Cornell Medical College) welcome you to our website. We are a diverse group of investigators gathered in the beautiful Finger Lakes region of Upstate New York and in the Upper East Side of Manhattan. As you journey through this site, you will see that our research, though wide-ranging, is centered on the common theme of establishing links between the renin-angiotensin system, oxidative stress and cardiovascular disease. We invite you to explore these pages to learn more about our lab and hope that you will become as intrigued with our work as we are!

2014 Davisson Lab Winter Party

Our research focuses on the basic mechanisms of function, control and signaling in the cardiovascular system in health and disease. Investigations employ the interdisciplinary approach of "functional genomics," an endeavor at the interface of classical physiology and molecular biology. Understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying hypertension, heart failure and the pregnancy-induced cardiovascular syndrome pre-eclampsia are the main focuses of our research efforts.