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BBS PhD Program

Student Progress Review

The Student Progress Review (SPR) has been implemented by the Graduate School for all graduate students across the University.  It is intended to measure student progress towards their degree, as well as provide a forum for regular feedback to the student from the committee.  If a student fails to fill out the SPR, a hold may be placed against the student's record until it is completed. 

The SPR must be completed annually by ALL BBS students, including first-year students, on or before April 1st. Faculty need to submit their portion by April 15th

  1. Schedule an annual meeting with your Special Committee.  Students are responsible for setting up this meeting, and are strongly encouraged to hold it in conjunction with their WIP presentation.  First year students should meet with their DGS.
  2. Complete the Student Section of the SPR (as a draft), save, and distribute it to your Special Committee 10 days prior to your committee meeting.
  3. To access a previously saved draft of the SPR Form, visit the SPR Forms Portal
  4. Meet with your Special Committee to discuss your progress and plans for the coming year.
  5. After the meeting, finalize the Student Section of the SPR and submit it.
  6. Your Committee Chair will submit their portion of the form within 30 days of your meeting and your milestone will be marked complete.

Please contact your DGS or the Office of Graduate Education if you are unable to fulfill this requirement.  These reports will be saved in your permanent file as evidence of progress in your program.

General information, tips and FAQ about the SPR for students

Please note:  Not all questions are relevant for all students (e.g., you may not yet have a publication, etc.).  If a question is not applicable, simply enter "NA".