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BBS PhD Program

Lab Rotations

First year laboratory rotations

BBS PhD students are required to complete three rotations during their first year enrolled in the program. These rotations are designed to:

  • provide a range of research experiences that will give you a broad knowledge of methodologies and techniques;
  • provide you with the opportunity for more substantial contact with various faculty (and faculty with you) in order for both to make an informed decision about your thesis laboratory and Special Committee membership;
  • provide you with the opportunity to demonstrate your scientific abilities and enthusiasm for research to various faculty, with the ultimate goal of finding a mentor who is willing to accept you into the lab and provide your funding for the duration of your research project.

BBS rotation timeline 2024-2025
Rotation #1 - 9/3/2024 - 10/25/2024
Rotation #2 - 10/28/2024 -12/20/2024
Rotation #3 - 1/6/2025 – 2/28/2025

BBS rotation timeline 2025-2026
Rotation #1 - 9/2/2025 - 10/24/2025
Rotation #2 - 10/27/2025 -12/19/2025
Rotation #3 - 1/5/2026 – 2/27/2026

Decisions for labs made around March 9th
Students should discuss timing with their faculty mentor, but they should anticipate beginning work in their home lab by March 10th.

If a fourth rotation is required, permission from your DGS and the Associate Dean of Research & Graduate Education must be obtained. 

Note: A student may request a reduction in required lab rotations if they have extensive research experience and demonstrate a strong rationale for their selection of a Special Committee chair. Students may discuss this possibility with their DGS and petition for a reduced rotation requirement. Approval is at the discretion of the DGS and the chair of the BBS Oversight Committee. Students should be aware that such requests are approved only rarely.