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Facility Services

Project planning and management: We will work with the client to create an individualized project plan for their proposed xenograft work. We will establish the proper roles/responsibilities for each of the facility staff and the deliverables the client is responsible for to compete the necessary work. We will work closely with the client to help design a study that will meet their budgeting and time related needs.

Tissue/cell implantation: We will implant tissue or cell line samples based on client specifications. We can perform routine engraftment strategies such as subcutaneous implantation, and orthotopic models as well. Any procedure that we have not attempted previously will require a feasibility study to investigate the probability of success.

Post engraftment characterization/study: Based upon the project planning and experimental design consultation we will execute all commonly performed post engraftment procedures including but not limited to tumor growth monitoring, compound/drug delivery, and tumor harvesting.

Services provided by PATh:

Tissue/Cell Implantation

  • Primary tumor implantation
  • Tumor passaging
  • Subcutaneous
  • Intravenous
  • Orthotopic models

Drug/Compound Delivery

  • Common routes of administration: PO, IV, IP, IM
  • Flexible dosing schedules

Tumor monitoring

  • Caliper Measurements
  • High Resolution MR Imaging
  • Volumetric analyses using Invicro Autoquant image analysis software (see Fig. 1 below)

Tissue Collection

  • Tumor/Organ collection, flash frozen in LN2 or formalin fixed
  • Terminal bleeds
PATh PDX Facility Four Week Course
Fig. 1: Four week timecourse of tumor progression, of a single mouse with a subcutaneous canine B-cell lymphoma implanted on one flank. Panel one is a pre-scan of the mouse before primary tumor implantation, and each subsequent panel is one additional week after implantation, up to 4 weeks. The primary tumor is highlighted in red, infiltrating tumor in green, and a metastasis in blue. Volume measurements are color coded above.