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The college responds to the coronavirus

A wide exterior shot of CVM, with a purple and pink sky showcasing a rainbow over the buildings
A rainbow shines over the Cornell College of Veterinary Medicine after a rainstorm. Photo: Paul Jennette '87

This year has been one of unimaginable challenges. In January, when the fog of COVID-19 unrolled itself across the United States, few could have foreseen its impact on veterinary medicine or higher education at large. The Cornell College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM), like many of our peers in the last six months, did what it has always done when faced with new challenges, however daunting: rallied to meet them.

To mark the incredible impact that this global pandemic has had on our lives, this issue of ’Scopes is dedicated to covering the college’s response to COVID-19. No part of CVM was left unaffected by the virus, and this magazine illustrates the ways our dedicated community members — faculty, staff, students, alumni and clients — have adapted and defended against the disease.

You'll read how our students dealt with immense changes to their learning environment and faculty invented new ways to teach them.

You’ll also see the versatility of our animal hospitals — how hospital workers continued to care for the animals entrusted to us — and how essential employees at our Animal Health Diagnostic Center played a crucial role in testing both locally and state-wide.

Our researchers applied their expertise to every possible aspect of pandemic, from its virology to testing to treatment — many shifting their focus to COVID-19 or providing lab space and materials to those in need.

Beyond Cornell, CVM alumni navigate new normals everywhere, from emergency rooms in busy cities to race tracks and the great outdoors.

These stories serve as a snapshot of our first six months during COVID-19. Much is bound to change in the rest of 2020 as our understanding of and response to the virus shifts. As we face these unknowns, we aim to continue as we have since the beginning — adapting, persevering and supporting the health of humans and animals in every step we take