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In Vivo Bioluminescence Imaging

  • Similar to other long-lasting neuronal processes such as plasticity, regeneration and apoptosis, it is likely that sustained alterations in central cardiovascular networks require changes in gene expression.
  • A major mechanism by which transient receptor/ligand signals such as Ang-II/AT1 and ROS are transformed into long-term genetic changes is through the activation of transcription factors (TF) such as nuclear factor kappa B (NFkB) and activator protein-1 (AP-1).
  • Longitudinal tracking of NFkB and AP-1 activation in vivo is carried out by viral gene transfer of NFkB- or AP-1-dependent luciferase reporters to specific cardiovascular tissues (e.g., specific CNS circuits, left ventricle of heart, etc.). In vivo bioluminescence imaging is performed using an IVIS (Xenogen) instrument.

In vivo bioluminescence imaging.

Real-time bioluminescent imaging of reporter gene expression in brain regions of living mice..