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Tracy Stokol
Award Receive Date:
Research Grant Weill Cornell Medicine (NIH/NCATS)
A New Tumor-Targeting Approach for Treatment of Human and Canine Breast Cancers

David Russell
Award Receive Date:
Research Grant Michigan State University (NIH/NIAID)
The Role of Monocytes in the Pathology of Severe Malaria

Kevin Ng Santiago Peralta - New
Award Receive Date:
Research Grant CVM Resident Research Grants Program
Molecular Approach for the Detection of Bacteremia of Odontogenic Origin in Dogs

Angela McCleary Wheeler - New
Award Receive Date:
Research Grant American Kennel Club (AKC) Canine Health Foundation (CHF)
Targeting the Cancer Epigenome: The Effect of Specific Histone Lysine Methyltransferase Inhibition in Canine B-Cell Lymphoma

Natasza Kurpios
Award Receive Date:
Research Grant March of Dimes Foundation
Right-sided Hyaluronan Synthesis Provides a Mechanism for Asymmetric Left-right Gut Rotation

Soon Hon Cheong
Award Receive Date:
Research Grant Weill Cornell Medicine (NIH/NCATS)
Accelerated Revascularization of Cryopreserved Ovarian Tissue Following Xenograft

Chloe Spertus Filipe Espinheira - New
Award Receive Date:
Research Grant CVM Resident Research Grants Program
Analgesic Effect of Subconjunctival Morphine in Dogs After Phacoemulsification

Monika Mostowy Jordyn Boesch - New
Award Receive Date:
Research Grant International Veterinary Academy of Pain Management (IVAPM)
IVAPM Research and Scholarship Foundation Scholarship

Pia Martiny Robert Goggs - New
Award Receive Date:
Research Grant CVM Resident Research Grants Program
Biomarker Guided Diagnosis of Septic Peritonitis

Valentin Janvier Philippa Johnson - New
Award Receive Date:
Research Grant CVM Resident Research Grants Program
Equine Brain White Matter: A Comparative Tractography and Gross Dissection Study

Richard Cerione
Award Receive Date:
Research Grant NIH-National Cancer Institute (NCI)
The Roles of a Unique GTP-binding Protein/crosslinking Enzyme in Disease

John Parker
Award Receive Date:
Conference Grant NIH-National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Disease (NIAID)
Mechanisms of Virus-mediated Compartmentalization of the Host Translational Machinery

Robin Davisson
Award Receive Date:
Research Grant Weill Cornell Medical (University of Iowa)
PPG-Genetic and Signaling Mechanisms in the Central Regulation of Blood Pressure (Project 1)

Jonathan Cheetham Lawrence Bonassar - New
Award Receive Date:
Research Grant Weill Cornell Medicine (WCM)
In Vivo Cell Based Annular Repair in a Rat/Sheep Model Using High-Density Collagen Gels

Amy Vasquez Daryl Nydam - New
Award Receive Date:
Research Grant University of Vermont-Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE)
Promoting Sustainability on Moderate-sized Dairies: Use of a Pathogen-based Protocol for Treatment of Clinical Mastitis

John Parker - New
Award Receive Date:
Research Grant Burroughs Wellcome Fund (BWF)
Support for a Seminar to be Presented by Mary Estes at Cornell University

Charles Danko - New
Award Receive Date:
Research Grant Genentech Inc.
Understanding Resistance to Endocrine Agents in Breast Cancer Cells

Yung-Fu Chang
Award Receive Date:
Research Grant Weill Cornell Medicine (NIH/NCATS)
Develop Human Colon Stem Cell Organoids for the Study of C. difficile Virulence Factors