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Former Members of the Lab

Joy Tseng, DVM student

Peres Badial, DVM, PhD, visiting graduate student

Mary Beth Matychak, BS, Technician

Alexandre Secorum Borges, DVM, PhD, Professor of Medicine, UNESP-Botucatu, Brazil

Cristina de Oliveira Massoco Salles Gomes, DVM, PhD, Professor of Immunology, USP-Sao Paulo

A. MangalaGowri, MVSc, PhD, Associate Professor, Madras Veterinary College, India

Derek Cavatorta, DVM, PhD

Erica Secor, undergraduate Honors Thesis and DVM student

Juan Guerra, undergraduate and DVM student

Diana Ruano, undergraduate Honors Thesis student

Sarah LaMere, research opportunities in Veterinary Medicine student

Kathryn Olszowy, summer student

Jennifer Luna, research opportunities in Veterinary Medicine student

Christine Cocquyt, Havemeyer Summer Fellowship Veterinary Student Program

Katherine Hillebrand, Havemeyer Summer Fellowship Veterinary Student Program

Kristin McLaughlin, Veterinary Investigator Program summer student

Kimberly Such, Veterinary Investigator Program summer student, and the Veterinary Student Fellowship (NIH)

Elizabeth Moore, Veterinary Investigator Program summer student

Katheleen O’Hara, Leadership Program summer student

Heather Rhoden, Leadership Program summer student