The Cornell University Hospital for Animals is among a small number of equine hospitals across the country that provides farrier services for hospital and clinic patients, as well as shoeing appointments for horses across the region.
Our experienced farrier, who has been shoeing horses for more than 40 years, is an expert on traditional and adhesive horse shoe technology. We provide shoeing services for hospital patients and assist in treating horses with hoof and limb injuries. We participate in lameness assessments, create plans for limb deviation treatment in young horses and consult on fracture cases.
We also provide basic horse shoeing, corrective hoof trimming and shoeing, therapeutic shoeing follow up for outpatients. And we specialize in trouble shooting for under-performing competitive horses in the region.
Our service works with a wide range of specialists at the Cornell University Hospital for Animals including orthopedic surgery, internal medicine and anesthesiology to ensure your animal receives the most comprehensive care available in veterinary medicine.
What to Expect During Your Appointment
If you animal is a patient at the Cornell University Hospital for Animals, your primary veterinarian may request a consultation with Farrier Services. Our experienced farrier will learn about your horse's medical history and then perform an examination.

From there, he will work with veterinarian specialists to develop a plan for treating your horse that may include specialty shoes or splints.
If your animal is not a Cornell patient, you can call use directly to make a shoeing appointment. Our interaction will begin with a brief history over the phone when you call to make an appointment. Patients who require radiographs need to schedule an appointment through the Cornell University Animal Hospital. Horses that don't require radiographs or other veterinary services can come directly to Farrier Services.
A typical outpatient appointment lasts about an hour and a half. Our head farrier will examine your horse and discuss options for shoeing, and then shoe the horse on-site. Farrier students may observe and participate in the examination of your horse. We appreciate your patience and understanding in allowing these future farriers to interact with you and your horse.
Farrier Services: Medical Conditions
Acute or chronic laminitis
Laminitis is a disease characterized by inflammation of the digital laminae of hoof. Symptoms include lameness, increased temperature in the hooves, limping and trembling. Diagnosis is often made through imaging studies. Shoeing treatments include supporting the bottom structure of the foot with a frog support system.
High low syndrome
High low syndrome is an imbalance that leads to underperformance problems and lameness in dressage and jumping horses. It is characterized by uneven gait and poor performance when traveling to the upright hoof side. We provide shoes that help rebalance the horse and encourage development of a more balanced horse.
Limb correction
For horses born with deviated limbs, we provide shoes help balance and correct the limb. The optimum time for limb correction is under 4 months of age. Foals with limb deviations are evaluated by the hospital’s orthopedic veterinarians so that a shoeing or surgery plan can be developed.
Hoof injuries
Puncture wounds and lacerations to the hoof can be treated in a variety of methods to ensure proper injury recovery. If a nail is ever puncturing the bottom of the horse’s hoof, leave it in place if possible so that an accurate radiograph can be taken to assess damage.
Farrier Services success stories
We have worked on many difficult cases here. The case of Trendy, a bomb proof Quarter Horse mare stands out. Trendy has been suffering from lameness for 2 years. She came to Cornell for an evaluation. With the help of an MRI imaging study, we found the exact cause, which helped guide the shoeing solution. After proper shoeing, she began using an even and comfortable gait and was able to return home, where she was used for young children to ride.
We also see many chronic laminitis horses that we are able return to regular work. Imbalanced horses with high-low syndrome frequently come to us for consultations. These horses continue to use our services because the riders like our results.
We specialize in the many types of glue on shoes for therapy or performance. We are able to provide hoof protection and support without nailing into previously damaged hooves.
Related links
American Farrier's Association
An organization dedicated to promoting equine welfare and providing continuing education for working farriers and the equine community.
Remembering Doug Pokorney
In memory of Doug Pokorney, an endowed fund to benefit participants in the General Farrier Program has been established, providing full tuition for one student available during the fall program session only. After serving in the U.S. Navy, Doug shod horses for over 40 years specializing in Morgan and Arabian Show horses.
Doug’s wife Denise is making it possible for more people to be Cornell-trained farriers through the generosity of the Douglas J. Pokorney Scholarship Fund. Doug proudly served in the US Navy as a Boilerman on the Charles H. Roan from November 30, 1961 until the time of his Honorable Discharge on March 29, 1966. During those years life-long friendships were formed with his shipmates. In 2004 Doug was diagnosed with mesothelioma. Doug was often accompanied by his faithful dogs over the years as he traveled countless miles around Western New York shoeing horses. Throughout the 40 years that Doug Shod horses he developed many lasting friendships due to his horsemanship, integrity and old-fashioned values. He was an avid hunter and outdoorsman and was a member of the American Farrier’s Association, Ducks Unlimited and the Turkey Federation. Doug passed away in 2009. He will be forever remembered through this scholarship and this memorial which displays his life through pictures.