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BBS PhD Program


FacultyResearch Area(s)
Pic of Carolyn Adler
Carolyn Adler
Stem cell biology in planarian flatworms; organ regeneration; transcriptional and cell biological responses to tissue injuries; animal behavior - lab
Richard Cerione
Richard A. Cerione
Signal transduction growth factor receptors; protein structure; drug design and chemical biology; signaling cues that direct cell proliferation, differentiation and development - lab
Pic of Ruth Collins
Ruth Collins
Pharmacology; cancer cell biology; small GTPase regulation of intracellular traffic and cellular growth control - lab
Pic of Matthew DeLisa
Matthew DeLisa
Molecular biotechnology; protein biogenesis and folding pathways; protein engineering - lab
Pic of Chun Han
Chun Han
mechanisms of dendrite morphogenesis and neurodegeneration using Drosophila sensory neurons as a model system - lab
Pic of Gunther Hollopeter
Gunther Hollopeter
Molecular mechanisms of membrane trafficking in multicellular systems, in vivo imaging and CRISPR/Cas9 genome engineering in C. elegans, protein biochemistry and structural biology of clathrin adaptor complexes - lab
Dr. Fenghua Hu
Fenghua Hu
Molecular and cellular mechanisms of neurodegeneration - lab
Pic of Toshi Kawate
Toshi Kawate
Structures and mechanisms of membrane proteins that regulate extracellular signaling
Pic of Alex KwanAlex KwanUse systems neuroscience approaches to measure impact of psychiatric drugs on neural circuits; optical imaging and perturbation experiments to study neural dynamics; exploring methods to image multiple fields of view and at multiple depths - lab
Pic of David Lin
David Lin
Axon guidance; neurodevelopment; epilepsy; autism; genomics - lab
Pic of Maurine Linder
Maurine Linder
Regulation of cell signaling by protein lipidation
Pic of Eirene Markenscoff-Papadimitriou
Eirene Markenscoff-Papadimitriou
gene-regulatory mechanisms that generate diversity during brain development; probe function of human genetic variants linked to autism - lab
Pic of Motoko Mukai
Motoko Mukai
Endocrine Disrupting Compounds (EDCs); neuroendocrine regulation; reproductive, developmental, and metabolic health effect of toxic compounds found in food - lab
Pic of Linda Nowak
Linda Nowak
Neurosciences; cellular physiology; receptor pharmacology; membrane biophysics
Pic of Nozomi NishimuraNozomi Nishimuravasculature, immune, inflammatory systems and cells native to a tissue interact in disease states - lab
Pic of Kimberly O'Brien
Kimberly O'Brien
Calcium metabolism and bone health; control of maternal/fetal nutrient; partitioning and cellular mineral transport; micronutrient status in international settings; development of mass spectrometric methodology; pediatric bone health; pregnancy and mineral metabolism in adolescents - lab
Pic of Chris B. Schaffer
Chris B. Schaffer
Advanced optical techniques used to observe and manipulate in vivo biological systems with the goal of developing microscopic scale understanding of normal and disease-state physiological processes - lab
Pic of Luis Schang
Luis Schang
Role of cellular protein, lipids, and glycans play in viral infection
Pic of Carolyn Sevier
Carolyn Sevier
Signaling of cellular oxidative stress; molecular mechanisms used by cellular pathways that sense and signal redox imbalances within the cell - lab
Pic of Paul Soloway
Paul Soloway
Epigenetic regulatory mechanisms in mammals; Chromatin changes associated with neuropathy using single cell analyses - lab
Jennifer Sun

Jennifer Sun

Modern scientific exploration generates rapidly increasing amounts of data, far outpacing our ability for manual analysis. My research develops computer vision & machine learning methods for complex scientific inquiries and workflows that require expert attention. My goal is to enable more effective ways for human experts and machine learning systems to collaborate, in order to expand our understanding of the world around us.-lab
Haiyuan Yu
The Yu group performs research in the broad areas of Network Systems Biology. We use integrated computational-experimental systems biology approaches to determine protein interactions and complex structures on the scale of the whole cell. In particular, we focus on protein-protein and gene regulatory networks and seek to understand how such intricate systems evolve and how their perturbations lead to human diseases, especially autism spectrum disorder and cancer.
Pic of Gary R. Whittaker
Gary R. Whittaker
Entry of viruses into host cells; receptor binding; cleavage-activation of membrane fusion, focusing on structure-function analysis of human and avian - lab
Dr. Chris Xu
Chris Xu
Biomedical imaging and fiber optics - lab