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Cornell Ruffian Internal Medicine


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At CRES we provide expert diagnostic and treatment options for a wide range of medical conditions in adults and foals, including renal, metabolic/endocrine, cardiac, respiratory, gastrointestinal, neurologic, ophthalmic conditions and liver disorders. Internal medicine cases are often challenging and an attention to detail is critical to working out what condition your horse might have.

What you can expect is a detailed approach to understanding what signs/symptoms your horse is showing, a review of any prior medical records, and consultation with your regular veterinarian regarding any testing or treatments already done. You will be provided with written report of all findings and specific recommendations for when your horse goes home. 

The internal medicine service has particular expertise in ultrasound-guided procedures, endoscopic procedures, and laparoscopic procedures. The internal medicine service is also available on a consultation basis to help withe case management in the field with your regular equine veterinarian.

Advanced techniques available through the Internal Medicine at CRES include the following:

  • Advanced endoscopy including gastroscopy (stomach) and duodenoscopy (small intestine), cystoscopy (bladder), hysteroscopy (uterus), sinoscopy (NOTES approach to the sinuses of the head), and bronchoscopy (lower respiratory tract).

  • Neurologic evaluation including standing ultrasound-guided CSF collection and analysis, head/neck radiography including myelography.
  • Gastrointestinal evaluation including rectal palpation, ultrasound, abdominocentesis, endoscopy, laparoscopy, biopsy collection and diagnostic exploratory surgery.

  • Cancer (neoplasia) evaluation - we offer both medical and surgical approaches to skin tumors and other forms of cancer. For skin masses, we are one of a few facilities to offer electrochemotherapy, autologous vaccine development, and other adjunctive therapies. 

  • Endocrine and metabolic testing - comprehensive analysis for evaluation of cushing's disease, metabolic syndrome, with dietary analysis. 
  • Respiratory evaluation including rebreathing examinations, ultrasound, transtracheal wash, bronchoalveolar lavage, lung biopsy, pleural drainage, and thoracic radiography.

  • Hematologic evaluation including lab work interpretation, coagulation testing, bone marrow aspirate and biopsy collection.
  • Urogenital evaluation including rectal palpation, lab work interpretation, kidney ultrasound and biopsy, urinalysis, cystoscopy, hysteroscopy, and hormonal testing.
  • Nutritional consultation including nutrition/metabolic need assessment, diet assessment, feeding (enteral and parenteral) strategies, and special needs diets.
  • Hepatobiliary evaluation including lab work interpretation, ultrasound, and biopsy collection.
  • Cardiac evaluation including auscultation, cardiac enzyme testing, ECG (including treadmill), and echocardiography.

  • Ophthalmic evaluation including ocular and periocular direct ophthalmoscopy, corneal debridement (keratectomy), cytology and culture, SPL placement, minor ophthalmic surgical procedures. CRES clinicians work closely with Dr. Noelle La Croix, a boarded specialist in veterinary ophthalmology for more advanced ophthalmic conditions. 

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