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Shelter Medicine Office Hours

Cornell Shelter Medicine Office Hours

Fridays at 4PM EST ~ Occurs bi-weekly, beginning 10/6/2023

Click here to join: 

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 980 5902 5639
Passcode: 875952

Maddie's@ Shelter Medicine Program at Cornell University holds bi-weekly Friday sessions to provide updates on the ever-changing field of Shelter Medicine. Led by MSMP faculty. This forum is a place for shelter veterinarians, staff, and volunteers to ask questions and discuss challenges and solutions. If you have questions or topics you would like to discuss at an upcoming office hour, please email

What We've Been Talking About Lately

*Click on a date or topic below to see what we covered in the session


02/19: Dog Is My Home Conference 2021; COVID-19 Vaccine Trackers; Kitten Season

My Dog is My Home

Upcoming conference on emergency sheltering, social services, and animal welfare 50% discount on conference registration with the code: HEROES2021.

Take a survey, win some money

Be entered to win one of TEN $500 grants by taking this short survey! Closes Feb 24. Animal shelter and rescue organizations, we need your input! Learning about your organization's programs can help us keep more people and pets together everywhere, so we’re looking to collect information on programs across the United States in this short survey.

COVID-19 Topics

NYS vaccine tracker

CDC Vaccination Tracker

CDC COVID Data Tracker Weekly Review

Discussion topics

What does vaccination mean for our organizations? Our staff? Our communities?

What are your biggest challenges at this point?

What are you most excited about in your work?

Anything you are doing differently to prepare for kitten season this year?

02/12: Finding Rover, New Heartworm Guidelines

Finding Rover -- Facial Recognition for PETS!

watch the webinar

If you enroll your shelter in Finding Rover by March 1st, you will be entered to win $250,000 in grant awards.

New Heartworm Guidelines for Transporting Heartworm Infected Dogs in the US



01/29: Safe Parking Lots; Fundraising panel; Companions and Animals for Reform and Equity; CARE webcast series for Black History Month

Safe Parking Lots

Initiative for working with homeless people living in their cars – integrating assistance with pets:


Fundraising Panel

New York State Animal Protection Federation and LAPA Fundraising are offering a free webinar for animal shelters. "Crafting Your Annual Fundraising Plan in Uncertain Times" will be held on Wednesday, Feb. 03, at 11am-12pm EST. Click here to learn more and register for this event:

There’s some required reading before the workshop. It can be found at

March 2nd Lobby Day NYS – it will be virtual

Animal Crimes Conference

A series of webinars with HSUS on animal cruelty, the link and large scale cases. Links to follow. 

Training of law enforcement to increase people in the field.

Companions and Animals for Reform and Equity

CARE webcast series for Black History Month 

01/22: Upcoming training opportunities; COVID-19 vaccine updates; Upcoming lecture by former CUMSMP intern

Upcoming Training Opportunities

Best Friends Virtual Conference

June 23-24, 2021 

Want to speak?:

Humane Canada National Conference

April 6-8 2021:

Our ASPCA Cornell Maddie’s® Shelter Med Conference

July 9-11. Virtual.

Save the Date!:  

COVID-19 Updates

National Plan for COVID 19 Response Including Vaccines

Tracking vaccine development: good summary here

Johnson and Johnson vaccines

Upcoming Lecture by a former CUMSMP intern on her shelter (PVAS)

“Lifesaving in the Rio Grande Valley"

Palm Valley Animal Society (PVAS) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit animal welfare organization serving the Rio Grande Valley in southern Texas.  PVAS takes in approximately 25,000 animals on behalf of 775,000 residents each year and is on a journey to maintain a "no-kill" status. Join us to learn how PVAS is accomplishing this goal in an underserved community with limited access to veterinary care, and how you can help us achieve our goal. Working in a region where traumatic injuries, canine distemper, and TVTs are common, Dr. Rodriguez will also review some interesting medical cases that students may not see otherwise in their training.

Zoom information: Hosted by the Maddie's® Shelter Medicine Program at Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine and the Cornell Shelter Medicine Club

Topic: Dr. Rodriguez, PVAS, Shelter Medicine Presentation

Time: Feb 11, 2021 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting:

Discussion topics

Possibilities for “virtual shelter tours” of your organizations? Think about if there are elements of your building or programs you can share with this group – or challenges you want to toss out to this hive mind.

01/15: Upcoming training opportunities; Inspiration; Ongoing calls; Template for non-violent communication

Upcoming Training Opportunities

More on CATS!

Join Monica Frenden, Maddie's® Director of Feline Lifesaving at American Pets Alive!, and Peter Wolf, Research/Policy Analyst at Best Friends, for an interactive webinar about all things CAT! You had an overwhelming number of questions during their previous webinar, and they can't wait to address them during this one. Whether it's community cat practices, the future of cat sheltering, or research and policy. We'll talk about progress in saving cats, partnering with your communities on programming, the challenges ahead, and answer the tough questions to help you start 2021 with exciting new ideas and plans for cats in your cities.

Submit your questions to ahead of time for a lively discussion with the nation's leading cat experts and fellow cat nerds.

Can't make it live? Sign up anyways and we'll send you the recording!:

Best Friends Virtual Conference

June 23-24, 2021 

Want to speak?:

Humane Canada National Conference

April 6-8 2021

Our ASPCA Cornell Maddie’s Shelter Med Conference

July 9-11. Virtual. Save the Date.

Midwest Vet Conference

For veterinarians and veterinary technicians, provides a bunch of tracks on shelter med, behavior, public health, leadership.

Inspiration and holding things together

Emily’s recommendation from last week: "Drive: The Surprising Trust about What Motivates Us by Daniel Pink"

Ongoing calls


  • FIP article from VIN
  • Questions about masks and pet responses to masked people
  • No evidence based studies; mostly anecdotal.
  • Some evidence that clothes with large eyes are problematic, but masks don’t seem to impact animals behavior.
  • Regarding separation anxiety and animals post-pandemic
  • There was a town hall hosted by the HSVMA in May called “Post-pandemic pets: tips for transitioning companion animals as shelter-in place orders are lifted” Nicholas Dodman. Considered separation anxiety a minimal concern for pets post-pandemic since most people are not 100% at home even in lockdown and people are actually providing a more normal family unit at this time.  In some ways, puppies and kittens likely better training and socialized in this window.
  • Becky’s discussion topic re: politics and donors etc
Template for Non-Volatile Communications shared by Dr. Cohen
  • NVC (non-volatile communications) contains four basic components: 
  • Observations “I observe that….”
  • Feelings “this makes me feel….”
  • Needs/Values “I value…… “
  • and Requests “ and I request that…..”

01/08: Celebration and World Record; Online training; Pet reunification; Eviction Prevention Toolkit; Humane Animal Control Manual; COVID and Clinical Practice

Celebration and World Record

The Million Cat Challenge is rolling up on 3 MILLION shelter cats saved!  You can join our virtual celebration as we set another record . . . the Guinness Book of World Records for the largest online celebratory toast on Monday 1/11/21 at 8 PM Eastern. Sign up now and be a part of cat history.

Online Training

Link for Maddie’s Monday calls for all types of animal welfare staff 11am EST:

Community Cats Trapper Certification:

Online Cat Conference Jan 26-28:

Pet Reunification

Maddie’s Fund Return to Owner/Home Grant and Support Program

No Place Like Home Challenge:

Eviction Prevention Toolkit

(emphasis is on foster based placements for public assistance housing)

The Keeping Families Together Eviction Response Toolkit

HASS KFT Eviction Response Toolkit PDF:

Humane Animal Control Manual

COVID and Clinical Practice

Updated document from Ontario VMA  and Dr. Weese:

  • Masking/PPE
  • Ventilation – air circulation, filters, etc
  • Distancing
  • Short Duration -- important
  • Sanitation

Discussion points this week

In most settings, vaccination can’t be mandated, but it can be incentivized. Thoughts on this?

MSMP Case Challenges and Consultations


11/18: Role dogs play for people during COVID-19; Puppy socialization; Online training ops; HASS projects; student presentation resources

Publications on role dogs play for people during COVID-19

Puppy Socialization

Lots of concerns about puppies adopted during the pandemic, returns after lockdown, etc. Any truth to this?

  • Critical period 4-14 weeks
  • Social maturity 8-24 months
  • Social butterfly checklist

Online Training ops

Registration is open for Fear Free Pet Behavior Online Conference Feb 21-22

Online Cat Conference Jan 26-28:

Species-Specific Cat Care in Shelters

Monica and Peter’s webinar:

HASS Projects

HASS hosted two webinars, including a webinar on Program Sustainability featuring Dr. Ellen Jefferson, Brad Shear, Donna Casamento, Brenda Barnette, and Sharon Harvey; as well as a webinar on Fundraising Strategy during COVID featuring members of the HASS Fundraising Working Group. 

HASS hosted three Maddie’s Summits with the following topics: 

Student presentation resources

AAFP Cat House-soiling Questionnaire and resources

11/11: COVI-19 vaccine; highlight of the NYSVMS Newlsetter; COVI quarantine reduction guidelines

COVID-19 vaccine

Article on COVID-19 vaccine efficacy:

NYSVMS Covid-19 Page for Vet Practices has a lot of great information on decision making if you have exposed staff, etc. as well as up to date information on CDC recommendations:


What is the difference between quarantine and isolation? 

Isolation is required for people who have contracted Covid-19 and have displayed symptoms or have tested positive. 

Quarantine applies to people who have been "in close contact" with carriers of the virus.

Close contact is defined as is anyone who was within 6 feet of an infected person (even with a cloth mask) for a total of 15 minutes or more. The exposure time is cumulative from successive exposures. 

What do we do if we have a staff member who tests positive? 

The staff member will have to isolate for at least 10 days in accordance with CDC guidance ( and NY State guidance is currently 14 days of isolation. There is no "essential worker" provision that reduces this isolation period.

For COVID-19, a close contact is anyone who was within 6 feet of an infected person for a total of 15 minutes or more. An infected person can spread COVID-19 starting from 48 hours (or 2 days) before the person has any symptoms or tests positive for COVID-19. The 15 minutes of time is cumulative over a day and the use of cloth facemasks are not consider to be a sufficient infection control.

Therefore, if you have a veterinarian who is positive, it is likely that one or more other staff could be exposed. NY public health officials recommend that the exposed staff should quarantine for 14 days (NY State hasn't adopted the CDC 10 day guidance yet). While exposed staff could come back as essential workers, the public health officials I have talked to advise against this. They are concerned that people who have been in contact with the infection who don't quarantine and come back earlier as essential workers will be in close contact with others, and infection will spread.

A potential solution is, if possible, to form hospital “pods”. Create teams of veterinarians, LVTs and assistants that work as a team. If one “pod” member is positive, only that team goes out. Other teams should still be operational. 

What is the basis for the 10/14 day quarantine recommendations?

This CDC chart shows that the post-quarantine transmission risk is reduced to 10% after 7 days, and falls away to nearly zero after 14 days. The new CDC recommendation of 10 days balances the 1% risk that remains against the view that the shorter the quarantine requirement, the higher the compliance.

It also indicates that after 5 days a negative test begins to become an indicator of lower risk of transmission from someone returning to work. (The flip-side of this is that sometimes people who are safe to return to work because it is 10 to 14 days after their last symptoms might still test positive even though they are no longer a high transmission risk.)

What if a staff member needs to quarantine? 

Ideally an exposed staff member should quarantine for the full 14 days from their last exposure to a positive case, or positive test. (CDC recently changed the recommendation for quarantine to be only 10 days, but NYS Department of Health have not adopted that – yet – and CDC still says 14 days is ideal.)

Veterinary hospitals are considered essential businesses, but when we think about essential workers the public-health officials use a hierarchy:

1. Is the business essential?

Yes, veterinary practices are essential (

2. Is the job function of the exposed worker essential?

To get at this, think about what happens if that employee goes on vacation. Does the practice shut down or can they make due for that period of time when the employee is away? Perhaps there can be cross training. 

3. Can the position be backfilled? 

DVMs and LVTs are essential to running a veterinary hospital. Are there other staff that can fill in for someone on quarantine?

Public-health officials I spoke to advise that before bringing someone back early from quarantines as an essential worker, think about the consequences of more staff being potentially exposed to the virus if those contacts end up becoming ill. As case numbers rise (and they likely will for several months), this is a critical decision point. 

Even if you do bring back someone who has been exposed the virus as an essential worker, there are some safety protocols you should follow, including regular temperature monitoring, wearing a mask at all times, staying 6 feet from others, disinfection etc. Read the guidelines for full details.

Do we need to notify clients of a positive employee? 

This would only be necessary if there is close contact between an employee and a client. Note that close contact is being within 6 feet of an infected person for a total of 15 minutes or more, which should not occur with curbside check-in.

Even though the weather is getting cold, curbside check-in remains the primary recommendation for preventing the spread of Covid-19 between clients and staff.

What risks are we taking if we shorten quarantine for an essential worker?

I have not seen any guidelines from the New York State Department of Health that indicate that negative tests are acceptable to shorten quarantine for someone who tested positive or was in contact with someone carrying the infection. (But if someone finds something - please let me know.)  

However the CDC has made some recommendations to be considered by public health authorities about using testing to shorten quarantine, but they say these should be adopted depending on local circumstances and resources. If we see anything from New York State Department of Health that confirms this is acceptable in New York we will pass that on.

Since animal hospital staff have extended close contact during their work, so you might want to err on the safe side of the CDC recommendations.

Based on the charts shown above, the CDC has determined that quarantine can end after Day 7 if a diagnostic specimen tests negative and if no symptoms were reported during daily monitoring. The specimen may be collected and tested within 48 hours before the time of planned quarantine discontinuation (e.g., in anticipation of testing delays), but quarantine cannot be discontinued earlier than after Day 7. 

CDC adds that even"With this strategy, the residual post-quarantine transmission risk is estimated to be about 5% with an upper limit of about 12%." In other words, their research indicates that for every 10 hospitals that might allow an employee to return to work early following a negative test, one of them may experience transmission to other staff.  

If you do choose to allow quarantined employees to return to work earlier than the NY State recommended 14-day period this CDC article will give you the available research that quantifies the risks you are taking.

How do guidelines alter if the employee is "essential"?

New York State has issued a guideline specifically related to essential workers returning to work after contact.

An exposed essential worker who has had no symptoms or positive test may return to work but must self-monitor temperature, wear a mask at all times, stay 6 feet from others, and disinfect surfaces etc. Read the guideline for full details.  

When do veterinarians have access to vaccines?

Veterinarians are considered essential workers, and will have priority access to vaccinations. The top priority is health-care workers, but veterinarians are not considered as health-care workers for this purpose. Governor Cuomo is expecting to receive the first shipment of vaccine this weekend.

Direct sources

COVID Quarantine Reduction from the CDC (Dec 2, 2020)

10 days for people exposed with NO SYMPTOMS

7 days with negative test on day 5 and no symptoms

Vaccination for COVID-19

Where are you in the vaccine line?

11/04: Denver Model for Case Managers; New Cat Policies; Animal Services vs. Animal Control; COVID Quarantine Reduction from the CDC (Dec 2, 2020); Vaccination for COVID

Denver Model for Case Managers

“Community Partners”

Navigator Training for Community Partners


New Cat Policies

Here is an informative podcast on new cat policies and trends by Peter Wolf from Best Friends.

Animal Services vs Animal Control

The Best Friends Podcast episode with Sloane.

Related paper: "Punishment to Support: The Need to Align Animal Control Enforcement with the Human Social Justice Movement" - Sloane Hawes

COVID Quarantine Reduction from the CDC (Dec 2, 2020)

10 days for people exposed with NO SYMPTOMS

7 days with negative test on day 5 and no symptoms

Vaccination for COVID-19

Where are you in the vaccine line?

EB’s example for an “essential worker” in NYS

  • Based on your risk profile, we believe you’re in line behind 126.5 million people across the United States. 
  • When it comes to New York, we think you’re behind 7.6 million others who are at higher risk in your state. 
  • And in Cayuga County, you’re behind 33,600 others. 
  • NYS has 170,000 doses committed in first round later this month


11/20: COVID info this week; COVID and dogs; Resources for New Yorkers; Mental Health; Resources on Domestic Violence; Portals for caged housing

COVID specific Info this week

CDC MMR released several papers on transmission this week

Masks are working; type and materials are important:

Publication comparing rates of COVID-19 in counties with and without mask mandates in KS:


Publication on cases in MN traced to Sturgis Rally in SD: 


Publication on weekly incidence of COVID cases in urban vs rural areas of the US:


COVID and dogs

Here’s the alarmist headline from newsmedia:

Here’s the research article:

Here’s Dr. Weese’s analysis we begged him to write

Association is not Causation:

New NYS Resource Page/App:

Free Job-Related Courses from Coursera Sponsored by NYS:

Free NYS Mental Health Helpline: 1-844-863-9314

And related resources:

Course in DEI 

A free 7-day self-paced course taught by Stanford educators on Anti-Racism and Allyship. Great short videos on the history of Jim Crow laws and how racism is entrenched in many of laws, regulation, and practices.

Domestic Violence Relief Grants (RedRover) :

Don’t Forget The Pets

January 14 & 15, 2021
9:00 am – 12:30 pm EST
Online – Zoom video

January 27 & 28, 2021
1:00 pm – 4:30 pm EST
Online – Zoom video

  • Katie Sullivan at RedRover is dedicated to this effort, so if you want a contact regarding developing a program she is happy to talk to people
  • Purina is also doing a lot in the domestic violence space.

Portals for caged housing


Note: there are now larger “puppy portals” and templates and easier directions


Where are they useful – cats, and dogs

How do they help – research on housing, activity, and elimination 

Can you use some? 

Discussion topics

COVID staffing and other procedures at this point.

Updates on staff sharing and other solutions.

What are you reading/listening to/ doing outside of animal welfare?

The 100 year old Man Who Went Out the Window and Disappeared, Jonas Johansson

The Miracle of Mindfulnes, Thich Nhat Hanh

The Social Dilemma documentary

Related podcast appearances Tristen Harris

The Score takes Care of Itself  Bill Walsh et al. – organizational leadership

For Dr. Lisa

Nat Waran course on Coursera:


There are also specific course on horses and chickens from Edinburgh


This also looks interesting

Dr. Irvine Animals and Institutions


Two weeks from now

Let’s discuss

Best Friends State of Animal Sheltering Report

11/13: COVID cases at all-time high; Data tools; latest on COVID vaccine; student presentations

Announcements and Events

COVID-19 cases are at an all-time high, both nationally and locally in CNY

  • 160k+ new cases in the US yesterday
  • 60k+ hospitalizations
  • CNY county daily case spike in Tompkins County and surrounding areas
  • Prediction is we will exceed over 1M cases/week in the US within the month.
  • Holiday gatherings in 2 weeks. Halloween gatherings were significant in the latest spike.

Time to revisit our favorite data tools?

Case Tracking

Risk assessment tool for gatherings from GIT

Vaccine information (NY Times)

Testing information (NY Times)

AVMA Interactive Maps on COVID 19 and the Veterinary Profession

USDA Report of individual SARS-COV2 cases in the US

Dr. Scott Weese Worms and Germs Blog Case Series on Species Specific Knowledge on SARS-COV2

Time to revisit daily activities in shelters?
  • Team segregation in our shelters, curbside enforcement, testing options and availability.
  • Updgraded PPE?
  • Prepare for staff losses to quarantine and cases – assume it will happen in your organization.
  • Where are we with foster and intake numbers?
  • Where are we with communicating between shelters if we need help?
COVID Vaccination – get the science directly

Shelter Behavior

Student Presentation Topics

Nutrition in the Animal Shelter

FIV case management

Discussion topic

Access to Care and Open Adoptions Discussion

What is the role of bringing payment plans back into practices?

11/06: Canceled

Our 4pm Shelter Medicine Office Hour is canceled today. We will see you at 4pm next Friday, November 13th. Email us at with any questions you have until then.


10/30: COVID updates; ReHome Adopt A Pet Platform; Community Cat Certification Program; ShelterLuv Mobile Community Programs App; 

COVID updates

It’s a hot mess out there – peak cases across the country. 90k new cases yesterday.

Still spiking in the Southern Tier but getting better. Stay home if you can, wear a mask, wash your hands. Don’t go to parties. Don’t take tricks with treats.

New case in a tiger:

Non Covid story I liked this week:

Rabbits – anyone in CNY able to take some?  We can spay or neuter them if you like…

Scott Weese has done some great reviews of COVID cases in animals by species on his Worms and Germs Blog. Check them out here:

ReHome Adopt a Pet Platform – Peer to Peer placement services from PetCo

Rehome Adopt a Pet:

  • Shelter signs up and then refers owners looking to relinquish to the service to post.
  • Allows individual shelters to  track referral and outcomes so you know how successful it was and so you can check back on the status of the animal
  • Also offer community pet listings with the animals that you have referred.
  • Adopt a pet staff monitors for breeders, intact pets, questionable applicants and intervenes when necessary.
  • 80-85% of pets were adopted, or kept by owners in the end.
  • 15-20% end up relinquished after posting
  • Toolkit:
Community Cat Trapper Certification Program

The Community Cats Podcast and Neighborhood Cats have a trapper certification webinar the first Saturday of every month to build a larger network of community cat trappers.  We can also have an add of special training at the end of the webinar that is specific to your group.

  • Next one is Nov 7.
ShelterLuv Mobile Community Programs App
From our consult line
  • GI illness in a litter of puppies.  ! dead, multiple with V/D. Parvo negative.  What next?
  • Bordetella in a cat population
What topics would you like to hear about from our student presentations in 2 weeks?  

Approaches to nutrition in shelters – feeding programs, stability, guidelines.

10/23: COVID updates; Community Cats Podcast; Online Fundraising Course; dog behavior; cats; animal control & stray animal management; data updates; Brene Brown on Burnout

COVID updates

It’s a hot mess out there in the Southern Tier. Stay home if you can, wear a mask, wash your hands. It is likely events are more of a risk than one-on-one short interactions, so minimize groups but also wear PPE and physical distancing. Infection is dose dependent in addition to all of the other variable most likely. Time and degree of interaction matters.

Community Cats Podcast Presents 2020 Fundraising Day

Virtual Conference—Saturday 10/17, 10-5pm ET
Join a full day of tips, tricks, and best practices on raising funds during challenging economic times. You'll hear from animal welfare nonprofit leaders and other fundraising professionals on a range of topics, from engaging donors to fundraising virtually. Register >>

Fund-raising Online Course from Best Friends

Fundraising Fundamentals- Would you take fundraising advice from a talking cat?  If anyone can put the “fun” in fundraising, it’s your feline pal, Chip, who serves as your guide through our interactive, animated course on Fundraising Fundamentals.

You can take the whole eleven-lesson course, created specifically for municipal shelters and nonprofits with government contracts, or check out the table of contents and select individual lessons to meet your specific needs. Reflection worksheets and an action plan template help you apply your learning to your own real-life situations. Share your feedback and ideas for new modules with team2025@bestfriends.org

Virtual Conference November 7th Ontario Shelter Medicine Association: Thinking Outside the Shelter
Taking Animal Care Into the Community

Registration is open for our ONLINE Fall CPD Day! This will be an all-day event, on Saturday November 7. We'll be addressing the important and highly topical subject of accessible veterinary care and keeping pets with their people. Our speakers include an incredible group of welfare professionals, including Amanda Arrington (Pets for Life), Alison Bressette (Aboriginal Community and Animal Advocacy Connection), Dr. Ellen Jefferson (Human Animal Support Services) and Dr. Michelle Lem (Community Veterinary Outreach). We'll also be featuring shorter sessions presented by leaders in Canadian organizations, outlining what they are doing in this field. Conference is open to everyone and only $39 for non-members. Membership is open to veterinary professionals and students.

Dog Behavior

The ASPCA Learning Lab released our third free eLearning course, "How to Interact with Dogs to Minimize Stress."


Best Friends' Town Hall next week is discussing outdoor cats and why they don't necessarily need to be taken to the shelter. Next Thursday at 5 pm central:

Intake for dogs is actually higher than cats 2019?

2:1 of animals euthanized in shelters are cats.

Cat Superhighway/Creating a Roadmap for All Cats

National Feline Research Council (feral cat research)

Animal Control and Stray Animal Management

National Animal Care & Control Association

Working on expanding their efforts to serve ACOs more comprehensively, especially with the changes in sheltering. Board is looking for a lot of feedback on programming, training, policy, and other issues for municipal services. Also revamping position statements and looking for feedback.

Free and Free standing tool on tracking field services from ShelterLuv

The Petco Foundation continues to recruit organizations to join our initiative to create a national lost and found database for pets.  Enroll in Finding Rover by December 31! Click here to enroll:

Data updates – Shelter Animals Count

September Report

Intake is still down over YOY

Transfers are increasing to many organizations - -this is increasing intake in private shetlers

Rescue intake is also up.

Shelter euthanasia is also down.

Dashboard link

Discussion topics:

Interest in what is happening at SPCA Erie with the public clinic – see if KM is here

Personal book/podcast recommendations from this group

Hidden Brain Moral Combat Episode

Brene Brown on Burnout

10/16: COVID updates; Diversity, Equity, Inclusion; fundraising training; volunteerds in sheltering; Ontario Shelter Med Conference; feline vaccination guidelines

COVID updates

It’s a hot mess out there in the Southern Tier. Stay home if you can, wear a mask, wash your hands.

Oh and in NYS deer are getting rabies:

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion

CARE has been working with Harvard's Project Implicit to create an implicit bias test for the animal welfare industry. We will be collecting much needed data that addresses implicit bias with the intention of creating much needed baseline research and data to dismantle biases that create barriers. We are so excited and would be extremely grateful for you to share the test link below.

It's like no other test you have taken (unless you have taken a Project implicit test) which weighs perception, timing, bias and following directions. Please share with everyone and anyone inside the Animal Welfare industry. It is intended for any past or present employees, volunteers and executive leadership. With your help, we can better understand biases in an effort to remove unintentional barriers to life saving. Your anonymous input will become a vital resource in helping us design strategies that better connect the field to people and the animals they love.

Community Cats Podcast Presents 2020 Fundraising Day

Virtual Conference—Saturday 10/17, 10-5pm ET
Join a full day of tips, tricks, and best practices on raising funds during challenging economic times. You'll hear from animal welfare nonprofit leaders and other fundraising professionals on a range of topics, from engaging donors to fundraising virtually. Register >> (

Fund-raising Online Course from Best Friends

Fundraising Fundamentals- Would you take fundraising advice from a talking cat?  If anyone can put the “fun” in fundraising, it’s your feline pal, Chip, who serves as your guide through our interactive, animated course on Fundraising Fundamentals.

You can take the whole eleven-lesson course, created specifically for municipal shelters and nonprofits with government contracts, or check out the table of contents and select individual lessons to meet your specific needs. Reflection worksheets and an action plan template help you apply your learning to your own real-life situations. Share your feedback and ideas for new modules with team2025@bestfriends.org

The Future of Volunteers in Sheltering: Part 2

Webinar—Monday 10/19, 2–4 pm ET
Join Adisa for a second session on how to strategically support the critical work of volunteers in shelters nationwide within the changing landscape of the pandemic. This interactive session will provide concrete practical tools and examples to help guide you in your leadership of volunteers. Register >>

Recruiting Today's Hourly Workers: It's Different. And It's Not. Virtual Conference Session—Tuesday 12/03

COVID-19 has exacerbated employment challenges such as fierce competition for in-demand hourly workers. If you want to address high-volume, high-turnover concerns in your organization, register for The Fall Virtual Conference for Animal Welfare Advancement and participate in this session in the Strategic HR track. Learn more >> (

Virtual Conference November 7th Ontario Shelter Medicine Association 

Thinking Outside the Shelter: 
Taking Animal Care Into the Community
Registration is open for our ONLINE Fall CPD Day! This will be an all-day event, on Saturday November 7. We'll be addressing the important and highly topical subject of accessible veterinary care and keeping pets with their people. Our speakers include an incredible group of welfare professionals, including Amanda Arrington (Pets for Life), Alison Bressette (Aboriginal Community and Animal Advocacy Connection), Dr. Ellen Jefferson (Human Animal Support Services) and Dr. Michelle Lem (Community Veterinary Outreach). We'll also be featuring shorter sessions presented by leaders in Canadian organizations, outlining what they are doing in this field. Conference is open to everyone and only $39 for non-members. Membership is open to veterinary professionals and students.

Brené Brown with Emily and Amelia Nagoski on Burnout and How to Complete the Stress Cycle

Dogs Playing for Life Webinar Series for Shelter Staff

Discussion Topics from you today:
Student Presentations
  • Parasite Fun Facts
  • A Case of Wound Management
AAHA/AAFP Feline Vaccination Guidelines


10/09: COVID updates; Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion; ASPCA COVID Relief Grant; Nat. Registry Human Support Services in Communities; Dogs Playing for Life Webinar Series; Feline Vaccination Guidelines

COVID updates

Still no evidence that SARS-COV2 causes severe illness in companion animals or plays any role in transmission – which is good.

Mink farms are getting hit in the US, like in the Netherlands:

Questions about what to do with surveillance results arise from case to case: PCR = presence, not infectivity; antibodies mean past infection, not current; how does it impact what we do?  Implications for animal welfare – individual level vs. population. 

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion

CARE has been working with Harvard's Project Implicit to create an implicit bias test for the animal welfare industry. We will be collecting much needed data that addresses implicit bias with the intention of creating much needed baseline research and data to dismantle biases that create barriers. We are so excited and would be extremely grateful for you to share the test link below.

It's like no other test you have taken (unless you have taken a Project implicit test) which weighs perception, timing, bias and following directions. Please share with everyone and anyone inside the Animal Welfare industry. It is intended for any past or present employees, volunteers and executive leadership. With your help, we can better understand biases in an effort to remove unintentional barriers to life saving. Your anonymous input will become a vital resource in helping us design strategies that better connect the field to people and the animals they love.

ASPCA Covid Relief Grant

Oct 5- Oct 12 2020 (2M total)

20-50k grants to orgs

General operating or program expenses

National Registry of Human Support Services in Communities


Dogs Playing for Life Webinar Series

AAHA/AAFP Feline Vaccination Guidelines

Discussion Topics from you today:

Provision of wellness, preventive, interventional care to owned animals in shelters

Struggles: recruitment, admission, scope, supply and demand, staff training

Tensions between rescues and shelters

10/02: Veterinary Human Support Certificate; Open Door Veterinary Care; Access to care; ASPCA COVID Relief Grant

Veterinary Human Support Certificate Program:


This certificate program is for animal-related professionals who have some form of health related state registration or license (DVM, LVT, etc)

If one does not have a state registration or license, they may apply for the certificate if they meet one of the two criteria below. These applicants will need to have 2 letters of recommendation sent on their behalf on top of the standard application materials.

  • Animal related professional who has an associate or bachelor degree in any field AND has been in animal related field 5+ years
  • Animal related professional with a bachelor degree in animal related field AND has been in animal related field 2+ years

Certificate Overview:

Modules: Online, self-paced, year-round availability

  • Social Work Values, Ethics, and History
  • Compassion Fatigue and Conflict Management 
  • Animal Related Grief and Bereavement 
  • Animal Assisted Interventions 
  • The Link Between Human and Animal Violence
  • Ethics and Moral Stress
  • Advanced Techniques for Human Engagement
  • Advanced Techniques for Human Management 
  • On boarding in Mental Health 
Open Door Veterinary Care Model and Training Program (in development)

Co-owner of two full service, low cost clinics (Ashville, NC and Toledo OH)

Group of Humane Alliance leaders developing the training program for others to follow suit

Online component, then on-site to open such a clinic

Model is a for-profit model – volume and incremental care

Training in efficiencies, budgeting, incremental care, financial options, recruitment and retention

Methods of referral to the low cost clinics:

Safety net partnerships 1. Shelter acts as a point of intervention and referral 2. Private practices provide subsidized care 3. Human health care referrals

Support Both Ends of the Leash Recorded Webcast

Open Door, San Diego Humane, Toledo Humane 

  • Janet Hoy Gerlach, Social Worker at Humane Toledo; Authored a social work guide to support pet owners
  • Derrick Prideau, DVM,SPCA of Texas
  • Geraldine D’Silva, Director of HASS, San Diego Humane
  • Aimee St. Arnaud, Co-Partner of Open Door

AAWA Roundtable on Community Relations in the Time of Unrest (recorded)

The Association for Animal Welfare Advancement **"Community Relations During A Time Of Social Unrest" Roundtable at 5 p.m. Eastern with Jim Tedford and Gabrielle Chapman talking with Allison Cardona Jorge Luis Ortega Ed Jamison and Sterling Davis (a/k/a TrapKing) Register for this important conversation at:

Main topics – reframing/rethinking AC work, from uniforms to activities; discussion about effects of social arrest on staff members professionally and personally; some discussion of how to change facilities as well, in terms of appearance and policies, to be more welcoming of diverse communities; how to recruit diversity to your organization.

Best Friends Town Hall on the navigating hazy lines between lack of access of care/ cruelty/ neglect 

Thursday, October 1, 2020 at 6:00 PM Eastern time.

Best Friends Town Hall

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion

CARE has been working with Harvard's Project Implicit to create an implicit bias test for the animal welfare industry. We will be collecting much needed data that addresses implicit bias with the intention of creating much needed baseline research and data to dismantle biases that create barriers. We are so excited and would be extremely grateful for you to share the test link below.

It's like no other test you have taken (unless you have taken a Project implicit test) which weighs perception, timing, bias and following directions. Please share with everyone and anyone inside the Animal Welfare industry. It is intended for any past or present employees, volunteers and executive leadership. With your help, we can better understand biases in an effort to remove unintentional barriers to life saving. Your anonymous input will become a vital resource in helping us design strategies that better connect the field to people and the animals they love.

ASPCA Covid Relief Grant

Oct 5- Oct 12 2020 (2M total)

20-50k grants to orgs

General operating or program expenses

National Registry of Human Support Services in Communities


Discussion Topics from you today:

Veterinary supply and demand issues

Tensions between rescues and shelters



09/25: Citations and abstracts for papers discussed by Dr. DeTar (Topics: Dermatophytosis, Hoarding), Cornell Shelter Med Club students seek socially distance outreach activisities with local shelters; requested guidance for quarantining cats after exposure to COVID-19 

1. Gordon E, Idle A, DeTar LG. Descriptive epidemiology of companion animal dermatophytosis in a Canadian Pacific Northwest animal shelter system. Can Vet J. 2020;61(July):763-770.

Abstract — This study investigated the frequency of false positive dermatophyte cultures, dermatophyte prevalence, and dermatophytosis risk factors in an animal sheltering system in British Columbia. Records for 80 471 incoming shelter animals over 3.5 years were accessed retrospectively. For 831 high-risk animals cultured, the false positive rate was 28% [N = 229; 95% confidence interval (CI): 25% to 31%]. Microsporum canis was diagnosed in 201 cases (0.25%, 95% CI: 0.22% to 0.29%) and Trichophyton was diagnosed in 43 cases (0.055%, 95% CI: 0.040% to 0.072%). Microsporum canis cases occurred only in cats and rabbits, but not in dogs. Cats were twice as likely to be diagnosed with Trichophyton as dogs. Puppies and kittens (versus adults) and animals from cruelty investigations (versus other sources) were significantly more likely to be diagnosed with dermatophytosis. Animals seized from 4 cruelty cases with enzootic dermatophytosis did not follow overall prevalence or population risk patterns. Understanding patient and population risk factors can help expedite diagnosis, treatment, and recovery, and reduce contagious risk to humans and animals.

2. Strong S, Federico J, Banks R, Williams C. A Collaborative Model for Managing Animal Hoarding Cases. J Appl Anim Welf Sci. 2019;22(3):267-278. doi:10.1080/10888705.2018.1490183

Companion-animal hoarding is a significant problem in the United States and internationally. Hoarding situations can incubate for years before a case is reported to law enforcement or animal control agencies. According to a survey by Gary Patronek, animal control agencies have estimated there are approximately 3000 reportable cases of animal hoarding annually in the United States. Animal hoarding cases vary in size from fewer than 20 animals to hundreds of animals. Every case of animal hoarding results in suboptimal animal welfare. Wake County, North Carolina, developed a proactive plan for addressing companion-animal hoarding that implemented a team approach to assist animals at risk, hold people accountable, address the mental health component of this problem, and create a more humane community. The plan involved animal control officers, crisis intervention counselors, law enforcement officers, veterinarians, veterinary technicians, and animal rescue partners. This intervention strategy was implemented in 2015, and cases were tracked to document animal out- comes. The conclusion of this experience is that a diverse team approach can best address the animal and human welfare challenges and the environmental concerns associated with animal hoarding.

3. Hill K, Yates D, Dean R, Stavisky J. A novel approach to welfare interventions in problem multi-cat households. BMC Vet Res. 2019;15(1):1-12. doi:10.1186/s12917-019-2183-3

Background: Thousands of injured, stray and relinquished cats are received at the RSPCA Greater Manchester Animal Hospital each year. A significant and challenging proportion of these cats are confiscated from multicat-households by RSPCA Inspectors, due to the owners’ inability to care for them. These households share many characteristics of animal hoarding, including poor owner compliance with suggested welfare improvements and recidivism. The relatively poor adoption potential of animals from such households are a perennial problem for the charity. The aim of this study was to determine if offering female cat neutering assistance to multi-cat owners significantly improved colony welfare. Results: Ten multicat-households with a history of public complaint to the RSPCA were recruited. An RSPCA veterinary surgeon (VS) initially assessed the overall welfare of each household’s cat population, individual cat welfare and the living environment. All entire female cats aged over 8 weeks were neutered and basic animal care education provided. Follow up visits were completed two and 12 months later to reassess welfare parameters and population numbers. The total number of cats was 176 across ten households (range 7–33, median 16). All owners consented to having all entire female cats spayed. At the first visit, mean individual cat welfare scores ranged from 5.4–8.7/ 16 across the 10 households, where 16 represented best possible welfare. Overall household mean welfare scores were significantly improved at both the 2 month and 12 month revisits (p = 0.011 and p = 0.01 respectively) when compared to the initial visits. By the end of the study period, three out of the ten households had voluntarily relinquished all of their cats, and overall there was a 40% reduction in the number of cats. Conclusions: Animal hoarding has previously been an intractable welfare concern with little evidence informing intervention techniques. These results show that positive veterinary engagement on site, focused on preventative care and population control, can yield significant improvement in welfare scoring systems in relatively short timescales. Promptly collecting and neutering all female cats at a site, combined with advice and support, show promise

4. Jacobson LS, Giacinti JA, Robertson J. Medical conditions and outcomes in 371 hoarded cats from 14 sources: a retrospective study (2011–2014). J Feline Med Surg. 2020;22(6):484-491. doi:10.1177/1098612X19854808

Abstract: Objectives The aims of this study were to: (1) describe the source, route of surrender and signalment of hoarded cats relinquished to the Toronto Humane Society (THS); (2) document the prevalence of medical conditions by group (place of origin); (3) compare medical conditions between institutional hoarding (IH) and non-institutional hoarding (NIH) environments; and (4) report length of stay (LOS) and outcomes in hoarded and non-hoarded cats. Methods A retrospective, descriptive epidemiological study was performed using THS records from between July 2011 and June 2014. The prevalence of medical conditions was calculated for the different groups. Univariable logistic regression with a random intercept to account for autocorrelation among animals from the same group was used to examine the influence of IH and NIH environments on selected medical conditions. LOS and outcomes were calculated for hoarded and non-hoarded cats. Results Three hundred and seventy-one hoarded cats from 14 sources were included. The majority (n = 352/371) were surrendered voluntarily, many with the assistance of a community intermediary. Upper respiratory infection (URI) was the most common medical condition (38% of cats), followed by dermatological disease (30%). The prevalence of medical conditions varied substantially between groups. The odds of URI at intake (odds ratio [OR] 4.35, P = 0.044) and chronic URI (OR 23.70, P <0.0001) were significantly greater for IH compared with NIH. Adoption rates, euthanasia rates and LOS were similar for hoarded and non-hoarded cats. Conclusions and relevance The different prevalence of medical conditions in groups of hoarded cats indicates a continuum of harm and severity in animal hoarding. Hoarded cats can have LOS and live release rates comparable with non-hoarded cats. Cats from IH were significantly more likely to have chronic URI. This study highlights the need for a greater focus on IH, as well as the role of community intermediaries and the potential for a harm reduction approach

Students of Cornell Shelter Medicine Club interested in socially distanced outreach actiivities with local shelters

Additionally, and I forgot to mention this on the call, the shelter medicine club at Cornell is interested in doing some outreach activities (socially distanced) that will help local shelters. They’re not really sure what the best way to do that is, so they were wondering if the shelters on our calls/mailing list would be willing to fill out a survey asking about what a bunch of eager vet students could provide (if anything) that was also helping/needed by the shelters. Here’s their survey:  

The survey asking local shelters what they might need and if they want to participate in our Winter gift program:

Guidance for quarantining cats after exposure to COVID-19 (*Requested by participant)

The guidance from the CDC/USDA/AVMA is to quarantine cats for 14 days after last exposure to COVID, and not to test asymptomatic animals or without consultation with the state vet. If an animal were to test positive, they are safe to be released from isolation 72 hours after their symptoms resolved and 14 days after their last positive test. Additionally, to my knowledge, we haven’t yet had a reported case where a dog or cat died specifically of COVID (outside of a lab)- just cases where the animal died from other causes and also happened to be positive. We also have no specific evidence of cat transmission to humans (the only animal we think has passed COVID to humans so far (besides the original transmission in China) are farmed mink.) The details:

09/18: Fear Free materials for shelter staff; upcoming seminars; Points of Care tracking; grant opportunity (technology)

Recorded classes/seminar

Materials from Fear Free Shelters for shelter staff – all Fear Free Shelter Is free to shelter staff.

  • Course I: Intake and Admission 
  • Course 2: Housing and Environment

Body Language and Frustration Scales for Download, as well as a poster on how to scan for a microchip and how to use treats for positive reinforcement.

Beyond Spay/Neuter: Models for Expanding Access to Veterinary Care -

Upcoming Seminars

Access to Care: Join us September 23rd at 3pm EST to hear about some innovative approaches to increasing access to care that can be replicated in other communities. Learn how a private veterinary practice is partnering with human health care and social workers in unique ways to support people and their pets. We'll explore how two non-profits are reaching out to their community to help keep pets and their people together using a wide range of services ranging from veterinary care, food assistance, training, pet support guides, outreach events, and more. Geraldine D'Silva from San Diego Humane Society, Dr. Derrick Prioleau from SPCA of Texas, Aimee St.Arnaud from Open Door Veterinary Care/Community Pet Care Clinic/Best Friends Animal Society, and Dr. Janet Hoy, Associate Professor from the University of Toledo School of Social Justice will share what they are doing and answer questions on how your organization can implement some of these programs.

HSUS Animal Advocacy Seminar this weekend – lots on policy work

TAFA Registration: ($25)

The ASPCA is hosting another Shelter Behavior Roundtable on 9/29 - Just-in-Time Tune-Ups to Get Animals Adopted. You can register here:

Free webinars from the Association for Animal Welfare Advancement (AAWA): 

Wednesday, Sept. 23: The Practices of Purposeful Leadership
Discover the science of purpose and meaning, and see how purposeful leaders compel teams and organizations toward their positive potential.

Wednesday, Sept. 30: Effective Internal Communication: The Problem, Some Solutions & The (Virtual) Meeting
Develop a toolkit of techniques to establish effective internal communications, applicable to virtual meetings and day-to-day workplace interactions.

Tuesday, Oct. 6: Looking Back to Look Forward
Learn how fear and bias have weakened the animal welfare movement and how to identify outdated practices and policies. This webinar is part of the Petfinder Pro Adoption Options Series.

Wednesday, Oct. 7: Supporting Families Through Access to Veterinary Care
Dr. Blackwell, Director of the Program for Pet Health Equity at the University of Tennessee, will speak about this national family crisis and AlignCare, a One Health healthcare system to address it. Approved by RACE for CE.

Points of Care Tracking to measure activity and justify budgets

Webinar: You can register here for the webinar on the project:

ShelterLuv Field Services

Grant Opportunity 

The Amazon Web Services (AWS) Imagine Grant program is a public grant opportunity open to registered 501(c) nonprofit organizations in the United States that are using technology to solve the world's most pressing challenges.

As a nonprofit organization, are you ready to submit your application for the 2020 AWS Imagine Grant? The online submission portal is now open through 11:59 PM EDT on September 30, 2020. 

To ensure your proposal is eligible for consideration, complete the required information on the online form and upload your six-page narrative and appendix in separate files. Details on format and acceptable document types are outlined in the AWS Imagine Grant Program Guidelines.

Shelter student presentation topics and discussion for today



09/11: Veterinary shortages; Veterinary Human Support Certificate Program; Open Door Veterinary Care Model and Training Program; Discussion: evaluating feline stomatitis in the shelter

Veterinary Shortages, Access to Care, Spay/Neuter backlog

239 spay neuter clinics in US Jan to August YOY

827,322 in 2019

684,274 in 2020

17% decline in spay/neuter

Money is one factor.  

Most places are reporting a shortage of people to do the work – particularly, trained techs and vets, who can be a major bottleneck in organizations and without them animal welfare is compromised. We don’t anticipate this is going to be a short term problem.  So how do we work differently? How do we recruit more shelter vets, or make more partnerships, or find other ways of practicing? How do we incentivize working in shelters, esp when funds are challenged.

Veterinary Human Support Certificate Program:


This certificate program is for animal-related professionals who have some form of health related state registration or license (DVM, LVT, etc)

If one does not have a state registration or license, they may apply for the certificate if they meet one of the two criteria below. These applicants will need to have 2 letters of recommendation sent on their behalf on top of the standard application materials.

  • Animal related professional who has an associate or bachelor degree in any field AND has been in animal related field 5+ years
  • Animal related professional with a bachelor degree in animal related field AND has been in animal related field 2+ years

Certificate Overview:

Modules: Online, self-paced, year-round availability

  • Social Work Values, Ethics, and History
  • Compassion Fatigue and Conflict Management 
  • Animal Related Grief and Bereavement 
  • Animal Assisted Interventions 
  • The Link Between Human and Animal Violence
  • Ethics and Moral Stress
  • Advanced Techniques for Human Engagement
  • Advanced Techniques for Human Management 
  • On boarding in Mental Health 
Open Door Veterinary Care Model and Training Program (in development)

Co-owner of two full service, low cost clinics (Ashville, NC and Toledo OH)

Group of Humane Alliance leaders developing the training program for others to follow suit

Online component, then on-site to open such a clinic

Model is a for-profit model – volume and incremental care

Training in efficiencies, budgeting, incremental care, financial options, recruitment and retention

Methods of referral to the low cost clinics:

Safety net partnerships 1. Shelter acts as a point of intervention and referral 2. Private practices provide subsidized care 3. Human health care referrals

Discussion Topic today: evaluating feline stomatitis in the shelter

Here is a open source summary article from a specialist regarding diagnosis and treatment:

09/04: COVID vaccine and testing tracking; upcoming webinars; veterinary service demands; food pantry demands

COVID related

Vaccine tracker:

Testing tracker:

NYS increase in cluster outbreaks with return to campus

  • What is the impact in your community?
  • Is it impacting your activities yet?
Upcoming Webinars of Note


Click this link to learn more and register: 

  • Cristie Kamiya, DVM, MBA,  Chief of Shelter Medicine 
  • Kristen Jahnke, Director of Shelter Operations 
  • Katie Christie, Manager of Foster and Animal Care 

How do you support and scale your foster program during times of crisis? Humane Society Silicon Valley can answer that – they weathered the pandemic storm by pivoting their foster care and adoption processes into safe, no-contact, socially distanced programs. And did we mention they have acquired more than 3,000 new foster families since March’s lock down?

In this session, experts from HSSV will walk you through a few key components to effectively engage volunteers and your community to increase your impact while removing barriers to lifesaving capacity. Participants will walk away with an understanding of:

  • Increasing your medical team’s capacity through the utilization of volunteers and technology 
  • Developing a foster training strategy that takes advantage of current technology 
  • Managing increased foster demand through tailored and strategic communications 
  • Seizing opportunities and seeing the silver lining in our new normal 


Click this link to learn more and register:

All pets deserve access to veterinary care. But millions of families have limited access to veterinary care, mainly due to insufficient funds. Lack of needed veterinary care negatively impacts the whole family—human and nonhuman—and may lead to relinquishment to shelters. The community this is also at risk from the spread of zoonotic diseases. 

Dr. Blackwell, Director of the Program for Pet Health Equity, University of Tennessee, will speak about this national family crisis and AlignCare®, a One Health healthcare system to address it. AlignCare improves access to veterinary care for families in need by aligning community resources and activities nationally. AlignCare is structured on One Health by:

  • Addressing the financial and emotional needs of pet parents/guardians (people) 
  • Enabling veterinary service providers to help underserved pets (animals) 
  • Controlling and spreading costs to address the impacts of low socioeconomic status (Environment or ecosystem) 

The AlignCare System is the first healthcare model that encompasses human and companion health and wellbeing. As such, the AlignCare infrastructure involves close collaboration between veterinary social work coordinators and veterinary service providers committed to the AlignCare vision of keeping families together. 

Veterinary Service Demand

Demand for vets continues to rise – up 12-30% in most places.

ERs being used as GP services – long wait times, high level of stress

Many clinics scheduled out for months

Use of telemedicine as a more efficient method for some baseline work?

State by state work to relax rules on telemedicine and the VCPR

Best Friends and HSUS are both working on this

Telehealth regulation tracking document from HSUS:

Food Pantry Demands

Are you seeing an increase? Many are reporting demands are 2-4 times normal.

Many communities are moving to a delivery system? Who does it?

Petpoint Updates Week 24

Comparison to “clear the shelters” last year to this year – overall we have fewer  in shelter animals, but intake/outcome levels are stable and matching.  Difference is 10k cats nationally, 2k dogs from last year – where are these animals? 

Discussion around recruiting organizational leadership

Large demographic shift with retirements, esp those propelled by COVID

Many people in leadership moved from other areas, but there is no real path to leadership or a solid training program

Some industry specific training to executive leadership in animal welfare


Maddie’s University

Shelter Med Discussion topics

Managing Panleukopenia in a Feral Cat Colony (Becky T)

Stomatitis in shelter cats



08/28: MSMP Office Hours move to 4PM on Fridays!; eviction response; COVID tracking dashboards; disaster response & transport; spay/neuter training materials for clinics 

MSMP Online Office Hours will be changing time at the start of September  – FRIDAYS 4pm ET (instead of 3pm)! 

Same ZOOM link:


Eviction Response

COVID Guidance: SPCA Safe Workplaces Guide for Animal Shelters:

COVID Tracking Dashboards

Disaster Response

Transport Connection for Disasters

APA is acting as a communication hub for one and done transports from disaster zones or other challenged areas.

If you can take animals in the immediate future from this season’s disasters, contact: 

PETCO Foundation does have disaster response grants to help shelters get animals out:

Disaster Response Training Materials for Shelter Staff ASPCApro

Online and In-Classroom Training

National Field Response Webinar Series
This 8-part webinar series presented by the ASPCA National Field Response (NFR) Department will explore issues critical to successful investigations and response for animals in crisis, including animals in natural or man-made disaster situations. Animal welfare professionals, veterinarians, emergency management, law enforcement, public health and other government officials will especially benefit from these free, 90-minute webinars.

FEMA Emergency Management Institute (EMI)
Access EMI's wide variety of disaster preparedness and response training (both classroom-based and online), including courses for animal emergency responders.

Free Courses: FEMA EMI Independent Study Program
Are you a professional with emergency management responsibilities? These self-study EMI courses are designed for you.

Spay Neuter Training Materials for Clinics from ASNA:

08/21: Upcoming MSMP Events: Check out presentations by Dr. Berliner and Dr. DeTar in September 2020 

09/16/2020 Hoarding: A Human-Animal Bond Disorder
Presented by Lena DeTar, DVM, DACVPM, DABVP, Assistant Clinical Professor of Shelter Medicine at Cornell University, in partnership with the Association of Shelter Veterinarians 
Dr. DeTar will explore this multifactorial issue, looking at the role of shelters, private practitioners, animal control, law enforcement, social services and animal welfare organizations. This presentation will include a case study of a shelter in Hawaii that was involved in a hoarding situation. 
During this webinar Dr. DeTar will discuss: 
  • Recognition of potential hoarding situations
  • Who to involve/intervene when suspicious
  • What types of ailments to look for in animal victims
  • Understanding which interventions may be successful, which not
  • Understanding challenges faced by shelters and how to help 
Wednesday, September 16, 2020
8:00pm - 9:00pm EST
This webinar is approved for 1.5 hours of RACE CE credit for both veterinarians and veterinary technicians. 
Registration is FREE for HSVMA and Association of Shelter Veterinarians (ASV) members. 
Click here to register:…/register/WN_C6gzf156SjCNx57_pCMZNA

09/03/2020 Companion Animal Population Health in the Face of a Pandemic: What we're talking about in shelter medicine practice 2020
Presented by: Elizabeth Berliner, DVM, DABVP, Director of Shelter Medicine at Cornell University
Outcomes for animals entering shelters in the US have changed dramatically in the last two decades. Increased veterinary care for shelter and community animals, decreased euthanasia of homeless pets, and evolving roles of the shelter in the community have all contributed to improved companion animal welfare. This presentation will review and build on shelter medicine principles to explore current practices being employed by shelter veterinarians, particularly in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. 
Thursday, September 3, 2020
7:30-9:30pm EST
*Please note - This is an atypical CE Event night for WRVMA & HVVMS
Free to LIVMA, WRVMA and HVVMS Members
Click here to register:

08/14: New spay/neuter guidance; surveillance studies; Virtual Care Summit

COVID updates on holds, etc

Cases of SARS-COV2 in Animals in the US:

In the news – surveillance studies
  • Several pending
  • All suggest there is a small percentage of cats and dogs that are acquiring infections from their owners.  No evidence they play any role in transmission. No evidence of severe disease in animals. No evidence of a large-scale problem in pets. 

Texas A and M study of animals in COVID-19 positive homes


  • A study by Italian scientists has found that people can transmit the coronavirus, scientifically known as SARS-CoV-2, to their pet cats and dogs.
  • The study tested 540 dogs and 277 cats living in households in northern Italy, particularly in Lombardy, where someone was infected with the virus or in areas where there were many cases. The study, which has not been peer-reviewed yet, found coronavirus antibodies in 3.4% of dogs and 3.9% of cats, indicating they were infected with the virus.
  • Swab tests for active virus infections were negative in all animals, as the virus shedding period ended after two weeks. The tests were conducted between March and May of this year.
Other Learning Opportunities

5-Part Webcast Kitten Care, Thursdays, Aug 6 - Sept 3:

  • Million Cat Challenge/Royal Canin webcasts hosted by Maddie’s Fund: 5-part kitten management series – from Julie Levy 

Webcast on Navigating Anesthetic Drug Shortages:

Million Cat Challenge: Navigating Anesthetic Drug Shortages in Shelters After COVID: 
Wednesday at 12n PT / 3pm ET

Behavioral counselor on communication tips:

New Spay/Neuter guidance

Helpful article in Animal Sheltering on new age for spay/neuter research:

Latest large scale retrospective study on spay/neuter in purebred dogs:

"See above article by Dr. Bushby as all the comments still apply to this study, along with sample size and the issues with interpretation with very rare diseases

Assisting Decision-Making on Age of Neutering for 35 Breeds of Dogs: Associated Joint Disorders, Cancers, and Urinary Incontinence (Benjamin L. Hart 1*, Lynette A. Hart 2, Abigail P. Thigpen2 and Neil H. Willits 3) ***This article is attached to this email. ** Dr. Berliner advises that if you read the paper to look at the data set as well and work through a breed or two for how many animals the recommendation is based on before you change your policy.

Virtual Care Summit

August 18, 2020 , 11:00-3:20 ET

  • “Access for All: How Virtual Care Connects to All Who Need It,” with Steve Feldman, Dr. Jason Johnson and Dr. Amanda Landis-Hanna
  • “Building Bonds: Using Virtual Tools to Grow Client Relationships,” with Fia Fasbinder
  • “Applied Learning: Insights from the Frontlines of Human Health,” with Deb Leon, Chris Turner and John Reardon
  • “Heart and Science: Creating a Client Engagement Ecosystem,” with Dr. Ken Rotondo
  • “Tips and Tricks: Unleashing Your Website’s Powerful Potential,” with Adam Greenbaum, Robert Sanchez and Bill Schroeder
  • “Perspectives from a Veterinary Virtual Care Educator,” with Dr. Eleanor Green and Dr. Lori Teller
  • “Connected Compassion: Enhancing Hospice and End of Life Care,” with Dr. Shea Cox and Dr. Dani McVety
  • “Key Issue and Insights: VCPR — A Mystery in the U.S., But Canada Solved It,” with Mark Cushing, Dr. Charlotte Lacroix, Dr. Sharon Quinn and Doug Raven
  • “How-to: Building a Strong Workflow to Optimize Your Virtual Care Team,” with Dr. Hannah Lau, Nicole Rogers and Michael Shirley
  • “Specialty On-Demand: How Teleconsulting Brings Specialty Care In-House,” with Dr. Caitlin DeWilde and Dr. Apryle Horbal
  • “Catalysts: The Vital Impact of Veterinary Technician Through Virtual Care,” with Dr. Pete Bill, Jesse Longo and Serena Pudelski
  • “Dollars and Sense: The Strong Economics of Virtual Care,” with Dr. Beth Fritzler, Dr. Cherice Roth and Dr. Aaron Smiley
  • “Connected Health: Connecting the Dots Through On-Demand Monitoring,” with Paul Koffman and Scott Lyle

Follow ups on Hoarding Presentation

Example program brochure from Marin County

Discussion Topic

What are shelters doing about daily rounds in their shelter during COVID-19?

08/07: Dr. Henry led a discussion on topics in Animal Behavior

Reminder about Fear Free Shelters!

Shelter Playgroup Alliance – conference just passed – but they have free seminars coming up. It is a 4 part series:

Updates on shelter behavior resources


Shelter behavior roundtable – talks about – one tip, recruiting, onboarding, etc.:

ASPCA resources:

ACVB Blog on Cat behavior:

ACVB Blog on Dog behavior:

July 2020

07/31: COVID numbers in animals; racism in veterinary medicine; access to care issues

Current COVID and Animal updates by the numbers


International numbers

  • 50 positive 
  • 27 c
  • 16 d
  • 4 tiger
  • 3 lions
  • 29 affected mink farms in 9 countries

US numbers only

  • 12 d
  • 10 c
  • 4 tigers and 3 lions

Diagnostic testing for SARs-COV2

32 labs testing, 17 animals only, 12 do animals and humans, 3 humans only

Handling Hoarding Cases in the Time of COVID

Staged interventions with triage system seem to work best:

  • Socialized and adoptable = signed over for adoption
  • Feral, unsocial, unadoptable = treat/ surgerize and return
  • Sick, untreatable, suffering = euthanasia

Enlist help from veterinarians when possible, and engage multiple human service organizations (housing, adult protective services, mental health professionals)

Prevention programs

Can we prevent hoarding from happening?

Probably at the over-whelmed caregiver stage of things…

Red flags with small rescues

  • crowdsourcing for food and other basic supplies
  • Unaltered animals that are breeding
  • Really low adoption rate

Collaboration between larger organizations and smaller rescues may establish a relationship: grant writing, medical services

There are two recent papers about an incremental, collaborative model:

Medical conditions and outcomes in 371 hoarded cats from 14 sources: a retrospective study (2011-2014)

Social services accessibility plays an important role. Is there already a network of agencies you might be able to enter into?

Finding Rover/ PetCo Partnership

National lost and found pet database

  • Stray intake = 50% of intake nationally; 25% of that is RTO
  • 10M lost pets per year
  • 1/3 of pets lost at some point

Facial recognition technology

  • Free to shelters, rescues and the public
  • Integrates with most shelter software
  • Accessible by web browser
  • Provides community reunification 
Racism in Veterinary Medicine

The Multicultural Veterinary Medical Association is a new group committed to increase DEI in veterinary medicine. See their dramatic video launched yesterday.

PSA from CARE on adoption policies:

Fundraising for shelters offered by NYSFED August 20th, 11 – 12:30 ET. Keep watching for links – to be sent out by Libby

Access to Care Issues

Veterinary Demand is way up and causing access issues for EVERYONE

NYSVMS survey – two biggest challenges – keeping up with the demand for services, and staff burnout – closely followed by complaints about curbside check-in

  • Ithaca area DVMS – up 50%, some have wellness backups numbering 200 appts.
  • Local referral ER – up 30%
  • UF is up 25-40% in two ERs
  • YOY average revenue nationally 5-15%
  • Daily average up 13%
  • Smaller practices are higher (16%) and larger practices less (9%)
  • Wellness visits up 15% in revenue
  • Top states in terms of invoice $ increases – Georgia, KY, IL

How are things for you in terms of veterinary access? For your shelter? For your clients?

Next week 8/7: Highlights from American College of Veterinary Behavior Conference and other shelter animal behavior fun

Topics raised from the group for discussion on August 14th call:

  • What systems or methods are you using to provide communication between management and staff, and between staff?
  • What methods are you using to provide the best possible customer service in your organization?

07/24: Dr. DeTar gives recap of Best of 2020 HSUS Expo

*This session was led by Dr. Lena Detar


07/17: MSMP offers support for CNY Regional shelter-owned animals with treatable issues; NYS tools & programs; compassion fatigue and quality of life 


Humane Expo Registration for next week

Survey on Access to Care for Shelters/rescues from CO Vet Student: . Contact: (my email)

PetCo Grant Opportunity Opening

Feline Leukemia Day Sat, July 18th

CNY Regional shelter-owned animal support for emergent cases with treatable issues seen at the CUHA or Urgent Care Triage Service
  • Contact with description of the pet and the condition.
  • Maximum support for cats is $1k.  Dogs can go higher, but must be a highly adoptable dog, behaviorally sound, and have a treatable/curable condition.
Topics/Tools/ Programs

UGA COVID 19 Risk Assessment Tool for event planning by county:

NYS Rental Relief Program

  • The COVID Rent Relief Program will provide eligible households with a one-time rental subsidy that will be sent directly to the household’s landlord. Applicants will not need to repay this assistance. The Covid Rent Relief Program is not first come, first served. Applications will be accepted throughout the two-week application period. HCR will prioritize eligible households with “greatest economic and social need” accounting for income, rent burden, percent of income lost and risk of homelessness.
  • The rental assistance payment will cover the difference between the household’s rent burden on March 1, 2020 and the increase in rent burden for the months the households is applying for assistance. Households can apply for up to four months in rental assistance.

NYS Mandatory Mask order for businesses and individuals:

  • Penalties: up to 1000k per individual and 10,000k for businesses not enforcing the mandate

"Business Owners, Managers, and Leaders,

On Monday July 13th, New York State officials have issued emergency regulations on COVID requirements including face-coverings (10 NYCRR Subpart 66-3), summarized here in [CAPS] . . . : BUSINESS OPERATORS AND BUILDING OWNERS MUST DENY ENTRY AND REQUIRE OR COMPEL THE REMOVAL OF ANY PERSON WHO FAILS TO COMPLY WITH FACE-COVERING REQUIREMENTS. The wearing of face coverings has proven to be one of the most effective ways to stop the spread of COVID-19, and is in-line with local guidance on reopening from the Tompkins County Health Department.

As a business operator you are now required to enforce compliance with these requirements. Violations of these regulations could result in a maximum fine of $1000 per violation; a willful violation of these regulations is punishable by a fine of up to $10,000. The Environmental Health Division of the Health Department has received complaints throughout the pandemic, and will be issuing notices of violation to non-compliant businesses in response to these new regulations. The Health Department and all local economic development and business support organizations will continue to communicate this guidance with both businesses and the public..."

Cool ideas

Fire Department Scanning Partnership: Equipping fire dept and police with microchip scanners and knowledge to use the scanner and utilize chip registries. Promotional video:

Using Home2Home and other rehoming platforms for short term foster care connections for evictions and other public assistance needs, rather than just adoption?

Compassion Fatigue Resources shared from Anne Lindsey, speaker at the conference

ASPCA Cornell Maddie’s Shelter Medicine Conference

Professional Quality of Life Scale (PROQOL) 

  • Compassion Fatigue Self Test. You may want to share with others in your organization. - On the right side click on “The ProQOL 5 Self-Score (English)” and it will be scored for you.

On compassion fatigue :

On caregiving:


On veteran PTSD and depression and our society: - many parallels with our work: 

On suicide prevention:

On resilience:

On shame and vulnerability:

Mindfulness meditations:


Anne Lindsay, M.A., Counseling Psychology,, 978-549-3879

  • Clinical Instructor for Department of Clinical Sciences, Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University
  • Animal Care Compassion Fatigue Specialist/Compassion Fatigue Workshop Facilitator
  • Team Building and Mediation Services
  • Coalition Building Consultation
  • Founder/Past President, Massachusetts Animal Coalition, Inc.

07/10: mask mandates; the coming financial crisis; evictions; NYS moratoriums

Mask wearing mandates and culture change
Humane Animal Control Policies
The coming financial crisis, for organizations and individuals
NYS moratoriums


JUNE 2020

06/26: COVID re-opening topics

COVID Re-opening Topics

What will you keep from COVID?

Sample document survey for shelter employees reviewed – Dr. Stout in Iowa

New Roles for Municipal facilities and Animal Control?

NACA/BF Community-based Sheltering Platform for Public Services:

Human Animal Support Services

Adopters Welcome – updated manual:

Re-opening Webinar from Maddie’s Fund featuring OSMA:

Accompanying Toolkit from Ontario Shelter Medicine Association:

Highlights from AAWA Conference last week:

  • Theme was resilience – topics on dealing with online trolls and coping mechanisms. Shelterations deal mostly with animals and people in crisis. 

Link to NY Times Article featuring our own Dr. Brennen:

06/12: animals and COVID; building anti-racism in animal welfare; vaccine development updates

Registration for our conference is OPEN

Animals and COVID

Animals and COVID Graphic “infected not infectious”:

Nature article on “What’s the risk that animals will spread coronavirus?”:

Mink depopulation:

Building Anti-Racism in Animal Welfare

Harvard’s Implicit Bias Project: Project Implicit: Complete a self-test for implicit bias (15 min)

  • The IAT measures the strength of associations between concepts (e.g., black people, gay people) and evaluations (e.g., good, bad) or stereotypes (e.g., athletic, clumsy). The main idea is that making a response is easier when closely related items share the same response key.


I’m talking with professor Ibram X. Kendi, New York Times bestselling author of How to Be an Antiracist and the Director of the Antiracist Research and Policy Center at American University. We talk about racial disparities, policy, and equality, but we really focus on How to Be an Antiracist, which is a groundbreaking approach to understanding uprooting racism and inequality in our society and in ourselves.

Animal welfare specific

The nation is gripped by racial tensions and division exacerbated by the killing of George Floyd, an unarmed African American man in Minneapolis. Days of protests and demonstrations in all fifty states are demanding an end to police brutality, and have underscored conversations about institutionalized racism and the treatment of people of color in American society. Animal welfare and animal services lack diversity and inclusion, both in our staffing and how we relate to the communities we serve. The number of pet-loving people of color is into the tens of millions and addressing this is not only crucial to ending the killing of pets in our nation's shelters it is a moral imperative for all of us. This episode we take the time to listen and try to understand how we can do better and be better moving forward in our lifesaving work.

AAWA Conference June 16-17:
Vaccine Development Updates 

American Public Health Webinar (APHA): Review of the approach, challenges and expectations for developing a vaccine for SARS-COV2

Re-opening Progress and Challenges Discussion – what can we troubleshoot?

Ontario Shelter Medicine Association Resources:

06/05: grants and funding; animal transport; evaluating implicit bias and racism in your animal welfare organization

Updates on grants and funding

NYS Companion Animal Capital Fund – money for awarded grants is being released!!! 

The Portalmania Awards  -- 82 shelters

Portalmania 2020 results will be announced this week.

#SpayTogether $2M giveaway (NO LONGER ACTIVE)

  • A group of over 25 national organizations have joined forces to launch #SpayTogether, a stimulus fund to help animal shelters and veterinary clinics perform 50,000 lifesaving spay/neuter surgeries in the wake of COVID-19. This collaborative, historic initiative will provide surgery subsidy support grants, on-ground assistance, training in high-quality, high-volume spay/neuter surgeries, and discounted veterinary supplies and services to shelters and veterinary clinics affected by COVID-19.
  • While #SpayTogether will impact every state, the coalition has identified eight key states that have substantial need due to veterinary shortages and/or large amounts of unaltered animals: Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, California, Texas, Nevada, Florida and Oklahoma.
  • Individual shelter animal grants from our program’s partners in the Ithaca surrounding area: review of criteria
Topics for Discussion

Submitted questions

Holding periods for animals entering shelters – review of guidelines

New companion animal cases of COVID-19 in the news

New statements and resources this week

  • NACA Statement on Officer Safety: In this challenging time, we are deeply concerned for the safety of animal control officers around the nation, who continue their work of saving lives and protecting pets and people. In an effort to provide guidance to agencies operating the essential service that is Animal Control, NACA has developed new recommendations.
Transport Resources

ASPCA's COVID-19 Animal Relocation Preparedness Guide: If you're considering resuming your relocation program, download this guide for recommendations on topics like medical and community preparedness, capacity for care, and transport frequency, plus sample flowcharts and checklists, sample biosecurity measures for drivers, and loading and unloading protocols. 

Maine’s COVID-19 TRANSPORT PROTOCOL: This document from ME is a good example of a Transport Protocols: The Maine Federation of Humane Societies, in conjunction with the HSUS, developed these protocols for transport, which can serve as a guide when organizations/communities are ready to safely resume transport programs. Review the protocols >> 

Resources provided during the June 4th webinar, “COVID-19: Transport During a Pandemic”, hosted by Best Friends:

Evaluating implicit bias and racism in your animal welfare organization

The sniff blog “Recognizing and dismantling racism in animal rescue” by AJ Albrecht:

CARE ( Companions and Animals for Reform and Equity):

Anti-racist organizational change: resources and tools for non-profits:

Pets for Life Sustainability Guide: has several chapters on racism and equity for shelter programming

Pets for Life: Introduction to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Animal Welfare led by Gabbi Chapman, PFL Senior Analyst, Social Justice and Amanda Arrington, Pets for Life Director:

Free online course in Understanding Institutional Racism:

Modeling of Effect of PAUSE on TNR Programs video from ACCD: