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Faculty Resources

Important Contacts:

Initial ContactRob Goggs and Carol Frederick
Clinical Research CoordinatorsCarol FrederickCindy Bennett. and Andrea King
Grant and Contract Research Coordinator (DCS)Christie Sayre
Budgeting for Client Owned Clinical StudiesWendy English
IACUC AssistanceChristine Bellezza and Robert Felt
Quality AssuranceErin Daugherity


Thinking of Starting a Clinical Trial?


What resources are available?

The College Resource Office Funding Opportunities website (login required) has information about possible grants, shared equipment and facilities, animal per diem costs, the Form 10, and more!

Do I need an IACUC protocol?

If your project will be working with live animals and collecting any samples or doing any procedures that are outside of standard of care you will need an IACUC protocol. We do have an exemption process for studies that fall outside of this. Please see this flowchart to help you decide if you need a protocol or not.

How does IACUC exemption work?

If you believe your project would qualify for exemption from IACUC oversight, fill out the CUVCSC exemption application and send it to Carol Frederick (Clinical Trials and Operations Project Team Manager). She will forward your application to the committee and then let you know the outcome.

What's the process for consent forms?

Informed client consent is an integral part of a clinical study. You can download the CUHA consent form template, along with the consent form instructions. Send your draft to Carol Frederick. She will edit for clarity (and lay language) and arrange for Hospital Director approval. You will then receive an approved copy of your form to attach to your IACUC protocol, CUVCSC exemption application, or grant application. Remember that the exemption application is for an exemption from IACUC oversight, not exemption from needing a consent form.

There are a couple of exceptions from needing the CUHA consent form, such as when you're working with a farm, SPCA, or zoo. The Clinical Trials Coordinator or the IACUC office would be happy to help you navigate these unusual situations.

What's a Clinical Trials Coordinator?

Carol Frederick, Cindy Bennett, and Andrea King are our current clinical trials coordinators. All three are very experienced licensed veterinary technicians. Their job duties include assisting with consent forms, IACUC protocol writing, helping create a budget, advertising, client recruiting, case searches, sample processing and storage, and more. For information about how to budget technical assistance into your grant please contact Carol or Christie Sayre for further details.

How can I advertise my clinical trials?

The Clinical Trials Coordinator can assist with advertising with tools such as emails to the surrounding veterinary community, fliers for the hallways of the hospitals, a webpage for your study, listing it on the AVMA Clinical Trials Database, and the CVM social media accounts. Please send a small blurb about your project including the goal of the study, client commitments needed, who the PI is, and compensation to the client. You will receive a draft back to edit and approve prior to publication. 

How do I get statistics help?

Contact the Cornell University Statistical Consulting Group. The help is free!