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Program Description

An advanced training program for prospective dairy veterinarians held at Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine.

Our vision of the Summer Dairy Institute is to accelerate and augment the ability of motivated veterinary students and new veterinarians to contribute to the modern dairy industry while fostering development of professional networks.

The mission is to provide a concentrated 6-week course of the highest quality to a select group of professionals whose career objective is to enhance the well-being of dairy cattle such that they contribute to efficient, profitable, and environmentally sound production of safe food.

Selected participants will convene in New York for an intensive 6-week course with authorities at the forefront of their fields. They offer up-to-the-minute professional information on subjects such as Reproduction, Nutrition, Dairy Facilities, Dairy Record Systems, Milk Quality/Udder Health, Biosecurity, Public Health and Regulatory Considerations, and Financial Decision Making.

Not only will future leaders in the profession be exposed to a unique, relevant, and modern curriculum, they will also have the opportunity to interact with one another and faculty to permit establishment of friendships and networks of colleagues that will serve the profession and industry well for decades. Participants in this program will be better prepared to enter modern veterinary practice and support industries than conventional new graduates. For recent graduates, it is expected that they will bring immediate value to their employers.

Program faculty will be drawn from academia industry, government, and private practices.

Veterinary students planning to graduate in the current application year or the following and who are planning to spend the majority of their professional career in the dairy industry are most invited to apply. Future applicants should plan early in their academic career to increase opportunity for attending. For safety reasons, participants should be agile and able to lift 50 pounds. Academic credits or continuing education credits can be arranged.

Up to 25 participants will travel to Ithaca, New York, where the facilities of Cornell University, College of Veterinary Medicine and the robust surrounding dairy industry will be used.

In order to keep costs down for participants, we seek sponsorships which cover a large portion of the operating expenses (see FAQs for our current tuition). Housing and most meals will be provided for the duration of the course. Scholarship funds will be available to defray the participant costs. The American Association of Bovine Practitioners has committed to a provision of scholarships for advanced dairy training through the AABP Foundation Education Grants (view their website at Schools and colleges are encouraged to provide financial support to their participating students.

Applications will be accepted early October, please see APPLICATION Tab on home page for details on dates.