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Types of Aid

College Scholarships

Cornell grants and endowed scholarships are need-based “gift aid” that do not need to be repaid. Eligibility is based on information students provide on their CSS Profile application as first-year students, and information on the FAFSA form as continuing students. 

A green shoot with coins as roots

Types of College Scholarships 


To be considered for need-based institutional financial aid, a student must submit financial information from both biological or adoptive parents. The College of Veterinary Medicine considers all students under the age of 30 on January 1 of the year they are applying for financial assistance to be dependent. Therefore, complete parental data is collected on the CSS Profile forms, an online application used to award non-federal institutional aid.

CSS Profile FAQs

  1. What information is needed if my parents are together?

    If both parents are together, you need to provide information for both parents.

  2. What if my parents are divorced, separated, or no longer together?

    In this case, you only need to provide parental data for one parent. However, if a parent is remarried, we need their household information and taxes, including the new spouse. 

  3. What information is required if I am married?

    If you are married, you need to provide information for your spouse. You can enter zeros for the parental information section.

  4. What if I am recently married?

    If you are recently married, combine tax information for yourself and your spouse. You can enter zeros for the parental information section.

  5. What should I do if I have special circumstances?

    If you have special circumstances, enter this information in the special circumstances section of the CSS Profile. 

Federal Loans 

The federal government considers all graduate or professional students independent of their families. However, due to the federal regulations regarding the Health Professions Student Loan (HPSL), parental information is required on the CSS profile, and eligibility is determined by calculating the family contribution as if the student were still dependent. If no parental information is provided, the student is NOT eligible for the HPSL, regardless of the contribution calculation.

Types of Federal Student Loans

  • Health Professions Student Loan (HPSL) 
    Eligibility is based on current needs and prior student loan debt. Regardless of the student's age or marital status, complete parental data is required on both the FAFSA and the CSS Profile. The maximum annual loan available is defined as the cost of attendance; however, available funds are usually not sufficient to allow maximum awards. Interest is fixed at 5% during the repayment period, which begins one year after the borrower ceases to be enrolled at least half-time.

  • Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loans 
    The Federal Direct Unsubsidized Stafford loan allows Health Professions students to borrow up to $40,500 annually. During school and periods of deferment, the principal is deferred, but interest accrues from the disbursement date.

  • Federal Direct Grad PLUS Loan
    The Federal Direct Grad PLUS loan is available to graduate and professional students who have borrowed the maximum unsubsidized loan amounts but still have educational costs that are not covered by other financial aid. In addition to the FAFSA, this program requires a separate application, and approval is based on a credit history review. The interest rate is fixed, and there is an origination fee for the amount borrowed. Interest starts to accrue on disbursement, and repayment begins six months after a student ceases to be enrolled at least half-time.
    Grad PLUS Loan Application

Federal Work Study Program (FWS)

The Federal Work Study Program increases opportunities for student employment by reimbursing employers on campus or in certain non-profit organizations off campus 50% of wages paid to eligible students. Eligibility to participate is based on financial need, as evidenced by analysis of the FAFSA. Funds are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. 

Veterinary Student Employment Program (VETSEP)

The College also offers a wage-subsidy program to students in the professional curriculum employed in certain types of veterinary-related positions within the College. As with FWS, available monies are allocated to eligible students on a first-come, first-served basis.

FWS / VETSEP Application

External Scholarships

To supplement our efforts to reduce student loan debt through institutional gift aid, it is our expectation that all students applying for financial aid take an active role in limiting their borrowing by seeking outside scholarship opportunities. While we screen these listings for illegitimate offers, students should review all scholarship information carefully. Never pay money to apply for a scholarship or other funding opportunity. 

Veteran Education Benefits

Veteran education benefits are available to eligible full or part-time Cornell students or employees who are active duty or reserve military personnel, veterans, or in some cases, the child or spouse of a veteran. Complete the online Application for VA Education Benefits (VA Form 22-1990) to determine eligibility. Please submit a copy of your Certificate of Eligibility from the VA to our office via email to 

Non-U.S. Citizens

U.S. students include U.S. citizens, U.S. citizens with dual citizenship, and certain eligible non-citizens such as refugees or asylees. Undocumented students who attended and graduated from a U.S. high school, with or without DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) status, are not eligible for federal aid.

Budget Changes

If you have unforeseen expenses during the semester and need more money than originally budgeted, you can increase your loans for the unforeseen expenses (if allowable) if you still have loan eligibility. A budget increase form will need to be submitted with back-up documentation. Select "College of Veterinarian Medicine" under Student Type on the form.

To know what constitutes an allowable expense, contact the office at

Emergency Funding

Occasionally, students face urgent, unanticipated expenses related to their educational pursuits. Depending on the circumstances, The Office of Student Financial Planning may be able to provide assistance in the form of grants, scholarships, or student loans. Students should contact to discuss their options.