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Resumes, CVs & Cover Letters

Externship, internship and job inquiries and applications typically require you to submit a resume or CV (curriculum vitae) to the employer or organization of interest. 

In most cases, the application instructions for the position you are applying to will specify whether a CV or resume is being requested. If this information is not provided, you will need to determine which of them most appropriately fits the criteria provided by the employer or internship committee who will be reviewing your application.

Please note that employers sometimes confuse the terms and use them interchangeably. So, if you are in doubt—the general rule of thumb is that if you are applying for a veterinary associate position you should submit a resume; if you are applying for an externship, internship or a position in academia (research or clinical) you should submit a CV.

Writing a Resume

A resume is a targeted list of professional experiences that focuses on skills and accomplishments directly relevant to the job you are applying for. it is a document that seeks to:

  • construct a professional image and establish credibility
  • convince a prospective employer to grant you an interview
  • persuade your reader that you are the best person for the job

Sections of a Resume

Writing a CV

A CV is a comprehensive record of your professional history including your academic credentials, clinical, research and teaching experiences and accomplishments and all scholarly activities. It is used by veterinary students when they are applying for externships, internships or residencies or for positions in academia. Research fellowships or scholarship applications also frequently require CVs. Unlike a resume, there is no page limit for CVs.

Sections of a CV

Writing a Cover Letter

A cover letter must accompany every letter or CV you send out. A cover letter is NOT a letter that simply refers the reader to the enclosed letter. Like the resume, it should be tailored to the position you are applying for. A cover letter is your opportunity to introduce yourself, state your objective and highlight aspects of your qualifications that speak to your fit for the position you are applying to. Cover letters are often scrutinized as samples of written communication. A well-written cover letter will encourage the reader to take a serious look at your resume; conversely a poorly written cover letter can doom your job prospects even if you are potentially a great fit for the job.

Sections of a Cover Letter

All sections must be left justified

Letter of Intent (for externships)

Contact our office with any questions you may have regarding your career:

College of Veterinary Medicine
Office of Student and Academic Services
S2-009 Schurman Hall
Ithaca, NY 14853
phone: 607.253.3700