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BBS PhD Program

BBS Recruitment 2024

The Cornell University Biomedical and Biological Sciences (BBS) Ph.D. Program Recruitment event will be held Sunday, January 28th through Tuesday, January 30th (departure morning of Wednesday, Jan 31st).  You will meet with faculty, current graduate students and campus partners and get a glimpse of the BBS Ph.D. program, Cornell University and Ithaca community.  

To make navigating the experience a bit easier recruits are assigned a "BBS Buddy" in early January.  BBS Buddies are current graduate students who have successfully navigated the recruitment experience and can be a source of information and guidance.

Schedule of Events

Sunday, January 28

4:30 to 6:30 PM Welcome Reception
with BBS Faculty & Grad Students

Monday, January 29

7:00 AM Breakfast
Hot breakfast buffet with current graduate students
8:20 AM

Welcome Address & BBS PhD Program Overview

Dr. Lorin Warnick,
Dean of College of Veterinary Medicine

Dr. Paula Cohen 
Associate Dean of Research & Graduate Education

8:45 AM

Biomedical Research Faculty Presentation

Dr. Sarah Caddy
Assistant Professor
Department of Microbiology & Immunology

Dr. Glenn Simmons Jr.
Assistant Professor
Department of Biomedical Sciences

9:30 AM

Career and Professional Development Resources for Graduate Students

Dr. Colleen McLinn,
Associate Dean for Professional Development

Susi Varvayanis,
Executive Director for Careers Beyond Academia

9:50 AM to 12:00 PM

Panel Interviews with DGS

Check Agenda for Individual Meeting Time

12:00 PM

with Current Graduate Students

1:00 to 5:00 PM Individual Meetings with Faculty
7:00 PM Dinner
with Current Graduate Students

Tuesday, January 30

7:30 AM Breakfast
with Current Graduate Students
9:00 AM Cornell Facilities & Lab Tour
10:45 AM Ithaca & Cornell Campus Tour
3:00 - 4:30 PM

Biomedical & Biological Sciences Poster Session
Wine & Cheese Reception

5:45  - 7:45 PM Dinner

Statler Hotel 
Taylor & Rowe Rooms

Wednesday, January 31

9:00 AM

Biomedical & Biological Sciences Seminar
Work in Progress (WIP) 
Lecture Hall 2 (S1-165)

Faculty Interviews 

Recruits are asked to identify nine faculty members whose research interests them as part of the registration process.  The BBS program will review the list of faculty submitted, schedule in-person interviews for Monday, January 29th and will advise students with whom to reach out to schedule virtual meetings prior to their arrival to Ithaca.  

Recently Funded Research in CVM: 

Ithaca Campus 

Academic/ Laboratory

Local Interest

Campus Tour - Important Places and Unique Quirks Wagner Lab - Shurman Hall and Equine Facility Sapsucker Woods                
The Basics of the Vet College Doerr Lab-Weill Hall University Park Apartments
Sylvia Lee Lab:Biotech Tour Village Solar Apartments
Alex Travis Lab: Baker Institute Maplewood Apartments
Visit Ithaca


Learn about the Community

Graduate Student Community