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Ovine Diagnostic Plans and Panels

The following diagnostic plans have been developed primarily as an educational tool to assist the veterinarian in designing a complete, although not exhaustive, diagnostic strategy. To encourage veterinarians to select only the tests that are deemed clinically appropriate in each situation, the price of the diagnostic plan is not discounted from the sum of the individual test costs.

For the test groupings labeled as panels, there may be a discounted price versus the costs of the individual tests. Diagnostic plans and panels can be requested by writing the complete name as the test request. If appropriate samples are included all tests will be performed.

Antimicrobial susceptibilities for culture isolates are available upon request at an additional charge.

Print Plans and Panels

Coagulation Panel, Large Animal

Panel Code: COAGPL

Tests PerformedTest CodeSamples Needed
  • 2ml separated citrate plasma in plastic or siliconized glass tube (blue top tube and then separated and transferred)
Prothrombin TimePT
  • 2ml separated citrate plasma in plastic or siliconized glass tube (blue top tube and then separated and transferred)
aPTT (Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time)APTT
  • 2ml separated citrate plasma in plastic or siliconized glass tube (blue top tube and then separated and transferred)


Ship chilled.

Dermatology Diagnostic Plan

All skin biopsy submissions should be accompanied by a Dermatohistopathology Submission Form.

Deep lesion

Tests PerformedTest CodeSamples Needed
Aerobic Bacterial CultureAER
  • (2) fresh skin biopsies in plain red top tube with 0.5ml sterile saline to keep moist (not wet)
  • +/- Swab from deep in tissue placed in aerobic transport media (Amies with charcoal)
Fungal CultureFUNGCM
  • (2) fresh skin biopsies in plain red top tube with 0.5ml sterile saline to keep moist (not wet)
  • +/- Swab from deep in tissue placed in aerobic transport media (Amies with charcoal)
Fungal KOH Fluorescent StainFUNGKOH
  • Nails, skin scrapings or 10-12 hairs from border of lesion
  • Fresh tissue or bodily fluids (systemic fungi/yeast)
  • Prepared slide
Gram StainGRAM
  • (2) fresh skin biopsies in plain red top tube with 0.5ml sterile saline to keep moist (not wet)
Histopathology (biopsy)HISTO
  • Multiple formalin fixed skin biopsies.

Superficial lesion

Tests PerformedTest CodeSamples Needed
Fungal CultureFUNGCM
  • (1) hair and skin scraping for fungal culture and gram stain sent in a sealable paper envelope
Fungal KOH Fluorescent StainFUNGKOH
  • Nails, skin scrapings or 10-12 hairs from border of lesion
  • Fresh tissue or bodily fluids (systemic fungi/yeast)
  • Prepared slide
Gram StainGRAM
  • (1) hair and skin scraping for fungal culture and gram stain sent in a sealable paper envelope
Histopathology (biopsy)HISTO
  • Multiple formalin fixed skin biopsies.
Skin ScrapingSSE
  • (1) skin scraping for ectoparasite identification in an escape proof, nonporous container


Deep lesion samples: Ship chilled and protect fixed tissue from freezing.

Superficial lesion samples: Ship at room temperature and protect from temperature extremes. Protect slides from formalin exposure.

Ovine Fever of Unknown Origin Diagnostic Plan

If case is chronic, virus isolation can be omitted if desired. If not previously performed a large animal chemistry panel may be warranted and serum (separated) or heparinized plasma would need to be submitted.

Tests PerformedTest CodeSamples Needed
Aerobic Bacterial CultureAER
  • To diagnose septicemia post-mortem; fresh lung, kidney, spleen, and lymph node (tracheobronchial preferred)
(3) Blood Culture, AerobicBLDAER
  • (3) inoculated aerobic/fungal blood culture bottles
(3) Blood Culture, AnaerobicBLDAN
  • (3) inoculated anaerobic blood culture bottles
Fibrinogen (heat-precipitation)FIB-SCH
  • (2) tubes EDTA whole blood (lavender top tube)
Large Animal Hemogram
examination for blood parasites included
  • (2) air dried blood smears
  • (2) tubes EDTA whole blood (lavender top tube)
Large Animal Chemistry PanelLA P
  • Heparinized plasma (separated from a green top tube) or
  • Serum (separated)
(2) Virus Isolation
nasal, whole blood
  • (2) tubes EDTA whole blood (lavender top tube)
  • Nasal swab in 0.5ml sterile saline to keep moist (not wet)


Ship chilled except for blood culture bottles and slides which are shipped at room temperature.

See Blood Culture Technique for more information. To order blood culture bottles, go to shipping supplies or call 607.253.3935.

It may be helpful to collect and bank a serum sample for possible acute and convalescent serology.

This diagnostic plan is designed to detect a broad spectrum of systemic bacterial, viral, and some blood parasite causes of acute fever of unknown origin, as well as certain inflammatory changes which may assist in determining the underlying problems. Viral causes of illness are best detected acutely and most are unlikely to be detected in a patient with a chronic fever of unknown origin. This plan is intended to be used as an adjunct to targeted, disease-specific testing appropriate to the species, clinical history and geographic location or conditions. See Small Animal Internal Medicine, 5th Edition, 2014, Nelson RW and Couto CG; Chapter 88: Fever of Unknown Origin, pages 1279-1282 for other ideas of testing.

Large Animal Basic Workup

Tests PerformedTest CodeSamples Needed
Fibrinogen (heat-precipitation)FIB-SCH
  • EDTA whole blood in lavender top tube
Hemogram (CBC), Large Animal
examination for blood parasites included
  • (2) air dried blood smears
  • EDTA whole blood in lavender top tube
Large Animal ChemistryLA P
  • Heparinized plasma (separated from a green top tube) or
  • Serum (separated)


Ship chilled.

Large Animal Renal Panel


Tests PerformedTest CodeSamples Needed
  • 1ml Serum (separated) or heparinized plasma
Anion Gap 
  • 1ml Serum (separated) or heparinized plasma
  • 1ml Serum (separated) or heparinized plasma
  • 1ml Serum (separated) or heparinized plasma
  • 1ml Serum (separated) or heparinized plasma
Phosphate (Phosphorus)P
  • 1ml Serum (separated) or heparinized plasma
  • 1ml Serum (separated) or heparinized plasma
  • 1ml Serum (separated) or heparinized plasma
Urea NitrogenBUN
  • 1ml Serum (separated) or heparinized plasma


Ship chilled.

Ovine Abortion Fetal Tissue Diagnostic Plan

Tests PerformedTest CodeSamples Needed
(3) Aerobic Bacterial Culture
Listeria included
  • Submit 3 fresh tissue samples: placenta, lung, and stomach contents - labelled and individually bagged; for individual aerobic culture
Bovine Virus Diarrhea Virus PCRBVDPCR
  • Fresh lung; if not available, use spleen or heart
Bovine Virus Diarrhea Virus (BVDV) SN, Type 1BVDSN
  • Fetal heart blood or pleural, pericardial or peritoneal effusion in a red top tube.
Bovine Virus Diarrhea Virus (BVDV) SN, Type 2BVDSN2
  • Fetal heart blood or pleural, pericardial or peritoneal effusion in a red top tube.
(2) Campylobacter fetus (Vibrio) FACAMPYFA
  • Submit 2 fresh tissue samples: placenta including cotyledons and liver. If either one is not available, use abomasal contents in a red top tube.
Campylobacter jejuni CultureCAMPYJ
  • Liver preferred; placenta if liver unavailable
Chlamydia PCRCHPCR
  • Placenta including cotyledons; if no placenta use lung
Cache Valley Fever SNCVFSN
  • Fetal heart blood or pleural, pericardial or peritoneal effusion in a red top tube
  • Formalin fixed tissue: placenta, liver, lung, brain, adrenal, heart, thymus, small intestine, kidney, fetal skin
(2) Leptospira PCRLEPTPCR
  • Submit 2 fresh tissue samples: placenta including cotyledons and fetal kidney; stomach contents acceptable
Neospora IFANEO
  • Fetal heart blood or pleural, pericardial or peritoneal effusion in a red top tube
Toxoplasma gondii MATTMAT
  • Fetal heart blood or pleural, pericardial or peritoneal effusion in a red top tube
Toxoplasmosis FATOXFA
  • Fresh tissue: liver placenta including cotyledons, adrenal, intestine, spleen, kidney, lung


If full necropsy desired, see necropsy testing.

Ship fresh tissue chilled and protect fixed tissue from freezing.

If placentitis present, consider adding Coxiella burnetii PCR (COXPCR) to placenta; if not available use abomasal contents; if neither available use lung.

If indicated, add Border Disease SN (OBDVSN) to heart blood (serum), peritoneal, pleural or pericardial fluid in sterile red top tube.

If indicated, add Virus Isolation (VI) on Fresh tissue: lung, placenta including cotyledons, abomasal contents, kidney, liver, heart, adrenal, skin.


Ovine Abortion Serology Panel + Selenium

Tests PerformedTest CodeSamples Needed
Bovine Virus Diarrhea Virus (BVDV) SN, Type 1BVDSN
  • Maternal serum (separated)
Bovine Virus Diarrhea Virus (BVDV) SN, Type 2BVDSN2
  • Maternal serum (separated)
Cache Valley SNCVFSN
  • Maternal serum (separated)
Chlamydophila CFCHCF
  • Maternal serum (separated)
Leptospira MAT, 5 standard serovarsLEPTO
  • Maternal serum (separated)
Neospora IFANEO
  • Maternal serum (separated)
Selenium, whole bloodSEL
  • Maternal EDTA whole blood (lavender top tube)
  • Maternal heparin whole blood (green top tube)
Toxoplasma gondii MATTMAT
  • Maternal serum (separated)


Ship chilled.

When acute samples are received, the serologic assays will be run at that time, and samples retained. If second, convalescent samples are later submitted, please note the accession number for the acute serology. Tests on both samples will be run in parallel and paired results should be interpreted. No fee will be applied to the second test performed on the acute sample at the time of the paired testing.

If history indicates may also want to consider Brucella ovis ELISA* which is performed on serum.

Ovine Diarrhea Diagnostic Plan

Tests PerformedTest CodeSamples Needed

Anaerobic Bacterial Culture, 

Clostridium perfringens Genotype PCR



  • Tied off loop of bowel refrigerated and less than 24 hour old or frozen
  • Intestinal swab or fecal swab in anaerobic transport media shipped at room temperature
  • Clostridium perfringens genotyping PCR to further identify which genes for which toxins are present
Fecal FloatationFLOAT
  • Fresh feces in leak-proof container
Johne's Individual Culture

JCI (NY state residency)

JCO (out-of-state residency)

JCN (enrolled in NYSCHAP program)

  • Fresh feces in leak-proof container
Salmonella cultureSALM
  • Fecal swab in Amies transport media
  • Fresh feces in leak-proof sterile container
  • Fresh fecal sample in sterile container (fill to line on container but do not overfill) or in ParaPak® transport media to assist with Salmonella recovery
Selenium, tissueNCRJ
  • Fresh liver
Selenium, whole bloodSEL
  • EDTA whole blood (lavender top tube) or
  • Heparin whole blood (green top tube)


Ship chilled, except for ParaPak® which should be kept at room temperature.

Johne's ELISA may be used to screen for Johne's Disease in sheep with diarrhea or weight loss, but should be used only when manure is not available for culture, as the Johne's ELISA is a less sensitive diagnostic test.

Turnaround time for Johne's culture is 12-16 weeks although positive samples may be shorter. In neonatal lambs, an Aerobic bacterial culture and a Rotavirus Latex Antigen Detection, Group A on feces should also be considered.

Ovine Neonatal Diarrhea Plan

Ante mortem

Tests PerformedTest CodeSamples Needed

Anaerobic Bacterial Culture,

Clostridium perfringens Genotype PCR



  • Fecal swab in anaerobic transport media shipped at room temperature
  • Clostridium perfringens genotyping PCR to further identify which genes for which toxins are present
Fecal Float
(if >3 days of age)
  • Fresh feces in leak-proof container
Rotavirus Antigen Detection Grp ARLA
  • Fresh feces in leak-proof container
Salmonella CultureSALM
  • Fresh fecal sample in sterile container (fill to line on container but do not overfill) or in ParaPak® transport media to assist with Salmonella recovery
Selenium, whole bloodSEL
  • EDTA whole blood (lavender top tube) or
  • Heparin whole blood (green top tube)


Tests PerformedTest CodeSamples Needed
Aerobic Bacterial CultureAER
  • To Diagnose Septicemia; kidney, spleen, lymph node (tracheobronchial preferred)

Anaerobic Bacterial Culture, 

Clostridium perfringens Genotype PCR



  • Tied off loop of bowel refrigerated and less than 24 hour old or frozen
  • Intestinal swab or fecal swab in anaerobic transport media shipped at room temperature
  • Clostridium perfringens genotyping PCR to further identify which genes for which toxins are present
Fecal Flotation
(if >3 days of age)
  • Fresh feces in leak-proof container
  • Formalin-fixed tissue: full set of tissue (including multiple sections of intestinal tract)
Rotavirus Antigen Detection Grp ARLA
  • Tied off loop of bowel with contents (fresh)
  • Fresh feces in leak-proof container
Salmonella CultureSALM
  • Fecal swab or intestinal swab in Amies transport media
  • Fresh tied off loop of bowel (ileum or jejunum) in sterile container
  • Fresh fecal sample in sterile container (fill to line on container but do not overfill) or in ParaPak® transport media to assist with Salmonella recovery
Selenium, tissueNCRJ
  • Fresh liver


Ante mortem: Ship chilled except for slides which should be kept at room temperature.

Necropsy: Ship fresh tissue and swab chilled and protect fixed tissue from freezing.

Ovine Neurologic Diagnostic Plan

Tests PerformedTest CodeSamples Needed
Aerobic Bacterial CultureAER
  • (1) swab inoculated with CSF
  • (1) swab of meninges prior to contamination and placed in aerobic transport media (Amies with charcoal)
  • CSF sample taken using sterile technique and placed in aerobic blood culture media (preferred) or in sterile red top tube
Cerebrospinal Fluid CytologyCSFE
  • CSF in EDTA (purple top tube)
Eastern Equine Encephalitis Virus Plaque Reduction SNEEEPRSN
  • Serum, acute and convalescent
  • Full set of fixed tissues placed in formalin, including multiple sections of brain and spinal cord
Lead, bloodBDLEAD
  • EDTA or Heparin whole blood (lavender or green top tube)
Lead, tissueNCOX
  • Fresh liver in sterile container
Listeria CultureLISTCUL
  • Fresh brain (preferably brainstem) placed in sterile container
Mineral/Electrolytes PanelMINLY P
  • Serum or heparinized plasma (separated)
Mineral Panel (Tissue)MINP
  • To diagnose hypernatremia postmortem
  • Fresh brain (preferably brainstem) placed in sterile container
Selenium, tissueNCRJ
  • Fresh liver
Selenium, whole bloodSEL
  • EDTA whole blood (lavender top tube) or
  • Heparin whole blood (green top tube)
West Nile Virus Eastern Encephalitis Virus PCR PanelWNVEEEPCRP
  • Brain or spinal cord
  • CSF
West Nile Virus Plaque Reduction SN
  • Serum, acute and convalescent


Ship chilled and protect fixed tissue from freezing. Please indicate if rabies testing is pending.

*Consider mosquito-borne virus testing based on compatible clinical signs, season, and geographic location.

**Note that EEE is not reliably detected in EDTA whole blood (CSF and brain tissue are preferred), however EEE PCR is warranted on EDTA whole blood if other preferred samples are not available.

See Tissues for Rabies Diagnosis for photos of brain samples needed for rabies testing.

May also want to consider Cerebrospinal Fluid Cytology which requires CSF in EDTA tube (LTT) and (2) air dried slides of CSF. Protect slides from formalin exposure.

If whole head is submitted a rabies brain extraction fee will be applied. Please submit completed NYS rabies specimen history form and write out clear instructions on what additional diagnostic tests should be performed.

Ruminant Liver Panel


Tests PerformedTest CodeSamples Needed
A/G Ratio 
  • Heparinized plasma (separated from a green top tube).
  • Serum (separated)
  • Heparinized plasma (separated from a green top tube).
  • Serum (separated)
Aspartate AminotransferaseAST
  • Heparinized plasma (separated from a green top tube).
  • Serum (separated)
Bilirubin Panel (total, direct, indirect)BILIP
  • Heparinized plasma (separated from a green top tube).
  • Serum (separated)
Creatine kinaseCK
  • Heparinized plasma (separated from a green top tube).
  • Serum (separated)
Gamma Glutamyl TransferaseGGT
  • Heparinized plasma (separated from a green top tube).
  • Serum (separated)
  • Heparinized plasma (separated from a green top tube).
  • Serum (separated)
Glutamate Dehydrogenase, bloodGLDH
  • Heparinized plasma (separated from a green top tube).
  • Serum (separated)
Sorbitol Dehydrogenase, bloodSDH
  • Heparinized plasma (separated from a green top tube).
  • Serum (separated)
Total Protein with Albumin and Globulins 
  • Heparinized plasma (separated from a green top tube).
  • Serum (separated)
  • Heparinized plasma (separated from a green top tube).
  • Serum (separated)


Ship chilled.

Ovine Respiratory (Acute) Diagnostic Plan


Tests PerformedTest CodeSamples Needed
Aerobic Bacterial CultureAER
  • Deep nasopharyngeal swab in aerobic transport media (Amies without charcoal preferred)
  • Swab of transtracheal wash (TTW) (preferred sample) or swab of bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid in Amies transport media or BAL/TTW fluid in red top tube
Anaerobic Bacterial CultureANAER
  • Swab of transtracheal wash (TTW) (preferred sample) or swab of bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid in anaerobic transport media
Bovine Respiratory Syncytial Virus PCRBRS
  • Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid in red top tube (alternatively can use viral transport media)
  • Transtracheal wash (TTW) (preferred)
Chlamydia PCRCHPCR
  • Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid in red top tube (alternatively can use viral transport media)
  • Nasal or pharyngeal swabs in aerobic transport media (Amies without charcoal)
  • Transtracheal wash (TTW) (preferred)
Fecal FlotationFLOAT
  • Fresh feces
Fibrinogen (heat-precipitation)FIB-SCH
  • EDTA whole blood in lavender top tube
Hemogram, Large Animal
examination for blood parasites included
  • (2) air dried blood smears
  • EDTA whole blood in lavender top tube
Mycoplasma CultureMYCOPL
  • (1) swab inoculated with sample and placed in aerobic transport media (Amies without charcoal)
  • Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid in red top tube (alternatively can use viral transport media)
  • Transtracheal wash (TTW) (preferred)
Selenium, whole bloodSEL
  • EDTA whole blood (lavender top tube) or
  • Heparin whole blood (green top tube)
Small Ruminant Lentivirus cELISASRLEL
  • Serum (separated)
Tracheal Wash CytologyTWE
  • Tracheal wash fluid in EDTA (lavender top tube) (required)
  • (2) rapidly air-dried, unstained smears (additional sample for best result)
  • Also submit a red-top tube if culture is anticipated


Tests PerformedTest CodeSamples Needed
Aerobic Bacterial CultureAER
  • Deep nasopharyngeal swab in aerobic transport media (Amies without charcoal preferred)
  • Section of fresh lung
Aerobic Bacterial CultureAER

To Diagnose Septicemia

  • Kidney, spleen, lymph node (tracheobronchial preferred)
Anaerobic Bacterial CultureANAER
  • Fresh lung (>2-3 cm in diameter, minimum size)
  • Swab of lung or piece of lung tissue aseptically collected and immediately placed in anaerobic transport media
Bovine Respiratory Syncytial Virus PCRBRS
  • Section of fresh lung
Chlamydia PCRCHPCR
  • Section of fresh lung
Fecal FlotationFLOAT
  • Fresh feces
  • Formalin-fixed tissue: full set of tissues
Mycoplasma CultureMYCOPL
  • Section of fresh lung
Selenium, tissueNCRJ
  • Fresh liver


Limited serology testing is available but paired acute and convalescent serum samples for BRSV SN may be warranted in acute disease episodes.

Ante mortem: Ship chilled except for slides which should be kept at room temperature.

Necropsy: Ship fresh tissue and swab chilled and protect fixed tissue from freezing.

TTW fluid is a superior sample for detection of significant bacterial pathogens causing lower airway disease. Results of nasal or pharyngeal swab cultures must be interpreted with caution as many bacterial organisms may be present as normal commensals in the upper respiratory tract. It may be helpful to collect and bank a serum sample for possible acute and convalescent serology.

Ovine Chronic Ill Thrift/Weight Loss Plan

Tests PerformedTest CodeSamples Needed
Bovine Virus Diarrhea Virus (BVDV) PCRBVDPCR
  • EDTA whole blood in lavender top tube
Fecal FlotationFLOAT
  • Fresh feces in leak-proof container
Fibrinogen (heat-precipitation)FIB-SCH
  • EDTA blood (tube >1/2 full)
Haemonchus Egg TestHEGG
  • Fresh feces in leak-proof container
Hemogram (CBC), Large Animal
examination for blood parasites included
  • (2) air dried blood smears
  • EDTA whole blood (lavender top tube)
Johne's Individual Culture

JCI (NY state residency)

JCO (out-of-state residency)

JCN (enrolled in NYSCHAP program)

  • Fresh feces in leak-proof container
Large Animal ChemistryLA P
  • Heparinized plasma (separated from a green top tube) or
  • Serum (separated)
Ref: Caseous lymphadenitisRCASE
  • Serum (separated)
Selenium, tissueNCRJ
  • Fresh liver
Selenium, whole bloodSEL
  • EDTA whole blood (lavender top tube) or
  • Heparin whole blood (green top tube)
Small Ruminant Lentivirus cELISASRLEL
  • Serum (separated)
Vitamin E in serumNDIK
  • Serum (separated)

Johne's ELISA may be used to screen for Johne's Disease in sheep with diarrhea or weight loss, but should be used only when manure is not available for culture, as Johne's ELISA is a less sensitve diagnostic test.

Small Ruminant/Camelid Pinkeye Diagnostic Plan

Tests PerformedTest CodeSamples Needed
Aerobic Bacterial CultureAER
  • Conjunctival swab in aerobic transport media (Amies without charcoal)
Chlamydia PCRCHPCR
  • Conjunctival swab in sterile tube with 0.5ml saline to keep moist (not wet).
Mycoplasma CultureMYCOPL
  • Conjunctival swab in aerobic transport media (Amies without charcoal)


Ship chilled.