Fees for 2025
New AHDC testing fees will come into effect on January 1, 2025.
Fee adjustments are in response to rising operation costs and are essential to ensure that the AHDC continues to meet your expectations for high quality testing, fast turnaround times, and expert comprehensive consultation on diagnostic testing strategies and result interpretation.
The 2025 fee change amounts to an overall 6% increase, but adjustments vary by test. The accession fee will increase from $6 to $8. Our fees are based on careful review of all supply and labor expenses, with the goal to meet operating expenses of our public, not-for-profit laboratory.
We very much appreciate your trust and support for our veterinary laboratory diagnostic services. Please contact the AHDC at 607-253-3900 for any questions.
Please see the updated fees below. The complete fee schedule can be accessed on the portal.
Infectious Disease Testing Laboratories
Test Code | Test Name | Testing Fees |
AFS | Acid Fast Stain | $11.00 |
AER | Aerobic Bacterial Culture | $50.00 |
ANAER | Anaerobic Bacterial Culture | $53.00 |
FUNGSENM | Antifungal Sensitivity Panel | $124.00 |
BACTID | Bacterial Identification | $45.00 |
BLDAER | Blood Culture, Aerobic | $36.00 |
BLDAN | Blood Culture, Anaerobic | $36.00 |
CANBRCUL | Brucella canis Culture | $32.00 |
BRCULNC | Brucella Culture, non-canine | $29.00 |
BRFPT | Brucella Fluorescence Polarization Assay (FPA) Tube Test | $6.00 |
CAMPYFA | Campylobacter fetus FA | $20.00 |
CAMPYJ | Campylobacter jejuni Culture | $29.68 |
CANBR | Canine Brucella Slide Agglutination/AGID II | $47.00 |
CLDT | Clostridium difficile Toxin (A/B) ELISA | $38.00 |
CLPT | Clostridium perfringens Enterotoxin ELISA | $32.00 |
CEM | Contagious Equine Metritis (CEM) Culture | $34.00 |
FUNGCM | Fungal Culture | $65.00 |
FUNGIDM | Fungal Identification | $58.00 |
FUNGKOH | Fungal KOH Fluorescent Stain | $16.00 |
FUNGSER | Fungal Serology Panel | $75.00 |
ASPERA | Fungal Serology: Aspergillus Antibody | $26.00 |
BLASTA | Fungal Serology: Blastomyces Antibody | $26.00 |
COCCA | Fungal Serology: Coccidioides Antibody | $35.00 |
CRYPTA | Fungal Serology: Cryptococcus Antigen | $35.00 |
HISTOA | Fungal Serology: Histoplasma Antibody | $26.00 |
FUNGSER | Fungal Speciation | $45.00 |
GRAM | Gram Stain | $11.00 |
CLOSFAPNL | Histotoxic Clostridial FA Panel | $52.00 |
LEPTO | Leptospira Microscopic Agglutination Test (MAT) | $22.00 |
LISTCUL | Listeria Culture | $26.50 |
MYCOPL | Mycoplasma Culture | $32.00 |
AEROPSUSC | Ophthalmic Antimicrobial Sensitivity Panel | $40.00 |
SALM | Salmonella Culture | $32.00 |
SEQUCUL | Streptococcus equi Culture | $28.60 |
AERSUSC | Systemic Antimicrobial Sensitivity Panel | $35.00 |
UREAPL | Ureaplasma Culture | $32.00 |
URSUSC | Urinary Antimicrobial Sensitivity Panel | $32.00 |
URCUL | Urine Culture | $25.00 |
YERS | Yersinia Culture | $25.00 |
Test Code | Test Name | Testing Fees |
BAERF | Baermann Fecal Technique | $30.00 |
CRYPTO | Cryptosporidium Elisa | $36.00 |
FECRT | Fecal Egg Count Reduction Test | $6.00 |
FLOAT | Fecal Flotation | $27.00 |
FLOAT6 | Fecal Flotation with Discount | $22.00 |
FPCRT | Fecal Parasite Count Reduction Test | $6.00 |
GIARD | Giardia Elisa | $36.00 |
HEGG | Haemonchus Egg Test | $18.00 |
KNOTT | Knott'S Heartworm | $21.00 |
NLC | Nematode Larval Culture | $32.00 |
OH | Occult Heartworm | $22.00 |
PID | Parasite Identification | $38.00 |
SAND | Sand Recovery Analysis | $18.00 |
SSE | Skin Scraping | $38.00 |
TOXOEL | Toxoplasma gondii IgG ELISA | $23.00 |
TMAT | Toxoplasma MAT | $22.00 |
TTE | Trichinella Tissue Exam | $30.00 |
TRICHC | Trichomonas Culture | $16.00 |
TFE | Trichomonas Fecal Examination | $29.00 |
Test Code | Test Name | Testing Fees |
ANAEL | Anaplasmosis cELISA | $15.00 |
BTAG | Bluetongue Virus (BTV) AGID | $8.50 |
BTEL | Bluetongue Virus (BTV) cELISA | $8.50 |
OBDVSN | Border Disease Virus SN | $16.85 |
BCVFA | Bovine Coronavirus FA | $29.15 |
IBRFA | Bovine Herpesvirus-1 (IBR) FA | $29.15 |
BHV2FA | Bovine Herpesvirus-2 SN (Mammillitis) | $19.50 |
BHV4SN | Bovine Herpesvirus-4 SN (DN599) | $19.10 |
BLEL | Bovine Leukosis Virus (BLV) ELISA | $7.00 |
BPSIFA | Bovine Papular Stomatitis Virus IFA | $19.50 |
PI3FA | Bovine Parainfluenza-3 Virus FA | $29.15 |
PI3SN | Bovine Parainfluenza-3 Virus SN | $16.85 |
BPVFA | Bovine Parvovirus FA | $27.50 |
BRSVFA | Bovine Respiratory Syncytial Virus FA | $29.15 |
BRSVSN | Bovine Respiratory Syncytial Virus SN | $16.85 |
BVDACE | Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus Ag Capture ELISA (ACE) | $6.50 |
BVDBI | Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus Whole Blood Isolation | $33.00 |
BVDFA | Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus FA | $29.15 |
BVDSI | Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus Serum Isolation | $26.50 |
BVDSN | Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus SN, Type 1 | $16.85 |
BVDSN2 | Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus SN, Type 2 | $16.85 |
CVFSN | Cache Valley Fever Virus SN | $16.85 |
CAVSN | Canine Adenovirus SN, Type 1 (Infectious Canine Hepatitis) | $19.10 |
CAVSN2 | Canine Adenovirus SN, Type 2 | $19.10 |
CCVSN | Canine Coronavirus SN | $19.10 |
CDVFA | Canine Distemper Virus FA | $29.15 |
CDVSN | Canine Distemper Virus SN | $19.10 |
CHVFA | Canine Herpesvirus FA | $29.15 |
CHVSN | Canine Herpesvirus SN | $19.10 |
CIVHI | Canine Influenza Virus HI H3N8 | $25.50 |
CPIVFA | Canine Parainfluenza Virus FA | $29.15 |
CPIVSN | Canine Parainfluenza Virus SN | $19.10 |
CPEL | Canine Parvovirus ELISA, Type 2 | $31.80 |
CPVFA | Canine Parvovirus FA, Type 2 | $29.15 |
CPVHI | Canine Parvovirus HI, Type 2 | $19.10 |
CVP1 | Canine Vaccine Panel 1 | $38.20 |
CVP2 | Canine Vaccine Panel 2 | $57.30 |
CVP3 | Canine Vaccine Panel 3 | $57.30 |
CAHVSN | Caprine Herpesvirus SN | $19.10 |
CHFA | Chlamydia Fa | $29.15 |
CHCF | Chlamydophila CF | $23.00 |
CEIFA | Contagious Ecthyma Virus (ORF) IFA | $19.10 |
CEMCF | Contagious Equine Metritis CF | $23.00 |
COXEL | Coxiella burnetii (Q-Fever) ELISA | $19.10 |
EEEPRSN | Eastern Equine Encephalitis Virus Plaque Reduction SN | $31.80 |
EMCSN | Encephalomyocarditis Virus SN | $19.10 |
EHDAG | Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease AGID | $11.60 |
EHD-1 SN | Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease SN, Type 1 | $15.90 |
EHD-2 SN | Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease SN, Type 2 | $15.90 |
EHDTYPE6 | Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease SN, Type 6 | $15.90 |
EADSN | Equine Adenovirus SN | $19.10 |
EVAFA | Equine Arteritis Virus (EAV) FA | $29.15 |
EVASI | Equine Arteritis Virus (EAV) Semen Isolation (OIE) | $127.20 |
EVASN | Equine Arteritis Virus (EAV) SN | $20.00 |
EQHEPPCRPNL | Equine Hepatitis Virus PCR Panel 2 | $85.00 |
EHV1FA | Equine Herpesvirus-1 (Rhinopneumonitis) FA | $29.15 |
EHV1SN | Equine Herpesvirus-1 (Rhinopneumonitis) SN | $16.85 |
EHV2SN | Equine Herpesvirus-2 SN | $19.10 |
EHV3SN | Equine Herpesvirus-3 SN (Coital Exanthema) | $19.10 |
EHV4SN | Equine Herpesvirus-4 SN | $16.85 |
EIA | Equine Infectious Anemia Virus AGID | $12.50 |
EIAG | Equine Infectious Anemia Virus AGID - Global Vet Link (GVL) submissions | $11.70 |
EIAEL | Equine Infectious Anemia Virus cELISA | $12.50 |
EIAELG | Equine Infectious Anemia Virus cELISA - Global Vet Link (GVL) submissions | $11.70 |
EIVHAI | Equine Influenza Virus HAI | $19.10 |
ERAVSN | Equine Rhinitis A Virus SN | $16.85 |
ERBVSN | Equine Rhinitis B Virus SN | $16.85 |
FCVFA | Feline Calicivirus FA | $29.15 |
FCVSN | Feline Calicivirus SN | $19.10 |
FECVFA | Feline Enteric Coronavirus FA | $29.15 |
FHVFA | Feline Herpesvirus (Rhinotracheitis) FA | $29.15 |
FHVSN | Feline Herpesvirus (Rhinotracheitis) SN | $19.10 |
FPVFA | Feline Parvovirus (Panleukopenia) FA | $29.15 |
FPVHI | Feline Parvovirus (Panleukopenia) Virus HI | $19.10 |
FVP1 | Feline Vaccine Panel 1 | $38.20 |
FVP2 | Feline Vaccine Panel 2 | $57.30 |
FVP3 | Feline Vaccine Panel 3 | $38.20 |
FFTES | Formalin-Fixed Tissue DNA Extraction Surcharge | $23.00 |
IBRSNOIE | Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis (BHV-1) Virus SN OIE | $16.85 |
NEO | Neospora IFA | $19.10 |
PCV2FA | Porcine Circovirus 2 FA | $29.15 |
HEVFA | Porcine Hemagglutination Encephalitis Virus FA | $29.15 |
PPARVFA | Porcine Parvovirus FA | $29.15 |
PRRSFA | Porcine Reproductive Respiratory Syndrome FA | $29.15 |
PHF | Potomac Horse Fever IFA | $23.35 |
PRVFA | Pseudorabies Virus FA | $29.15 |
RLA | Rotavirus Antigen Detection, Group A | $29.15 |
ROTAFA | Rotavirus FA-Any Species | $29.15 |
SARSCOV2SN | SARS CoV-2 SN | $56.15 |
SRLEL | Small Ruminant Lentivirus (CAE, OPP) cELISA | $10.60 |
TOXFA | Toxoplasmosis FA | $29.15 |
VSVIND | Vesicular Stomatitis Virus Indiana SN | $12.10 |
WNVEEEPCRP | West Nile Virus Eastern Equine Encephalitis Virus PCR Panel | $57.00 |
VSVNJ | Vesicular Stomatitis Virus New Jersey SN | $12.10 |
WNVPRSN | West Nile Virus Plaque Reduction SN | $31.80 |
WNVSN | West Nile Virus SN | $19.10 |
VIRFA | Virus FA | $27.50 |
VI | Virus Isolation | $83.25 |
Molecular Diagnostics
Test Code | Test Name | Testing Fees |
AIPCR | Avian Influenza Virus PCR | $40.00 |
MGMS | Avian Mycoplasmosis PCR | $70.00 |
APMPCR | Avian Paramyxovirus-1 PCR | $40.00 |
ARPNL | Avian Respiratory PCR Panel | $171.00 |
BAIPCR | Bovine Avian Influenza Virus PCR | $40.00 |
BVDG | Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus Genotype | $71.00 |
CRPNL | Canine Respiratory PCR Panel | $101.00 |
EAESTX | EAE, STX1, STX2 Panel | $59.00 |
EFUOP | Equine Fever of Unknown Origin PCR Panel | $181.00 |
EHV25PNL | Equine Herpesvirus Gamma PCR Panel | $70.00 |
EHVN | Equine Herpes Virus-1 Neuropathogenic Genotype PCR | $29.00 |
EHVPNL | Equine Herpesvirus PCR Panel | $70.00 |
ERPNL | Equine Respiratory PCR Panel | $135.00 |
ECPNL | Escherichia coli Genotype Panel PCR | $64.00 |
IVMPCR | Influenza Virus Matrix PCR | $41.00 |
PHPTQ | Keeshond Primary Hyperparathyroidism Genetic Test | $50.00 |
NAE | Nucleic Acid Extraction | $10.00 |
COV2 | SARS CoV-2 PCR | $57.00 |
SPAID | Shar-Pei Auto-inflammatory Disease Genetic Test | $202.00 |
SIPCR | Swine Influenza Virus Matrix PCR | $40.00 |
Test Code | Test Name | Testing Fees |
CBM | Canine Brucella Multiplex | $47.00 |
LSHI | Canine Leishmania Indirect ELISA | $29.00 |
EQCYT1 | Equine Cytokine 5-plex | $48.00 |
EHV1PSP | Equine Herpes Virus-1 Risk Evaluation | $46.00 |
sCD14 | Equine sCD14 | $25.50 |
FCOV | Feline Coronavirus ELISA | $26.50 |
FELV | Feline Leukemia Virus ELISA | $23.50 |
FETOX | Feline Toxoplasmosis ELISA | $24.50 |
FIVK | Feline Immunodeficiency Virus ELISA | $31.00 |
FIVWBP | Feline Immunodeficiency Virus Western Blot and ELISA Panel | $74.50 |
CLM | Lyme Disease, Canine Multiplex | $50.00 |
EQLM | Lyme Disease, Equine Multiplex | $50.00 |
FLM | Lyme Disease, Feline Multiplex | $50.00 |
WNELPL | West Nile Virus IgG/IgM Capture ELISA Panel | $30.00 |
WNVIGME | West Nile Virus IgM Capture ELISA | $19.50 |
Pathology and Non-Infectious Disease Testing Laboratories
Anatomic Pathology
Test Code | Test Name | Testing Fees |
DCQ | Digital Copper Quantification | $70.00 |
HISSTAIN | H&E Stained Histo Sld | $13.00 |
HISTO1 | Histopathology Level 1 | $115.00 |
HISTO2 | Histopathology Level 2 | $170.00 |
HISTO3 | Histopathology Level 3 | $190.00 |
LVRSM | Liver Consultation | $230.00 |
IHCDX2 | Immunohistochemistry Only | $40.00 |
APISH | In Situ-Hybridization (ISH) staining | $175.00 |
NEC1 | Necropsy, Under 0.25 Lb | $85.00 |
NEC2 | Necropsy, 0.25-15 Lbs | $170.00 |
NEC3 | Necropsy, 16-40 Lbs | $340.00 |
NEC4 | Necropsy, 41-100 Lbs | $400.00 |
NEC5 | Necropsy, 101-500 Lbs | $430.00 |
NEC6 | Necropsy, Over 500 Lbs | $510.00 |
Clinical Pathology
Test Code | Test Name | Testing Fees |
ALT | Alanine Aminotransferase, Blood | $11.00 |
ALB | Albumin, Blood | $11.00 |
ALP | Alkaline Phosphatase, Blood | $11.00 |
ALP FL | Alkaline Phosphatase, Fluid | $11.00 |
AMM | Ammonia | $64.00 |
AMYL | Amylase, Blood | $11.00 |
AMYL UR | Amylase, Fluid | $11.00 |
ANA | Antinuclear Antibody | $47.00 |
AST | Aspartate Aminotransferase, Blood | $11.00 |
CBCA | Automated Hemogram | $24.00 |
RETICA | Automated Reticulocyte Count | $13.00 |
AV CBC | Avian Hemogram | $46.00 |
BHBA | Beta-Hydroxybutyrate | $17.00 |
BA-F P | Bile Acids, Fasting Panel | $27.00 |
BA-PP P | Bile Acids, Post-Prandial Panel | $27.00 |
BILI P | Bilirubin Panel (Total, Direct, Indirect) | $20.00 |
BL SMEAR | Blood Smear Evaluation | $40.00 |
MPT P | Bovine Metabolic Panel | $37.00 |
BALE | Bronchoalveolar Lavage | $100.00 |
CA | Calcium, Blood | $14.00 |
CA FL | Calcium, Fluid | $14.00 |
CA UR | Calcium, Urine | $20.00 |
CL UR | Chloride, Urine | $20.00 |
CHOL | Cholesterol, Blood | $16.00 |
CHOL FL | Cholesterol, Fluid | $16.00 |
CRP | C-Reactive Protein | $40.00 |
CK | Creatine Kinase, Blood | $11.00 |
CU_UCCR | Creatinine for UCCR | $20.00 |
CREAT | Creatinine, Blood | $14.00 |
CREAT FL | Creatinine, Fluid | $14.00 |
CREAT UR | Creatinine, Urine | $20.00 |
XMATCH | Crossmatch Donor 1 | $48.00 |
COOMBS | Direct Coombs | $42.00 |
DNKYP | Donkey Chemistry Panel | $64.00 |
LYTES | Electrolytes Panel, Blood | $20.00 |
LYTES FL | Electrolytes Panel, Fluid | $20.00 |
LYTES UR | Electrolytes Panel, Urine | $36.00 |
ELP FL | Electrophoresis, Fluid | $69.00 |
ELP | Electrophoresis, Serum | $69.00 |
ELP UR | Electrophoresis, Urine | $69.00 |
EQUINE LIVER | Equine Liver Panel | $38.00 |
FIB-SCH | Fibrinogen, Heat Pricipitation | $20.00 |
FRUC | Fructosamine | $41.00 |
GGT FL | Gamma Glutamyl Transferase, Fluid | $11.00 |
GLU | Glucose, Blood | $16.00 |
GLU UR | Glucose, Urine | $20.00 |
GLDH | Glutamate Dehydrogenase, Blood | $11.00 |
HCT | Hematocrit, Automated | $9.00 |
HB | Hemoglobin | $9.00 |
IGA | Immunoglobulin A, Canine | $35.00 |
BOVINE IGG | Immunoglobulin G, Bovine (calf) | $35.00 |
CAMELID IGG | Immunoglobulin G, Camelid | $35.00 |
IGG | Immunoglobulin G, Canine | $35.00 |
EQUINE IGG | Immunoglobulin G, Equine | $35.00 |
IGM | Immunoglobulin M, Canine | $35.00 |
ICA | Ionized Calcium | $21.00 |
FE | Iron, Blood | $11.00 |
LDH | Lactate Dehydrogenase, Blood | $14.00 |
LDH FL | Lactate Dehydrogenase, Fluid | $14.00 |
LA P | Large Animal Chemistry Panel | $56.00 |
LAXMATCH | Large Animal Crossmatch Donor 1 | $58.00 |
LARGE RENAL | Large Animal Renal Panel | $32.00 |
LIP DGGR | Lipase DGGR, Blood | $30.00 |
LIP DGGR FL | Lipase DGGR, Fluid | $30.00 |
MG | Magnesium, Blood | $11.00 |
MG UR | Magnesium, Urine | $20.00 |
MFCOMP | Mare/Foal Compatibility | $48.00 |
MSCOMP | Mare/Stallion Compatibility | $48.00 |
MINLY P | Mineral Electrolytes Panel | $25.00 |
MIN UR P | Mineral Electrolytes Panel, Urine | $44.00 |
MIN PC | Mineral Panel | $20.00 |
MIN UR P | Mineral Panel, Urine | $36.00 |
AV BL SMEAR | Nonmammalian Blood Smear Eval, Avian | $22.00 |
NEFA | Non-Esterified Fatty Acid | $17.00 |
NM P | Nonmammalian Chemistry Panel | $33.00 |
OC BL | Occult Blood | $19.00 |
OSMO | Osmolality, Blood | $22.00 |
OSMO UR | Osmolality, Urine | $22.00 |
PCV | Packed-Cell Volume, Manual | $10.00 |
PARASITE(S) | Parasites, Blood | $15.00 |
PBC | Partial Hemogram | $15.00 |
PCFE | Pericardial Fluid Analysis | $100.00 |
PTFE | Peritoneal Fluid Analysis | $100.00 |
PHENOB | Phenobarbital | $38.00 |
P | Phosphate, Blood | $11.00 |
P UR | Phosphate, Urine | $20.00 |
PLFE | Pleural Fluid Analysis | $100.00 |
K | Potassium, Blood | $11.00 |
K UR | Potassium, Urine | $20.00 |
PAS P | PreAnesthesia Panel, Small Animal | $34.00 |
IGS | Quantitative Immunoglobulins (IgA/IgG/IgM), Canine | $87.00 |
RUMI LIVER | Ruminant Liver Panel | $38.00 |
SAA VET | Serum Amyloid A Vet | $44.00 |
FE P | Serum Iron Panel | $24.00 |
SA P | Small Animal Chemistry Panel | $60.00 |
LIVER | Small Animal Liver Panel | $32.00 |
RENAL | Small Animal Renal Panel | $32.00 |
NA FL | Sodium, Fluid | $11.00 |
NA UR | Sodium, Urine | $20.00 |
SDH | Sorbitol Dehydrogenase, Blood | $14.00 |
CSFE | Spinal Fluid Analysis | $100.00 |
JFE | Synovial Fluid Analysis | $100.00 |
TBILI | Total Bilirubin, Blood | $11.00 |
TP-CREAT P | Total Protein Creatinine Panel | $43.00 |
TP P | Total Protein Panel | $20.00 |
TP | Total Protein, Blood | $16.00 |
TWE | Tracheal Wash Analysis | $95.00 |
TRANS PANEL | Transition Cow Energy Panel | $26.00 |
TRIG | Triglycerides, Blood | $14.00 |
TRIG FL | Triglycerides, Fluid | $14.00 |
BUN | Urea Nitrogen, Blood | $14.00 |
BUN FL | Urea Nitrogen, Fluid | $14.00 |
BUN UR | Urea Nitrogen, Urine | $20.00 |
URIC | Uric Acid, Blood | $11.00 |
URIC UR | Uric Acid, Urine | $20.00 |
UA | Urinalysis, Routine | $30.00 |
Comparative Coagulation
Test Code | Test Name | Testing Fees |
AP | Antiplasmin | $48.00 |
APBN | Apixaban | $51.00 |
APTT | aPTT (Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time) | $17.00 |
APTTINHIB | aPTT Inhibitor Screen | $17.00 |
AT3 | Antithrombin | $41.00 |
BU | Bethesda Unit Assay | $65.50 |
DEA1 | Canine Blood Typing, DEA 1.1 | $35.00 |
CSS | Canine Scott Syndrome Mutation Detection | $102.00 |
CF02 | CF02, Factor II Coagulant Activity | $42.00 |
CF05 | CF05, Factor V Coagulant Activity | $42.00 |
CF07 | CF07, Factor VII Coagulant Activity | $17.50 |
CF07LAX | CF07, Factor VII Coagulant Activity, Large-Exotic | $42.00 |
CF08 | CF08, Factor VIII Coagulant Activity | $17.50 |
CF08LAX | CF08, Factor VIII Coagulant Activity, Large-Exotic | $42.00 |
CF09 | CF09, Factor IX Coagulant Activity | $17.50 |
CF09LAX | CF09, Factor IX Coagulant Activity, Large-Exotic | $42.00 |
CF10 | CF10, Factor X Coagulant Activity | $17.50 |
CF10LAX | CF10, Factor X Coagulant Activity, Large-Exotic | $42.00 |
CF11 | CF11, Factor XI Coagulant Activity | $17.50 |
CF11LAX | CF11, Factor XI Coagulant Activity, Large-Exotic | $42.00 |
CF12 | CF12, Factor XII Coagulant Activity | $17.50 |
CF12LAX | CF12, Factor XII Coagulant Activity, Large-Exotic | $42.00 |
CF13D | CF13, Factor XIII Deficiency Screening | $66.00 |
COAGFIB | Coagulation Panel + Fibrinogen | $39.00 |
COAGPL | Coagulation Panel, Large Animal | $49.50 |
COAGPS | Coagulation Panel, Small Animal | $31.00 |
DDIQ | D-dimer Quantitative | $36.00 |
DICP | DIC Panel, Small Animal | $98.50 |
DICPL | DIC Panel, Large Animal | $114.50 |
DRVVT | Dilute Russell's Viper Venom Time | $18.50 |
FELBT | Feline Blood Typing | $35.00 |
FF | Prekallikrein Screen | $17.00 |
FIB | Fibrinogen | $25.50 |
HEM89P | Hemophilia Panel, Small Animal | $80.50 |
HEMOP | Hemostasis Panel, Small Animal | $51.50 |
HEP | Heparin (Unfractionated) | $45.00 |
HYAL | Hyaluronan | $77.00 |
KCT | Kaolin Clotting Time | $18.50 |
LMWHEP | Heparin (Low Molecular Weight) | $45.00 |
PFACT | PFA100 Closure Time | $48.50 |
PLSMG | Plasminogen | $55.00 |
PLTFLOW1 | Platelet Hereditary Defects - Scott syndrome cytometry | $94.00 |
PROTC | Protein C | $45.50 |
PT | Prothrombin Time (PT) | $17.00 |
RIVA | Rivaroxaban | $51.00 |
RVVT | Russell's Viper Venom Time | $29.50 |
TAT | Thrombin-antithrombin Complex | $77.00 |
TCT | Thrombin Clotting Time (TCT) | $17.00 |
COAGKDEF | Vitamin K Deficiency Coag Panel | $47.50 |
VWF | von Willebrand factor (vWF:Ag) | $37.50 |
VWFCBA | vWF Collagen Binding Assay | $54.50 |
VWFLAX | von Willebrand factor (vWG:Ag), Large-Exotic | $56.50 |
VWFLIT | von Willebrand factor (vWF:Ag) litter | $112.50 |
Test Code | Test Name | Testing Fees |
ACTHCN | ACTH Baseline Canine | $32.00 |
ACTHEQ | ACTH Baseline Equine | $32.00 |
ACTHPOSTTRH1 | ACTH Post TRH 10 min | $32.00 |
ACTHPOSTTRH2 | ACTH post TRH 30 min | $32.00 |
CORT | Cortisol Baseline | $20.00 |
CORTPOSTACTH | Cortisol Post ACTH | $13.00 |
CORTPOSTDEX | Cortisol Post Dexamethasone | $13.00 |
CORTPREDEX | Cortisol Pre Dexamethasone | $17.00 |
CORTPREACTH | Cortisol Pre ACTH | $17.00 |
E1S | Estrone Sulfate | $34.00 |
EQAMH | Equine Anti-Mullerian Hormone ELISA | $70.00 |
FOL | Folate, Folic Acid | $32.00 |
FT4ED | Free T4 by dialysis | $51.00 |
FT4IM | Free T4 Immulite | $31.00 |
INSBR | Insulin: Bovine/Rodent | $22.00 |
INSEQ | Insulin Baseline Equine | $22.00 |
INSOS | Insulin Baseline, Non-Equine | $22.00 |
INSPOSTOST | Insulin: Post Oral Sugar Test | $22.00 |
INSBR | Insulin: Bovine/Rodent | $22.00 |
INSPREOST | Insulin Pre OST | $22.00 |
LEPTIN | Leptin Baseline | $29.00 |
OVRCF | Ovarian Remnant Syndrome Panel - Canine, Feline | $85.00 |
PMSG | Pregnant Mare Serum Gonadotropin | $31.00 |
PIOVCP | Progesterone Immulite Ovine, Caprine | $18.00 |
PRB | Progesterone baseline RIA Bovine | $18.00 |
PR | Progesterone baseline RIA | $18.00 |
PICAM | Progesterone Immulite Camelid | $18.00 |
PIC | Progesterone Immulite Canine | $18.00 |
PRCAM | Progesterone RIA Camelid | $18.00 |
PRC | Progesterone RIA Canine | $18.00 |
PRE | Progesterone RIA Equine | $18.00 |
PRF | Progesterone RIA Feline | $18.00 |
T3 | T3 (Triiodothyronine) baseline | $14.00 |
T3POSTTRH | T3 POST TRH | $14.00 |
T3PRETRH | T3 Pre TRH | $14.00 |
T4 | T4 (Thyroxine) baseline, small animal | $18.00 |
T4FITSH | T4 & Free T4 (Immulite) & TSH combination | $50.00 |
T4FT4 | T4 & Free T4 by dialysis combination | $55.00 |
T4FT4TSH | T4 & Free T4 by dialysis & TSH combination | $70.00 |
T4I | T4 (Thyroxine) Immulite | $18.00 |
T4POSTTRH | T4 POST TRH | $14.00 |
T4PRETRH | T4 Pre TRH | $18.00 |
T4FT4I | T4 & Free T4 (Immulite) combination | $40.00 |
TE | Testosterone baseline | $23.00 |
TEPOSTHCGGNRH | Testosterone Post HCG/GnRH | $20.00 |
TEPREHCGGnRH | Testosterone Pre HCG/GnRH | $23.00 |
TGA | Thyroglobulin Autoantibody Canine | $34.00 |
THYPALLI | Thyroid Panel Equine | $68.00 |
THYPFEL | Thyroid Panel Feline: FT4d, T4, T3, TSH | $72.00 |
THYPIK9 | Thyroid Panel Canine: FT4(Immulite), T4,T3,TSH,TGA | $75.00 |
THYPK9 | Thyroid Panel Canine: FT4 by dialysis, T4, T3, TSH, TgA | $90.00 |
THYPOFA | Thyroid Panel, OFA Canine Registry Certification | $80.00 |
TLI | Trypsin-Like Immunoreactivity, Canine | $34.00 |
TSH | Thyroid Stimulating Hormone baseline | $23.00 |
B12 | Vitamin B12 Cobalamin | $28.00 |
B12F | Vitamin B12 & Folate combination | $48.00 |
B12FT | Vitamin B12 & Folate & TLI combination | $77.00 |
UCCR | Urinary Cortisol/Creatinine Ratio | $25.00 |
Test Code | Test Name | Testing Fees |
ACOAG | Anticoagulant Rodenticides | $191.00 |
ARSEN | Arsenic, blood/water/urine | $52.00 |
NCLS | Arsenic, tissue/feed | $52.00 |
BROM | Bromide | $51.50 |
BLDCP | Copper, serum/plasma | $35.00 |
CYANID | Cyanide | $64.50 |
THCCLIN | Delta-9-THC and/or CBD | $140.00 |
THCCBDQ | Delta-9-THC and/or CBD Quantitation | $212.00 |
EQDRUG1 | Equine Drug Screen Level 1 | $195.00 |
EQDRUG2 | Equine Drug Screen Level 2 | $220.00 |
MLQUAN | Ionophore Quant | $191.00 |
BDLEAD | Lead, Bld | $40.50 |
LEADLIQ | Lead, Liquids/Flds | $40.50 |
NCOX | Lead, tissue/feed/other | $52.00 |
NCRB | Mercury | $64.00 |
MINP | Mineral Panel | $55.00 |
NITLIQ | Nitrate/Nitrite Liq/Fl | $28.50 |
NITSOL | Nitrate/Nitrite Solid | $38.50 |
SEL | Selenium Whole Bld | $33.00 |
NCRJ | Selenium, Tissue/Feed | $64.00 |
TOXEXAM | Specimen Examination for Potential Toxins | $46.00 |
THMP | Toxic Heavy Metal Panel | $144.50 |
TOXCONS | Toxicology Consult | $175.00 |
NDFI | Vitamin A Alcohol, in serum | $36.00 |
NDIK | Vitamin E Alcohol, in serum | $36.00 |
BLDZN | Zinc, serum/plasma | $35.00 |
Avian Diagnostics
Test Code | Test Name | Testing Fees |
AFS | Acid Fast Stain (for bacteria) | $11.00 |
AER | Aerobic Bacterial Culture | $50.00 |
ANAER | Anaerobic Bacterial Culture | $53.00 |
FUNGSENM | Antifungal Sensitivity Panel | $124.00 |
AIPCR | Avian Influenza Virus PCR | $40.00 |
MGMS | Avian Mycoplasmosis PCR | $70.00 |
APMPCR | Avian Paramyxovirus-1 PCR | $40.00 |
CAMPYJ | Campylobacter jejuni Culture | $29.68 |
FLOAT | Fecal Flotation | $27.00 |
FUNGCM | Fungal Culture | $65.00 |
FUNGIDM | Fungal Identification | $58.00 |
GRAM | Gram Stain | $11.00 |
IVMPCR | Influenza Virus Matrix PCR | $40.00 |
NCOX | Lead, tissue/feed/other | $52.00 |
LISTCUL | Listeria Culture | $26.50 |
MINP | Mineral Panel | $55.00 |
MYCOPL | Mycoplasma Culture | $32.00 |
AMGAG | Mycoplasma Gallisepticum Agglutination | $5.00 |
AMGMS | Mycoplasma Gallisepticum/Synoviae ELISA - Flock Screen | $5.50 |
NEC1 | Necropsy, Under 0.25 Lb | $85.00 |
NEC2 | Necropsy, 0.25-15 Lbs | $170.00 |
NLC | Nematode Larval Culture | $32.00 |
PID | Parasite Identification | $38.00 |
SALM | Salmonella Culture | $32.00 |
AERSUSC | Systemic Antimicrobial Sensitivity Panel | $35.00 |
VI | Virus Isolation | $83.25 |
NDFI | Vitamin A Alcohol, in serum | $36.00 |
NDIK | Vitamin E Alcohol, in serum | $36.00 |
Quality Milk Production Services
Test Code | Test Name | Testing Fees | Testing Fees Non-NYS |
SCOM | Aerobic Culture (Qmps) | $6.00 | 11.55 |
QSUSC | Antimicrobial Susceptibility (QMPS) | $32.35 | - |
QGID | Bacterial General ID | $23.10 | $29.15 |
BTA | Bulk Milk Aerobic Test | $17.50 | $23.40 |
BEDID1 | Environmental Count | $34.45 | $46.20 |
MYCO | Mycoplasma Culture (Qmps) | $6.00 | $11.55 |
QPOOL | Sample Pooling | $3.20 | $3.60 |
BSS | Sand Bedding Particle Size | $44.00 | - |
SCC | Somatic Cell Count | $4.05 | $4.95 |
TOM | Total Organic Matter | $14.05 | - |
Accession Fee (per submission) | $2.50 | - | |
Bulk Milk Tank Program | $265.00 | $380.00 | |
Consulting Fee/hour | $121.90 | $150.00 | |
Herd Survey Fee (charge survey fee if LESS than 57 animals) | $111.30 | $130.00 | |
Herd Survey Fee/animal (charge per animal if MORE than 57 animals) | $2.15 | $2.25 | |
Laboratory Proficiency Testing Program | $250.00 | $265.00 | |
Mileage (per mile) from NYS border and back (out of state only) | N/A | $2.20 |