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EIA Season Reminders

Virology Laboratory

The AHDC uses the ELISA test as the default test for EIA testing. This decision was based on faster test turnaround time and on user demand.
The AHDC will perform the EIA AGID test only when:

  • A Global VetLink electronic submission form is used and AGID is requested; OR
  • An AGID test is specifically requested AND the Export box is checked on the submission form. If the AGID test is being requested in anticipation of travel of the horse, please check the EXPORT box.
  • We can only accept samples from federally authorized Category II Accredited veterinarians. The AHDC will be confirming accreditation via federally maintained systems.  
  • Submitters must use the current federally approved EIA forms or systems, Example: VS Form 10-11 or Global Vet Link (GVL) form. The AHDC is a Global VetLink laboratory for electronic submissions. More information can be obtained here. The preferred electronic system is GVL, if you wish to use an alternate electronic system, such as VSPS, please contact the lab to discuss (607-253-3900).  
  • It is the responsibility of the veterinarian completing the document to ensure that descriptions provided will uniquely identify the horse for the purpose of animal movement and the needs of the owner. The USDA has developed a guidance document for identifying horses which can be found here. Contact your state animal health officials or USDA District Office for additional assistance.  

All form information/data points are required and must be filled in or indicated as N/A. Incomplete forms will be rejected and returned to submitters for completion. Please also review forms for completeness to avoid possibly delayed results. The AHDC charges a $10 for the return of incomplete forms.  

When filling out official Coggins (EIA) form VS 10-11, please take into consideration that these are multi part forms and require additional pressure to make sure all copies are legible.

  • Samples older than 30 days cannot and will not be tested, regardless of whether or not they have been frozen. The AHDC will notify the submitter when this has occurred and the test will not be performed.  
  • All official EIA forms (except for electronically submitted forms) are returned by US Mail. For STAT testing please call the lab and make arrangements for this service (607-253-3900). Additional fees will apply.
  • At the discretion of the laboratory, amended forms can be processed as long as:
    • They are received within 30 days of the draw date of the sample.
    • Previously distributed copies are returned to the laboratory.
    • Change of ownership is not one of the items being amended.
    • The AHDC charges $10 for the processing of amended forms.