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Sustainability group seeks Green Team for college

In answer to the college’s call for green initiatives, a sustainability group gathered this month to hear from students and plot out goals for projects that can reduce our energy needs. The group is comprised of a cross-section of college leadership, staff, and students.

Two key projects the community can look forward to:

  • Join the Green Team: The group is looking for volunteers for its Green Team – faculty, staff, and students who can bring new ideas to the table. The group would work closely with facilities to make the broader sustainability initiatives possible. Want to see concrete solutions? Contact Taylor Thompson at to join the Green Team.
  • The group is creating an Energy Dashboard, which will showcase data on past, present, and future sustainability information about the college. It will be updated frequently and users will be able to pinpoint energy consumption across CVM.

Every member of the college community is a steward of our resources. The group will continue to identify and implement sustainability initiatives that have tangible effects in the college and the broader world.

For more information on CVM’s sustainability efforts, see the 2018-2022 strategic plan and look forward to more updates in future editions of eNews.