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Strengthening our Foundation

After completing our class expansion in the last fiscal year, FY'19 saw the launch of our Schurman Hall renovations, which complement our overall progress on sustainability initiatives — with achievements like earning gold and silver LEED status on our facilities. This year we also commenced planning for the modernization of our equine facilities, and continue to budget responsibly to safeguard the growth of the college and our educational mission.


  • Multiple sustainability initiatives 
  • Began Schurman Hall renovations  
  • Planning for modernization of the equine facilities  
  • Developing potential solutions for student debt  
  • Launching two-way communication platforms

exterior shot of CVM

Sustainability and Savings Expense Trends - Utilities ($M)

bar graph showing utilities costs from 2014-1019

Sustainability and Savings Expense Trends - Utilities ($M) presented as a data table.

Year Amount
2014 $7.1
2015 $6.6
2016 $5.7
2017 $5.7
2018 $5.9
               2019 $5.8

Energy Conservation and Sustainability Initiatives

  • Updates to HVAC systems throughout the Veterinary Medical Center
  • Retrofit installations, including central and space upgrades, and expansion of heat recovery capabilities
  • Project was supported by SUCF, NYSERDA and Cornell's Energy & Sustainability funding
  • Funded by NYSERDA and Cornell Energy & Sustainability
  • A total cost of $850,000 is estimated to be paid back within three years from energy savings
  • Many additional sustainability initiatives spearheaded by the Green Team

Facilities Renovation Update

In Progress

  • Level 1 Schurman Hall renovations for a new clinical pathology laboratory, research laboratories, a multipurpose room and more
  • Equine Research Park project will consolidate facilities and provide a new main barn
  • Cornell University Hospital for Animals space planning study for short-term solutions and long-term priorities in the Contract Colleges Capital Plan

On the Horizon

  • Finger Barns and Arena roof replacement


  • Old breezeway flooring replacement project
  • Clinical programs center roof
  • The Teaching Dairy Barn’s new sand and manure separation systems enhanced with a fiber press, ensuring higher quality materials are sent to the Ithaca Wastewater Treatment Facility's methane digester

Interior CVM courtyard on a summer day

Fiscal 2019 Actuals

Fiscal 2019 Actuals ($M) presented as a data table.
Operating Revenues Millions Percent
Sales & Service $ 49 27%
Sponsored Programs $ 42 23%
State Appropriations $ 34.8 19%
Tuition $ 25.8 14%
Gifts & Endowment Earnings $ 18.8 11%
University Support $ 9.9 6%
Fiscal 2019 Operating Revenues $ 180.3

Operating Revenues

Operating Revenues presented as a data table.

Operating Revenues presented as data table. 
Revenue Type Percentage
Sales & Service 27%
Sponsored Programs 23%
State Appropriations 19%
Tuition 14%
Gifts & Endowment Earnings 11%
University Support 6%
Fiscal 2019 Actuals: Expenses by Function
Expenses by Function Millions Percent
Hospital & Public Service $ 57.2 33%
Instruction and Student Support (w/ Library & Fin Aid) $ 37.4 21%
Research $ 27.7 16%
University Support Costs $ 32 18%
College Support Costs $ 19.8 12%
Fiscal 2019 Operating Expenditures $ 174.1           100%

Expenses by Function

pie chart

Expenses by Function presented as a data table

Expenses by Function presented as a data table.
Function Expenses
Hospital & Public Service 33%
Instruction & Student Support (w/ Library & Fin Aid) 21%
University Support Costs 18%
Research 16%
College Support Costs 12%
Fiscal 2019 Actuals: Expenses by Object
Expenses by Object Millions Percent
Professorial Salaries $ 23.8 14%
Other Academic Salaries $ 13.2 8%
Staff Salaries $ 41.4 24%
Benefits $ 5.1 3%
Student Aid* $ 9.4 5%
General Expenditures $ 37.4 21%
Capital Equipment $ 2.7 1%
Utilities, Maintenance, & Debt Service $ 13.4 8%
University Assessments $ 26.2 15%
Other/Misc. $ 1.5 1%
Fiscal 2019 Operating Expenditures $ 174.1          100%   

* Includes prizes and awards; professional, graduate and undergraduate students

Endowment Use


Endowment Market Value FY'19

Endowment Use presented as a data table

Endowment Use presented as a data table.
Type Percentage
Program Support 54%
Student Aid 24%
Position Support 22%

exam room with clinicians and a dog

Total Academic Faculty & Staff
AY'09 AY'14 FY'19
Tenured/Tenure-Track Professorial 127 115 120
Clinical Track Professorial* - 11 17
Research Track Professorial^ - - 7
Instructor, Lecturer, Sr. Lecturer 31 30 34
Sr. Research Assoc, Sr. Extension Assoc 29 30 31
Total 187 186 209
Other Academic Staff
Research/Extension Associates 61 32 43
Library Academic Appointments 3 3 2
Total 64 35 45
Post Terminal Degree Trainees
Postdoctoral Associates 53 60 42
Veterinary Intern/Resident 73 77 84
Total 126 137 126
Visiting, Courtesy & Adjunct Academics** 57` 72 87
Staff/Union 662 538 596
Grand Total* 1,096 968 1,063

 *Not tracked in AY'09; ^Tracking began in FY'18; `Includes Principle Research Scientists