CVM Class Expansion Construction Update #32 - September 1, 2017
Atrium Ceiling View
Final Regular Monthly Update
Construction General Update
- The Class Expansion construction project is near completion and spaces will begin opening September 11, 2017.
- The new Tower Road VRT TCAT bus stop is now open for use.
- The VRT entrance is now open for access & egress.
- The ECRF entrance will no longer be available for public access starting September 1, 2017.
- The new CVM Tower Road formal entrance and plaza will open tentatively, on October 1, 2017.
- The new bike racks located under the VRT covered entrance are available for use. The racks along the new Poisonous Plant garden parking lot will be available starting September 11, 2017.
- The new service drive and parking lot adjacent to Clinical Pathology will open September 11, 2017. CU Transportation will post signage soon.
- The new Library is scheduled to open fully September 11, 2017.
- The new atrium (named Takoda’s Run Atrium in honor of a donor contribution) will open on September 11, 2017.
- The two 150 Seat Lecture Halls and two 60 seat flat classrooms are scheduled to open for use between September 11-18, 2017.
- Scheduling for use of all new lecture halls, class rooms and Atrium will be done at or through Kate Davenport in Student Services .
- All new circulation corridors will open on September 11, 2017.
- The new interior pedestrian courtyard will open for use on September 11, 2017.
- The new Poisonous Plants Garden is scheduled to open September 11, 2017.
- The new Cafeteria will be open for full business beginning September 18, 2017. The Gallery Food and coffee Kiosk will remain open until then. Normal hours of operation will be 7:30am – 5:00pm, M-F, with cooking operations shutting down at 2:00pm daily. Menus and catering options will be shared soon.
- The Gallery food and coffee Kiosk will be permanently closed, starting September 18, 2017. Vending machines will remain in their current locations at this time.
- The new pet walk will open tentatively, in October 2017 pending status of the grass growth. The temporary pet walk located in front of the VMC will close immediately following the opening of the new pet walk.
- Occupancy of the new and vacated spaces will take place from mid-September to late December pending furniture deliveries and minor renovations of the existing spaces to accommodate those relocation efforts. Attached is a map referencing new locations for the Dean’s Office, Educational Technologies Group, Veterinary Library, Alumni Affairs and Development, Masters of Public Health, Communications and Marketing, DVM Student Services, Modular Resource Center, Research and Graduate Education, Budget Office, Continuing Education and other areas.
Schurman Hall Roof
- The roof replacement is complete but miscellaneous brick façade and trim repairs continue.
- Curtain wall is 99% completed. There are a few glass panels that will be replaced in the next couple weeks. New blinds have been ordered & will be installed in the west end offices.
- Levels 6 and 7 renovations are in process. It’s anticipated that Level 7 will be completed by Fall 2017 and Level 6 by late Winter 2017.
Community Practice Service Building
- Foundations, underground utilities and concrete floors are complete.
- Wall and roof framing will begin soon.
- Anticipated completion is May 2018.
Other CVM Projects
Construction of a new Teaching Dairy Barn Manure/Sand Separation system is in process and will be completed by October 2017.
Questions or Concerns – Please call the CVM Facilities Office @ (607) 253-4455 or (607) 253-3725 or e-mail or