September 2021: Hellos and goodbyes
Help us welcome new employees who joined the CVM community in August.
New Hires
- Vincent Antwi, DEI Coordinator, Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
- April Melody Cerretani, Animal Attendant, Cornell University Hospital for Animals
- Michelle Falkenbach, Post-Doctoral Associate, Master of Public Health Program
- Eileen Hackett, Professor of Large Animal Surgery
- Kara Jane Landon, Animal Attendant, Cornell University Hospital for Animals
- Donna Leong, Manager of Workforce Development, Master of Public Health Program
- Bailey Michele Slater, Pharmacist, Cornell University Hospital for Animals
- Patricia Lynne Smith, Licensed Veterinary Technician, Cornell University Hospital for Animals
- Manyun Yang, Post-Doctoral Associate, Department of Microbiology and Immunology
- Youshan Zhang, Post-Doctoral Associate, Department of Clinical Sciences
There were no retirements during this time.