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Canine Health Center

Heidi Reesink Kelly Hume - New
Award Receive Date:
Research Grant Weill Cornell Medicine
Clinical and Translational Science Center - Veterinary Medicine and Translational Resources

Marta Castelhano
Award Receive Date:
Research Grant University of Washington
The Dog Aging Project: Genetic and Environmental Determinants of Healthy Aging in Companion Dogs

Robert Goggs Marjory Brooks - New
Award Receive Date:
Clinical Trial Ethos Discovery
Omics Research-Based Identification of Targets in Sepsis 2 (ORBITS2)

Deborah Fowell
Award Receive Date:
Research Grant NIH-National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)
DCM/Integrin TFH Positioning Cues for Support of the Germinal Center Response

Deborah Fowell
Award Receive Date:
Research Grant University of Rochester
Tissue Regulation of T Cell Function

Tracy Stokol
Award Receive Date:
Research Grant Weill Cornell Medical
A Multiplexed Approach to Improve Tumoral Targeting and Chemotherapeutic Treatment

Brian Collins Patrick Carney - New
Award Receive Date:
Research Grant Wiederhold Foundation
SOS Cornell Student Teaching Program

Marta Castelhano
Award Receive Date:
Research Grant University of Washington
Developing the Privately Owned Companion Dog as a Model for Alzheimer's Disease

Avery August Michael Kotlikoff
Award Receive Date:
Research Grant NIH-National Cancer Institute (NCI)
Cornell FIRST