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Zweig Awards

September 2017

Brian VanderVen - New
Award Receive Date:
Research Grant NIH-National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)
Preclinical Evaluation of Compounds that Inhibit Cholesterol Uptake in M. Tuberculosis

Laura Goodman
Award Receive Date:
Research Grant Food & Drug Administration (FDA)
Adapting Molecular Food Safety Tests to Alternative Matrices

Toshimitsu Kawate
Award Receive Date:
Research Grant National Institute of Health
Structure and Function of Pannexins: Activation Mechanism

Stephen Gray - New
Award Receive Date:
Research Grant NIH-National Institute of Child Health & Human Development (NICHD)
Temporal Regulation of Prophase I Events by the Cyclin-dependent Kinases (CDKs) 2 and 4 in Mammalian Meiosis

Karyn Bischoff - New
Award Receive Date:
Public Service Grant : Food & Drug Administration
Animal Feed and Pet Food Safety Cooperative Agreement with FDA/VET-LIRN

Asmita Bhattacharya Robert Weiss
Award Receive Date:
Fellowship American Heart Association
Sel1L-Hrd1 Mediated ERAD Regulates Cholesterol Homeostasis in Liver via Degradation of HMG-CR

Brian Rudd - New
Award Receive Date:
Research Grant NIH-National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)
Roles for DevelopmentallyRegulated microRNAs in Neonatal Immunity

August 2017

Praveen Sethupathy - New
Award Receive Date:
Research Grant Fibrolamellar Cancer Foundation
Discovery of RNA Biomarkers of Fibrolamellar Carcinoma

Robert Oswald
Award Receive Date:
Research Grant NIH-National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS)
Dynamic Properties of a Glutamate Binding Domain

Natasza Kurpios
Award Receive Date:
Research Grant March of Dimes Foundation
Right-Sided Hyaluronan Provides a Mechanism for Asymmetric L-R Gut Rotation

Robert Weiss
Award Receive Date:
Research Grant NIH-National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)
Germline Roles for the RAD1 Checkpoint Protein in Genomic Integrity and Fertility

John Schimenti - New
Award Receive Date:
Research Grant NIH-National Institute of Child Health & Human Development (NICHD)
Gender Bias in Mammalian DNA Replication During Development

Julie Menard Robert Goggs - New
Award Receive Date:
Research Grant Waltham Foundation
Evaluation of antimicrobial administration in critically ill dogs on the fecal flora: Dynamics of antimicrobial resistance over time.

Toshimitsu Kawate
Award Receive Date:
Research Grant International Human Frontier Science Program
Hormone Delivery in Plants: Mechanisms and Physiological Roles of Gibberellic Acid Transporters

Michael Stanhope - New
Award Receive Date:
Research Grant Nova Southeastern University
Comparative Genomics of the White Shark and Great Hammerhead

Robin Radcliffe
Award Receive Date:
Research Grant Morris Animal Foundation
Tabanid Fly Vector Biology Driving Trypanosome Infection in Ujung Kulon National Park Indonesia

Maurine Linder - New
Award Receive Date:
Research Grant NIH-National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS)
A Novel Regulatory Mechanism for the Ras Family of GTPases

July 2017

Rodrigo Bicalho Robert Gilbert
Award Receive Date:
Research Grant Colorado State University
Genomic Selection For Improved Fertility of Dairy Cows With Emphases on Cyclicity and Pregnancy

Elia Tait Wojno
Award Receive Date:
Research Grant National Institute of Helth National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)
Prostaglandin Regulation of Type 2 Inflammation

John Schimenti
Award Receive Date:
Research Grant NIH-National Institutes of Health Department of Child Health & Human Development (NICHD)
Identification and Functional Validation of Human Infertility Alleles

John Parker
Award Receive Date:
Training Grant NIH-National Institutes of Health Allergy & Infectious Diseases (NIAID)
Short Term Training of Students in the Health Professions

Michelle Delco
Award Receive Date:
Research Grant National Institutes of Health Department of Health Human Services
Mitochondrial dysfunction as a Link Between Cartilage Injury and Osteoarthritis