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Rick Watters

Department of Population Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences

Western Laboratory Director
Senior Extension Associate

Quality Milk Production Services (Warsaw, NY)

Department of Population Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences
Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine
Ithaca, NY 14853

Office: 585.786.2555

Research Interest

Milking routines, milking center efficiency, robotic milking, milk quality, milking center and farm level hygiene (bacteria counts) and oxytocin profiles in dairy cows.


Cornell University, Ithaca, NY:  2006 – 2011
PhD in Animal Science, Minors: Epidemiology and Comparative Biomedical Sciences

University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI:  2004 – 2006
MS in Dairy Science, Ruminant Nutrition

University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI:  1996 – 2001
BS Dairy Science and Agronomy, emphasis in International Agriculture and Natural Resources

Biography/Professional Experience

Cornell University, Ithaca, NY: Sept. 2012 – Present
Quality Milk Production Services, Director Western Laboratory

Cornell University, College of Veterinary Medicine, Ithaca, NY:  Sept. 2012 – Present
Population Medicine & Diagnostic Science, Senior Extension Associate

GEA Farm Technologies, Naperville, IL: June 2011 – Sept 2012                      
Milk Quality and Udder Health Specialist


Ph.D. dissertation: Milking methodologies, milk fractions and oxytocin profiles in Holstein cows milked three times daily.

M. S. thesis: Effects of dry period length on milk parameters, animal health, and resumption of ovarian activity and fertility during the subsequent lactation in Holstein dairy cattle.

  1. Vasquez, A. K., D. V. Nydam, M. B. Capel, B. Ceglowski, B. J. Rauch, M. J. Thomas, L. Tikofsky, R. D. Watters, S. Zuidhof, and M. J. Zurakowski. Randomized noninferiority trial comparing 2 commercial intramammary antibiotics for the treatment of nonsevere clinical mastitis in dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 99(10):8267-8281.
  2. Giordano, J. O., M. L. Stangaferro, R. Wijma, W. C. Chandler, and R. D. Watters. 2015. Reproductive performance of dairy cows managed with a program aimed at increasing insemination of cows in estrus based on increased physical activity and fertility of timed artificial inseminations. J. Dairy Sci. 98(4):2488-2501.
  3. Watters, R. D., R. M. Bruckmaier, H. M. Crawford, N. Schuring, Y. H. Schukken, and D. M. Galton. 2015. The effect of manual and mechanical stimulation on oxytocin release and milking characteristics in Holstein cows milked 3 times daily. J. Dairy Sci. 98(3):1721-1729.
  4. Masiello, S. N.  N. H. Martin, R. D. Watters, D. M. Galton, Y. H. Schukken, M. Wiedmann, and K. J. Boor. 2014. Identification of dairy farm management practices associated with the presence of psychrotolerant sporeformers in bulk tank milk.  J. Dairy Sci. 97 (7) 4083-4096.
  5. Watters, R.D., N. Schuring, H. N. Erb, Y. H. Schukken and D. M. Galton. 2012. The effect of premilking udder preparation on Holstein cows milked 3 times daily. J. Dairy Sci. 95(3):1170-1176.
  6. Watters, R. D., J. N. Guenther, A. E. Brickner, R. R. Rastani, P. M. Crump, P. W. Clark, and R. R. Grummer. 2008. Effects of Dry Period Length on Milk Production and Health of Dairy Cattle. J. Dairy Sci. 91(7):2595-2603.
  7. Watters, R. D.,  M. C. Wiltbank, J. N. Guenther, A. E. Brickner, R. R. Rastani, P. M. Fricke, and R. R. Grummer. 2009. Effect of dry period length on reproduction during the subsequent lactation. J. Dairy Sci. 92(7): 3081-3090.

     Book chapter:

  1.      Co-author: Rebhun’s Disease of Dairy Cattle, 3rd Edition.  Chapter 8. Diseases of the Teats and Udder.

Awards and Honors

  • 2009, Ram Sagi Dairy Engineering Award
  • 2008, National Mastitis Council Scholarship Recipient

Professional/Academic Affiliations

  • National Mastitis Council (NMC)
  • Dairy Practices Council (DPC)
  • Dairy Practices Council Board of Directors 2016 - Present
  • New York State Association for Food Protection, Farm Methods Committee, 2015 - Present
  • American Dairy Science Association