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Joshua Chappie, PhD

Department of Molecular Medicine

Assistant Professor, Nancy and Peter Meinig Family Investigator in the Life Sciences

Department of Molecular Medicine
Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine
C3-165 Veterinary Medical Center

Ithaca, NY 14853

Office: 607.253.3654
Lab: 607.253.3871

Research Interest

Our lab utilizes a combination of structural biology, biochemistry, and cell biology to dissect the mechanisms of complex molecular machines. Research efforts are divided between two major areas: 1) the structure and function of mechanochemical GTPases and 2) investigating the mechanisms of bacterial defense systems, specifically those targeting modified DNA. Together these endeavors have important implications for human diseases such as centronuclear myopathy, Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease, and cholesterol trafficking disorders and also in the development of new therapeutic strategies for treating antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections in humans and animals. We maintain a collaborative, interdisciplinary approach to science and have partnered with investigators at Cornell and NIH to tackle challenging biological problems.


  • Graduate Research (Visiting Student), NIDDK/NIH, LMB, 2009
  • PhD, Biophysics, The Scripps Research Institute, 2009
  • BS/MS, Biochemistry, Brandeis University, 2003

Biography/Professional Experience

  • 2013-Present, Assistant Professor, Department of Molecular Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine, Cornell University
  • 2009-2013, Postdoctoral Fellow, NIDDK/NIH, LMB


Awards and Honors

  • 2013, Peter Meinig Family Investigator in the Life Sciences
  • 2012, Earl Stadtman Finalist, National Institutes of Health
  • 2012, Fellows Award for Research Excellence (FARE), National Institutes of Health
  • 2012, NIDDK Fellows Scientific Retreat Travel Award for Outstanding Poster, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
  • 2011, Fellows Award for Research Excellence (FARE), National Institutes of Health
  • 2007-2009, Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Fellowship, National Institutes of Health
  • 2005-2007, Predoctoral Fellowship, American Heart Association
  • 2006, Scripps Research Institute Graduate Retreat Biology Poster Award, Scripps Research Institute
  • 1999-2003, Justice Brandeis Scholar, Brandeis University
  • 2002-2002, Dean's List , Brandeis University
  • 2000-2000, Dean's List, Brandeis University
  • 1999-1999, Dean's List, Brandeis University

Professional/Academic Affiliations

  • 2004-2013, American Society for Cell Biology
  • 2004-2013, Biophysical Society


  • 2009-2013, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases Fellows Advisory Board, Member