Dr. Christine Fiorello

Department of Clinical Sciences
Associate Clinical Professor, Section of Wildlife Medicine
Janet L. Swanson Wildlife Hospital
Department of Clinical Sciences
Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine
930 Campus Road
Ithaca, NY 14853
Fax: 607.253.3531
Email: cvf24@cornell.edu
Clinical/Research Interest
Dr. Fiorello is interested in disease ecology, the impact of disease on conservation, and disease transmission between wild and domestic populations. Other interests include anesthesia and pain management, non-pharmaceutical therapies, care of oiled wildlife, wildlife conservation on indigenous lands, and post-release monitoring of rehabilitated wildlife. Her research is focused on carnivores, seabirds, and raptors.
Education and Training
- 2003-2007 University of Florida, Wildlife & Zoological Medicine Residency
- 1999-2004 Columbia University Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Environmental Biology, PhD in disease ecology. Dissertation: Disease Ecology of Wild and Domestic Carnivores in Bolivia
- 1998-1999 Angell Memorial Animal Hospital, Small Animal Internship
- 1994-1998 Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine, DVM
Dr. Fiorello received her DVM from Tufts University. She completed a small animal internship at Angell Memorial Animal Hospital in Boston and then pursued a PhD in ecology at Columbia University in New York. Her dissertation research took her to Bolivia, where she studied domestic and wild carnivores, as well as tortoises, peccaries, armadillos, and tegu lizards. After completing a 4-year residency in Zoological Medicine at the University of Florida, she was hired as an Assistant Professor at the University of Georgia. She then moved to California, where she spent 7 years as the Response Veterinarian for the Oiled Wildlife Care Network, based at UC Davis Veterinary School. While in this role, she was the lead veterinarian for oiled birds during the Refugio Oil Spill in Santa Barbara. In 2017, she took a staff veterinarian position at the Albuquerque BioPark Zoo. After two years at the Zoo, she became the lead veterinarian for Hawks Aloft, a New Mexico raptor research, conservation, and rehabilitation organization. In 2024, she came to Cornell as an Associate Clinical Professor. She is a Diplomate of the American College of Zoological Medicine and has published widely on health issues of free-ranging and captive wildlife.
Awards and Honors
- 2013 Best Poster Award, American Association of Zoo Veterinarians
- 2007 Manuscript Award, American College of Zoological Medicine
- 2005 Manuscript Award, American College of Zoological Medicine
- 2004 Resident Research Competition Grant, University of Florida
- 2003 National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant
- 1999-2003 Fellowship, Columbia University Center for Environmental Research & Conservation
- 1998 Excellence in Wildlife Medicine Award, Tufts University
Professional/Academic Affiliations
- American Veterinary Medical Association
- American College of Zoological Medicine
- American Association of Zoo Veterinarians
- Wildlife Disease Association
- Raptor Research Foundation
- Scientific Advisory Board, Morris Animal Foundation
- Board of Directors, Hawks Aloft, Inc.