CRO Staff
Paula Cohen, Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Education, oversees research, research administration, and graduate education in the College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM). Her leadership supports opportunities for faculty collaborations, implementation of research initiatives, communication and understanding of regulatory compliance, as well as dissemination of research activities conducted in the College. Under her leadership, the goals of the College Research Office are: (1) to support the strategic research missions of the College; (2) to advance graduate education at the College; and (3) to diversify the College research portfolio by enhancing our knowledge and awareness of collaborative research opportunities throughout Cornell, and to pair this expertise with new external funding opportunities.

Billi Mouillesseaux, Assistant to the Associate Dean for Research & Graduate Education.
Melinda Cirri, Internal Grants Coordinator, provides support to the Associate Dean for Research & Graduate Education, and coordinates the college's internal grants program.
Jenna Bush, Grant & Contract Officer, directs the grant application submission process and provides research administration expertise, mentoring, and leadership. Jenna is supported by a college grant and contract assistant. She has extensive experience working with all sponsoring agencies. Jenna manages the balance of adhering to University policy, sponsor requirements, and the need to communicate with faculty and departments.
Lorissa Haines Grant & Contract Officer, works with the designated research coordinators in each department to provide administrative guidance in the development of proposals for research funding, and directs the grant application submission process by reviewing proposals for compliance with Cornell and sponsor guidelines. Lorissa manages the balance of adherence to University policy and sponsor requirements, and communicates with faculty and departmental staff to maintain this balance. Lorissa is supported by a College Grant and Contract Assistant.
Tracy Hammond, Grant and Contract Assistant, manages databases for grant and contract statistical information, grant files, and research projects. Tracy also provides administrative support for the College Research Office.
Jacob Kurtz, Grant & Contract Officer, works with the designated research coordinators in each department to provide administrative guidance in the development of proposals for research funding, and directs the grant application submission process by reviewing proposals for compliance with Cornell and sponsor guidelines. Jacob manages the balance of adherence to University policy and sponsor requirements, and communicates with faculty and departmental staff to maintain this balance. Jacob also provides support to the college's internal grants program, and the Harry M. Zweig Memorial Fund for Equine Research. Jacob is supported by a College Grant and Contract Assistant.