Method Comparison Validation Study for Blood Glucose Measured by the Petrackr Portable Glucose Meter and Reference Laboratory Chemistry Analyzer
Principal Investigator: Jennifer Prieto
DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant):
This is a method comparison validation study to validate the use of the UBS Petrackr to measure blood glucose in dogs and cats. The Petrackr is a portable blood glucose meter with electrochemical technology that uses an enzymatic analytical method and amperometry detection method and reports plasma equivalent glucose concentration in either mg/dL or mmol/L. The primary objective of this study is to assess the performance of the UBS Petrackr system for testing blood glucose concentrations by comparing results measured by the UBS system on whole blood to a laboratory reference chemistry analyzer (Roche Cobas c501) on heparinized plasma from the same peripheral blood sample. A secondary objective is to assess the precision between replicate measurements with the UBS system. We hypothesize that the UBS Petrackr system can accurately measure blood glucose compared to the Roche Cobas c501 chemistry analyzer with acceptable precision.