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Investigation of Influenza A Virus in Commercial Cat Food

Principal Investigator: Laura Goodman

Co-PI: Gary Whittaker; Colin Parrish

Baker Institute for Animal Health
Sponsor: Cornell Feline Health Center
Title: Investigation of Influenza A Virus in Commercial Cat Food
Project Amount: $19,894
Project Period: September 2023 to February 2024

DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant):

Two food-associated outbreaks of H5N1 Avian Influenza in cats have been reported very recently (June-August 2023): one in Poland (Lukasz et al. 2023) and another in South Korea (Korea Times 2023). Although Influenza A is not considered a foodborne pathogen in humans, cats appear to be potentially more susceptible to this mode of transmission. For this rapid response project, I will focus on molecular detection and characterization only (no live virus culture). The risk assessment will be based on the HA/NA types detected, the presence of mutations in the PB2 gene known to confer adaptation to mammalian growth temperatures, and proximity to circulating strains.