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Investigating the Cause of Elevated Mortalities Affecting Greater One-Horned Rhinos in Chitwan National Park in Nepal

Principal Investigator: Martin Gilbert

Department of Population Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences
Sponsor: Wildlife Conservation Network
Grant Number: NP-CU-01-RRF
Title: Investigating the Cause of Elevated Mortalities Affecting Greater One-Horned Rhinos in Chitwan National Park in Nepal
Project Amount: $49,981
Project Period: July 2024 to December 2025

DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant):

Mortality of greater one-horned rhinos in Chitwan National Park in Nepal has increased since 2015, and the factors contributing to these mortalities remain unknown. A lack of in-country capacity in veterinary pathology and diagnostics has constrained mortality investigations required to determine causes of death. This project will equip national wildlife veterinary teams with the tools and skills needed to investigate rhino mortality cases. Using an innovative web-based system to transfer digitized histological sections, field investigators will receive detailed case reviews from an international network of wildlife pathology specialists working remotely. By emphasizing high quality sample processing within existing laboratories in Nepal, we aim to introduce a forensic diagnostic approach that is efficient, cost-effective, sustainable- an approach not undermined by a broken CITES bureaucracy that has negatively impacted wildlife diagnostics around the world. Understanding the etiological and epidemiological factors that influence rhino mortality are essential precursors to identifying unsustainable trends and avoidable deaths that could be addressed through future management interventions.