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Innovations for Public Health Workforce Development; Augmenting Uptake and Impacts of Public Health Fundamentals Training

Principal Investigator: Gen Meredith

Public & Ecosystem Health
Sponsor: National Network of Public Health Institutes (NNPHI)
Grant Number: G2845_AG-1514
Title: Innovations for Public Health Workforce Development; Augmenting Uptake and Impacts of Public Health Fundamentals Training
Project Amount: $50,000
Project Period: January 2024 to July 2024

DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant):

Over the last two years, NNPHI has had the opportunity to help curate and evaluate use of an online learning pathway (Public Health Fundamentals) designed to help persons new to the field of public health become knowledgeable and up-skilled, ready to engage in collaborative public health planning and action. This online training pathway has been developed from free and accessible training materials available on the CDC TRAIN website. Learners are given access to a curated list of courses, and encouraged to complete the courses in succession. Some courses are required, others are optional. Courses deliver knowledge and teach skills, but there are no assessment tools or processes, other than ‘completion'.

We will work with NNPHI to develop recommendations to help improve and adapt Public Health Fundamentals content and approaches, including those related to uptake/enrollment, completion, and application of learning for real-world impact (e.g., credentialling or badging). To do so, we will: Meet with NNPHI on a bi-weekly basis; Conduct literature reviews and environmental scans; Incorporate learnings and advice from each NNPHI meeting into our work towards project outputs.