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Farm-Level Antimicrobial Use on Dairy Farms: Indicators, Synthetic Benchmarks, and Data Sharing

Principal Investigator: Renata Ivanek

Co-PI: Daryl Nydam

Department of Population Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences
Sponsor: USDA-Federal Capacity Funds
Grant Number: 2023-24-143
Title: Farm-Level Antimicrobial Use on Dairy Farms: Indicators, Synthetic Benchmarks, and Data Sharing
Project Amount: $89,964
Project Period: October 2023 to September 2026

DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant):

This project aims to provide New York State dairy farmers with an antimicrobial stewardship decision support tool prototype. The tool will allow users to track their antimicrobial use in cattle and determine how their antimicrobial use compares to comparable simulation-based synthetic farms. As such, this project will support the dairy industry and One Health in New York State and nationally.