Elucidating the Pathogenesis of Gingival Enlargement in English Bulldogs
Principal Investigator: Jacquelyn Evans
Co-PI: Santiago Peralta
DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant):
Gingival enlargement (GE) is a clinical term used to describe overgrown gum tissue. Affected areas represent plaque retentive surfaces that favor periodontal disease progression. Additionally, GE can impair mastication and result in mucosal ulceration. A generalized form of GE, not caused by medication, is known to occur in some breeds at higher frequency, including the English bulldog. The precise etiology and genetic basis of GE is unknown. The aim of this project is to identify genes and pathways disrupted in GE. We will generate transcriptome sequencing of gingival tissue from at least 20 affected and healthy dogs and matched histopathology to further characterize features of GE. Matched whole genome sequence data from blood will be generated for each dog, allowing investigation of germline variants that may impact observed differential gene expression. The results of this study will be a comprehensive transcriptomic investigation that will reveal genetic pathways underlying GE, leading to improved therapeutic options and candidates for future studies of genetic risk factors.