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Development of a Recombinant CspZ Vaccine Against Lyme Disease Infection

Principal Investigator: Gerald Duhamel

Department of Biomedical Sciences
Sponsor: Baylor College of Medicine
Grant Number: W81XWH2010913
Title: Development of a Recombinant CspZ Vaccine Against Lyme Disease Infection
Project Amount: $3,140
Project Period: September 2022 to September 2023

DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant):

The objective of this proposal is to develop CspZ-YA vaccine as new target prevention against Lyme disease. Aim 1. Develop a high-yielding reproducible process to generate a high-quality CspZ-YA vaccine; Aim 2. Characterize the bactericidal antibodies and cytokine responses triggered by CspZ-YA under different administrated frequency, doses, and adjuvant formulations; Aim 3. Define the administrated frequency, dose, and adjuvant that most efficiently prevent Lyme borreliae colonization and manifestations after challenge. Duhamel Lab will obtain the tissue slides prepared by Dr. Yi-Pin Lin’s laboratory and histologically evaluate the Lyme disease-associated
arthritis and carditis in mice that will be used to determine CspZ-YA vaccine’s efficacy.