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Cost-Offset Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) to Improve Food Security and Expand Agricultural Systems in NYS

Principal Investigator: Karla Hanson

Public & Ecosystem Health
Sponsor: USDA-Federal Capacity Funds
Grant Number: 2023-24-132
Title: Cost-Offset Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) to Improve Food Security and Expand Agricultural Systems in NYS
Project Amount: $90,000
Project Period: October 2023 to September 2026

DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant):

NYS farms can improve food security and human nutrition through community supported agriculture (CSA) that is affordable and offers the sizes, contents, and distribution frequency desired by low-income (LI) consumers. This study will identify cost-offset (reduced-price) CSA share options that are feasible and profitable for NYS farms, and in
which LI households will readily participate.