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Comparison of the Effectiveness of Bovilis J5 with Two Other Commercially Available Vaccines Labeled Against Coliform Mastitis

Principal Investigator: Daryl Nydam

Public & Ecosystem Health
Sponsor: Merck & Company
Grant Number: MS-Bovilis J5-01-23
Title: Comparison of the Effectiveness of Bovilis J5 with Two Other Commercially Available Vaccines Labeled Against Coliform Mastitis
Project Amount: $233,136
Project Period: December 2023 to December 2024

DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant):

For many decades vaccines against the J5 core antigen of coliform bacteria have been used in dairy cattle. Early studies comparing vaccinates to unvaccinated controls indicated a reduced incidence of clinical mastitis. In further studies comparing vaccinates to unvaccinated controls, those cows administered a 2-dose J5 vaccine showed less milk loss and less severe clinical coliform mastitis and culling/death. Despite widespread use there have been no randomized controlled field trials using natural infection comparing commercially available 3- dose gram negative core antigen vaccines to commercially available 2-dose vaccines with regards to udder health, reproductive, and productive outcomes.

The objective is to evaluate three commercially available vaccines using labeled dosing, including the Bovilis® J5 (Merck & Co, Rahway, NJ) using 3 doses, Endovac-Dairy® (Endovac Animal Health LLC, Columbia, MO) using 2 doses, and JVACTM (Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health USA Inc., Athens, GA) using 2 doses on important outcomes associated with clinical mastitis in dairy cows.