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Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) Surveillance Support and Data Management for Tennessee

Principal Investigator: Krysten Schuler

Public & Ecosystem Health
Sponsor: Tennessee Wildlife Resources Foundation
Grant Number: 75079-001
Title: Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) Surveillance Support and Data Management for Tennessee
Project Amount: $120,000
Project Period: June 2022 to June 2027

DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant):

Chronic wasting disease (CWD) threatens the long-term health of cervid populations across North America. For many state wildlife agencies, the introduction and spread of CWD has caused significant financial impacts and resource allocation issues. Loss of direct and indirect revenue related to hunting can also affect local economies.

CWD was first detected in Tennessee in 2018. At the time, TWRA had enacted a CWD surveillance plan developed by the Cornell Wildlife Health Lab (CWHL). The surveillance plan used a risk-weighted sampling system to focus effort in the areas where the disease was more likely to be introduced. 

Since 2018, the CWHL has continued to support TWRA’s CWD program through improved surveillance data collection and management, and the use of mathematical modeling to understand the disease in Tennessee and further enhance surveillance and response efforts. Through this service agreement, the CWHL will continue to support TWRA to further improve and enhance its CWD surveillance and management efforts.