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NYS Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory at Cornell University Forensic Pathology Program

Principal Investigator: Francois Elvinger

Animal Health Diagnostic Center
Sponsor: New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets
Grant Number: CM04068CK
Title: NYS Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory at Cornell University Forensic Pathology Program
Project Amount: $460,000
Project Period: April 2021 to December 2022

DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant):

As New York state's land-grant institution, Cornell University is charged with advancing the lives and livelihoods of the state's citizens through teaching, research, and public service. The work conducted on this grant will touch on each of the University's mission pillars. The work performed will include the teaching of students and staff, research that will come from the review of cases, and most importantly, the public service that this program will provide our state's citizens.