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A New Water Bath Sonicator for at the Baker Institute to Support Next-Generation Biomedical Science Applications

Principal Investigator: Charles Danko

Baker Institute for Animal Health
Sponsor: CVM Equipment Grant Program
Title: A New Water Bath Sonicator for at the Baker Institute to Support Next-Generation Biomedical Science Applications
Project Amount: $29,111
Project Period: June 2022 to May 2023

DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant):

We request funds to purchase a new water-bath sonicator that will support research in the majority of faculty groups in the Baker Institute. Uses of a water bath sonicator involve shearing DNA for a variety of genomic and functional analyses, including chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP), chromatin run-on and sequencing (ChROseq), hybrid capture sequencing, and genomic DNA fragmentation and sequencing analysis. For sequencing applications requiring a consistent and narrow range of fragment sizes compatible with short-read sequencing platforms, sonication is essential. Since Cornell does not have its own PacBio instrumentation, which is the gold standard for high quality long-read sequencing, most investigators are utilizing short-read chemistry.