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Multimode Plate Reader to Advance Research in the Microbiology and Immunology Department

Principal Investigator: Cynthia Leifer

Department of Microbiology and Immunology
Sponsor: CVM Equipment Grant Program
Title: Multimode Plate Reader to Advance Research in the Microbiology and Immunology Department
Project Amount: $50,000
Project Period: June 2022 to May 2023

DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant):

This request is for a multifunctional multiwell plate reader. This reader is used in many different types of assays including ELISA, signaling assays to measure transcription factor activity, real-time activity assays using caged substrates that when cleaved emit fluorescence, as well as traditional protein quantification assays. To prepare this request, Dr. Leifer assembled 5 investigators in Micro&Immuno who regularly use the current equipment. Moreover, Dr. Leifer has a number of collaborations and routinely gives access to her lab’s luminometer for other investigators at CVM and throughout Cornell. We propose to purchase an updated and multifunctional plate reader to replace both aging instruments as well as add new functionality. This new functionality will expand the types of assays to increase the impact of research and lead to new and innovative experiments in grant proposals.